HAProxy Data Plane API
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

330 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2019 HAProxy Technologies
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package handlers
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
client_native "github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6"
// CreateClusterHandlerImpl implementation of the CreateClusterHandler interface
type CreateClusterHandlerImpl struct {
Client client_native.HAProxyClient
Config *configuration.Configuration
ReloadAgent haproxy.IReloadAgent
// GetClusterHandlerImpl implementation of the GetClusterHandler interface
type GetClusterHandlerImpl struct {
Config *configuration.Configuration
// ClusterInitiateCertificateRefreshHandlerImpl implementation of the ClusterInitiateCertificateRefreshHandler interface
type ClusterInitiateCertificateRefreshHandlerImpl struct {
Config *configuration.Configuration
type DeleteClusterHandlerImpl struct {
Client client_native.HAProxyClient
Config *configuration.Configuration
Users *configuration.Users
ReloadAgent haproxy.IReloadAgent
type EditClusterHandlerImpl struct {
Config *configuration.Configuration
// Handle executing the request and returning a response
func (h *ClusterInitiateCertificateRefreshHandlerImpl) Handle(params cluster.InitiateCertificateRefreshParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
if h.Config.Mode.Load() != configuration.ModeCluster {
return cluster.NewInitiateCertificateRefreshForbidden()
return cluster.NewInitiateCertificateRefreshOK()
func (h *CreateClusterHandlerImpl) err500(err error, transaction *models.Transaction) middleware.Responder {
if transaction != nil {
configuration, confErr := h.Client.Configuration()
if confErr == nil {
_ = configuration.DeleteTransaction(transaction.ID)
msg := err.Error()
code := int64(500)
return cluster.NewPostClusterDefault(500).WithPayload(&models.Error{
Code: &code,
Message: &msg,
func (h *CreateClusterHandlerImpl) err406(err error, transaction *models.Transaction) middleware.Responder {
// 406 Not Acceptable
if transaction != nil {
configuration, confErr := h.Client.Configuration()
if confErr == nil {
_ = configuration.DeleteTransaction(transaction.ID)
msg := err.Error()
code := int64(406)
return cluster.NewPostClusterDefault(406).WithPayload(&models.Error{
Code: &code,
Message: &msg,
func (h *CreateClusterHandlerImpl) err409(err error, transaction *models.Transaction) middleware.Responder {
// 409 Conflict
if transaction != nil {
configuration, confErr := h.Client.Configuration()
if confErr == nil {
_ = configuration.DeleteTransaction(transaction.ID)
msg := err.Error()
code := int64(409)
return cluster.NewPostClusterDefault(409).WithPayload(&models.Error{
Code: &code,
Message: &msg,
func (h *CreateClusterHandlerImpl) Handle(params cluster.PostClusterParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
key := h.Config.Cluster.BootstrapKey.Load()
if params.Data.BootstrapKey != "" && key != params.Data.BootstrapKey {
// before we switch to cluster mode, check if folder for storage is compatible with dataplane
key, err := configuration.DecodeBootstrapKey(params.Data.BootstrapKey)
if err != nil {
return h.err406(err, nil)
log.Warningf("received instructions from %s to join cluster %s at %s", params.HTTPRequest.RemoteAddr, key["name"], key["address"])
errStorageDir := configuration.CheckIfStorageDirIsOK(key["storage-dir"], h.Config)
if errStorageDir != nil {
log.Warningf("configured storage dir incompatible with cluster configuration: %s", errStorageDir)
return h.err409(errStorageDir, nil)
// Init NOTICE file to inform user that the cluster storage folder is programmatically managed by Fusion API
if errStorageInit := configuration.InitStorageNoticeFile(key["storage-dir"]); errStorageInit != nil {
log.Warningf("unable to create notice file, %s: skipping it", errStorageInit.Error())
// enforcing API advertising options
if a := params.AdvertisedAddress; a != nil {
h.Config.APIOptions.APIAddress = *a
if p := params.AdvertisedPort; p != nil {
h.Config.APIOptions.APIPort = *p
// ensuring configuration file saving occurs before notifying the monitor about the bootstrap key change
defer func() {
err := h.Config.Save()
if err != nil {
return h.err500(err, nil)
return cluster.NewPostClusterOK().WithPayload(getClusterSettings(h.Config))
// Handle executing the request and returning a response
func (h *GetClusterHandlerImpl) Handle(params cluster.GetClusterParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
return cluster.NewGetClusterOK().WithPayload(getClusterSettings(h.Config))
func (h *DeleteClusterHandlerImpl) Handle(params cluster.DeleteClusterParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
log.Warningf("received instructions from %s to switch to standalone mode", params.HTTPRequest.RemoteAddr)
// Only do when dataplane is in cluster mode, if not, do nothing and return 204
if h.Config.Mode.Load() == configuration.ModeCluster {
log.Warning("clearing cluster users")
for _, u := range h.Users.GetUsers() {
// remove all users for cluster communication
if strings.HasPrefix(u.Name, "dpapi-c-") {
errRU := h.Users.RemoveUser(u)
if errRU != nil {
// If we don't want to keep the haproxy configuration, set it to dummy config
if params.Configuration == nil || *params.Configuration != "keep" {
log.Warning("clearing configuration as requested")
conf, err := h.Client.Configuration()
if err != nil {
return h.err500(err, nil)
version, errVersion := conf.GetVersion("")
if errVersion != nil || version < 1 {
// silently fallback to 1
version = 1
config := fmt.Sprintf(DummyConfig, time.Now().Format("01-02-2006 15:04:05 MST"), h.Config.Name.Load())
if err = conf.PostRawConfiguration(&config, version, true); err != nil {
return h.err500(err, nil)
// we need to restart haproxy
err = h.ReloadAgent.Restart()
if err != nil {
return h.err500(err, nil)
// Deleting the storage directory used by Fusion:
// avoiding at all entering any nil pointer dereference.
if storageData := h.Config.GetStorageData(); storageData != nil && storageData.Cluster != nil && storageData.Cluster.StorageDir != nil {
if storageErr := configuration.RemoveStorageFolder(*storageData.Cluster.StorageDir); storageErr != nil {
log.Warningf("failed to clean-up the cluster storage directory: %s", storageErr.Error())
defer func() {
log.Warning("reloading to apply configuration changes")
err := h.Config.Save()
if err != nil {
return h.err500(err, nil)
return cluster.NewDeleteClusterNoContent()
func (h *DeleteClusterHandlerImpl) err500(err error, transaction *models.Transaction) middleware.Responder {
if transaction != nil {
configuration, confErr := h.Client.Configuration()
if confErr == nil {
_ = configuration.DeleteTransaction(transaction.ID)
msg := err.Error()
code := int64(500)
return cluster.NewDeleteClusterDefault(500).WithPayload(&models.Error{
Code: &code,
Message: &msg,
func (h *EditClusterHandlerImpl) Handle(params cluster.EditClusterParams, principal interface{}) middleware.Responder {
// Only do when dataplane is in cluster mode, if not, do nothing and return 204
if h.Config.Mode.Load() == configuration.ModeCluster {
// for now change only cluster log targets in PUT method
if params.Data != nil && params.Data.Cluster != nil {
if clusterLogTargetsChanged(h.Config.Cluster.ClusterLogTargets, params.Data.Cluster.ClusterLogTargets) {
h.Config.Cluster.ClusterLogTargets = params.Data.Cluster.ClusterLogTargets
err := h.Config.Save()
if err != nil {
return h.err500(err)
defer h.Config.Notify.Reload.Notify()
return cluster.NewEditClusterOK().WithPayload(getClusterSettings(h.Config))
return h.err406(fmt.Errorf("dataplaneapi in single mode"))
func (h *EditClusterHandlerImpl) err406(err error) middleware.Responder {
// 406 Not Acceptable
msg := err.Error()
code := int64(406)
return cluster.NewEditClusterDefault(406).WithPayload(&models.Error{
Code: &code,
Message: &msg,
func (h *EditClusterHandlerImpl) err500(err error) middleware.Responder {
msg := err.Error()
code := int64(500)
return cluster.NewEditClusterDefault(500).WithPayload(&models.Error{
Code: &code,
Message: &msg,
func getClusterSettings(cfg *configuration.Configuration) *models.ClusterSettings {
portStr := cfg.Cluster.Port.Load()
port := int64(portStr)
var clusterSettings *models.ClusterSettingsCluster
if cfg.Mode.Load() == configuration.ModeCluster {
clusterSettings = &models.ClusterSettingsCluster{
Address: cfg.Cluster.URL.Load(),
Port: &port,
APIBasePath: cfg.Cluster.APIBasePath.Load(),
Name: cfg.Cluster.Name.Load(),
Description: cfg.Cluster.Description.Load(),
ClusterLogTargets: cfg.Cluster.ClusterLogTargets,
settings := &models.ClusterSettings{
BootstrapKey: cfg.Cluster.BootstrapKey.Load(),
Cluster: clusterSettings,
Mode: cfg.Mode.Load(),
Status: cfg.Status.Load(),
return settings
func clusterLogTargetsChanged(oldCLT []*models.ClusterLogTarget, newCLT []*models.ClusterLogTarget) bool {
if len(oldCLT) == len(newCLT) {
eqCtr := 0
for _, oldT := range oldCLT {
for _, newT := range newCLT {
if reflect.DeepEqual(oldT, newT) {
return !(eqCtr == len(oldCLT))
return true
const DummyConfig = `# NOTE: This configuration file was managed by the Fusion Control Plane.
# Fusion released the control at %s
mode http
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 30000
timeout server 10000
frontend disabled
bind /tmp/dataplaneapi-%s.sock name tmp