const Busboy = require('busboy'); const fileFactory = require('./fileFactory'); const { cleanupStream, tempFileHandler } = require('./tempFileHandler'); /** * Processes multipart request * Builds a req.body object for fields * Builds a req.files object for files * @param {Object} options expressFileupload and Busboy options * @param {Object} req Express request object * @param {Object} res Express response object * @param {Function} next Express next method * @return {void} */ module.exports = function processMultipart(options, req, res, next) { let busboyOptions = {}; let busboy; req.files = null; // Build busboy config for (let k in options) { if (, k)) { busboyOptions[k] = options[k]; } } // Attach request headers to busboy config busboyOptions.headers = req.headers; // Init busboy instance busboy = new Busboy(busboyOptions); // Build multipart req.body fields busboy.on('field', function(fieldname, val) { req.body = req.body || {}; let prev = req.body[fieldname]; if (!prev) { return (req.body[fieldname] = val); } if (Array.isArray(prev)) { return prev.push(val); } req.body[fieldname] = [prev, val]; }); // Build req.files fields busboy.on('file', function(fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mime) { const buffers = []; let safeFileNameRegex = /[^\w-]/g; const memHandler = function(data) { buffers.push(data); if (options.debug) { return console.log('Uploading %s -> %s', fieldname, filename); // eslint-disable-line } }; console.log('use temp files???????', options.useTempFiles, options); const dataHandler = options.useTempFiles ? tempFileHandler(options, fieldname, filename) : memHandler; file.on('limit', () => { if (options.abortOnLimit) { res.writeHead(413, { Connection: 'close' }); res.end('File size limit has been reached'); } }); file.on('data', dataHandler); file.on('end', function() { if (!req.files) { req.files = {}; } if (options.useTempFiles) { cleanupStream(); } const buf = Buffer.concat(buffers); // see: // firefox uploads empty file in case of cache miss when f5ing page. // resulting in unexpected behavior. if there is no file data, the file is invalid. if (!buf.length) { return; } if (options.safeFileNames) { let maxExtensionLength = 3; let extension = ''; if (typeof options.safeFileNames === 'object') { safeFileNameRegex = options.safeFileNames; } maxExtensionLength = parseInt(options.preserveExtension); if (options.preserveExtension || maxExtensionLength === 0) { if (isNaN(maxExtensionLength)) { maxExtensionLength = 3; } else { maxExtensionLength = Math.abs(maxExtensionLength); } let filenameParts = filename.split('.'); let filenamePartsLen = filenameParts.length; if (filenamePartsLen > 1) { extension = filenameParts.pop(); if ( extension.length > maxExtensionLength && maxExtensionLength > 0 ) { filenameParts[filenameParts.length - 1] += '.' + extension.substr(0, extension.length - maxExtensionLength); extension = extension.substr(-maxExtensionLength); } extension = maxExtensionLength ? '.' + extension.replace(safeFileNameRegex, '') : ''; filename = filenameParts.join('.'); } } filename = filename.replace(safeFileNameRegex, '').concat(extension); } const newFile = fileFactory( { name: filename, buffer: buf, encoding: encoding, truncated: file.truncated, mimetype: mime }, options ); // Non-array fields if (!req.files.hasOwnProperty(fieldname)) { req.files[fieldname] = newFile; } else { // Array fields if (req.files[fieldname] instanceof Array) { req.files[fieldname].push(newFile); } else { req.files[fieldname] = [req.files[fieldname], newFile]; } } }); file.on('error', cleanupStream, next); }); busboy.on('finish', next); busboy.on('error', next); req.pipe(busboy); };