HAProxy Data Plane API
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

137 lines
5.3 KiB

set -e
SPEC_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
echo " ---> source folder: $SPEC_DIR"
DST_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
echo " ---> generate folder: $DST_DIR"
# see if we have a replace directive
CN_VERSION=$(go mod edit -json | jq -c -r '.Replace | .[] | select(.Old.Path | contains("github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6")) | .New.Version' 2>/dev/null | awk -F"-" '{print $NF}') || ""
REMOTE_VERSION=$(go mod edit -json | jq -c -r '.Replace | .[] | select(.Old.Path | contains("github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6")) | .New.Version' 2>/dev/null | awk -F"/" '{print $1}') || ""
if [ "$REMOTE_VERSION" = "null" ]; then
# we have a local version of CN
CN_VERSION=$(go mod edit -json | jq -c -r '.Replace | .[] | select(.Old.Path | contains("github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6")) | .New.Path' 2>/dev/null) || ""
# if hash is to short take all of it (example v1.0.0-dev1)
[ "${#CN_VERSION}" -gt 0 ] && [ "${#CN_VERSION}" -lt 6 ] && CN_VERSION=$(go mod edit -json | jq -c -r '.Replace | .[] | select(.Old.Path | contains("github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6")) | .New.Version')
# check if version is there, if not, use one from require
[ -z "$CN_VERSION" ] && CN_VERSION=$(go mod edit -json | jq -c -r '.Require | .[] | select(.Path | contains("github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6")) | .Version' 2>/dev/null)
# check if version contains '-' and if it is a 12 char commit hash then use it, if not use the whole tag
suffix=$(echo $CN_VERSION | awk -F"-" '{print$NF}')
[ -z "${CN_VERSION##*"-"*}" ] && [ ${#suffix} -eq 12 ] && CN_VERSION=$suffix
echo " ---> version of client native used: $CN_VERSION"
# extract repository
REPO_PATH=$(go mod edit -json | jq -r '.Replace | .[] | select(.Old.Path | contains("github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6")) | .New.Path' 2>/dev/null | awk -F"/" '{print $2 "/" $3}') || ""
[ -z "$REPO_PATH" ] && REPO_PATH=haproxytech/client-native
# extract url, gitlab and github have different urls to raw content
URL_PATH=$(go mod edit -json | jq -r '.Replace | .[] | select(.Old.Path | contains("github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6")) | .New.Path' 2>/dev/null | awk -F"/" '{print $1}') || ""
if [[ $URL_PATH =~ "gitlab" ]]; then
if [ "$REMOTE_VERSION" = "null" ]; then
SPEC_URL=$(readlink -f $CN_VERSION/specification)
echo " ---> using local version of specification: $SPEC_URL"
echo " ---> copy specification to: $SPEC_DIR/haproxy_spec.yaml"
cp $SPEC_URL/build/haproxy_spec.yaml $SPEC_DIR/haproxy_spec.yaml
echo " ---> copy copyright to : $SPEC_DIR/copyright.txt"
cp $SPEC_URL/copyright.txt $SPEC_DIR/copyright.txt
echo " ---> URL path: $URL_PATH"
echo " ---> repository path: $REPO_PATH"
echo " ---> client native version: $CN_VERSION"
echo " ---> fetching specification: $SPEC_URL/build/haproxy_spec.yaml"
wget -q -O $SPEC_DIR/haproxy_spec.yaml $SPEC_URL/build/haproxy_spec.yaml
echo " ---> fetching copyright: $SPEC_URL/copyright.txt"
wget -q -O $SPEC_DIR/copyright.txt $SPEC_URL/copyright.txt
echo "module github.com/haproxytech" > $DST_DIR/go.mod
mkdir -p $DST_DIR/dataplaneapi/operations
cp configure_data_plane.go $DST_DIR/dataplaneapi/configure_data_plane.go
swagger generate server -f $SPEC_DIR/haproxy_spec.yaml \
-A "Data Plane" \
-t $DST_DIR \
--existing-models github.com/haproxytech/client-native/v6/models \
--exclude-main \
--skip-models \
-s dataplaneapi \
--additional-initialism=FCGI \
--tags=Discovery \
--tags=ServiceDiscovery \
--tags=Information \
--tags=Health \
--tags=Specification \
--tags=SpecificationOpenapiv3 \
--tags=Transactions \
--tags=Sites \
--tags=Stats \
--tags=Global \
--tags=Frontend \
--tags=Backend \
--tags=Ring \
--tags=DgramBind \
--tags=LogForward \
--tags=Bind \
--tags=Server \
--tags=Configuration \
--tags=HTTPCheck \
--tags=HTTPRequestRule \
--tags=HTTPResponseRule \
--tags=HTTPAfterResponseRule \
--tags=HTTPErrorRule \
--tags=HTTPErrors \
--tags=BackendSwitchingRule \
--tags=ServerSwitchingRule \
--tags=TCPResponseRule \
--tags=TCPRequestRule \
--tags=TCPCheck \
--tags=FCGIApp \
--tags=Filter \
--tags=StickRule \
--tags=LogTarget \
--tags=Reloads \
--tags=ACL \
--tags=Defaults \
--tags=StickTable \
--tags=Maps \
--tags=Nameserver \
--tags=Cluster \
--tags=Peer \
--tags=PeerEntry \
--tags=ProcessManager \
--tags=Resolver \
--tags=Spoe \
--tags=SpoeTransactions \
--tags=Storage \
--tags="ACL Runtime" \
--tags=ServerTemplate \
--tags=Cache \
--tags=DeclareCapture \
--tags=Userlist \
--tags=User \
--tags=Group \
--tags=MailerEntry \
--tags=Mailers \
--tags=Table \
-r $SPEC_DIR/copyright.txt \
--template-dir generate/swagger/templates
echo " ---> removing doc.go"
rm doc.go || echo "doc.go does not exists"
echo " ---> removing embedded_spec.go"
rm embedded_spec.go || echo "embedded_spec.go does not exists"
echo " ---> removing server.go"
rm server.go || echo "server.go does not exists"
echo " ---> removing operations/*"
rm -rf operations/* || echo "operations/ does not exists"
echo " ---> copy generated files to destination"
cp -a $DST_DIR/dataplaneapi/. .