add back evaluate to newpost, close #4

pass buttons as an arg for notify, ref #3
add buttons to report notifications, close #2
Thomas Lynch 2 years ago
parent 043de1bda4
commit 7917c79495
  1. 4
  2. 21
  3. 27

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ class PostEvaluator(Evaluator):
trigger_urls = [
*filter(self.url_blacklist_re.match, self._url_extractor.find_urls(text, only_unique=True))
] if self.url_blacklist_re and text else []
trigger_entries = [
_format_match(entry) for entry in re.finditer(self.blacklist_re, text)
] if self.blacklist_re and text else []
trigger_entries = re.findall(self.blacklist_re, text) if self.blacklist_re and text else []
logging.debug(f'Evaluated text:{text}\ntrigger urls:{trigger_urls}\ntrigger entries:{trigger_entries}')
return trigger_urls, trigger_entries

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import subprocess
from os import getcwd
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Notifier(ABC):
def notify(self, title, content, *args, **kwargs):
@ -12,14 +11,18 @@ class TermuxNotifier(Notifier):
def notify(self, title, content, *args, **kwargs):
args = ['termux-notification', '--title', title,
'--content', content or 'No Message']
if 'url' in kwargs:
args = args + ['--action', f'termux-open-url {kwargs["url"]}',
'--button1', 'Delete',
'--button1-action', f'python3 {getcwd()}/ -b {kwargs["board"]} -p {kwargs["postId"]} -a delete',
'--button2', 'Delete+Ban',
'--button2-action', f'python3 {getcwd()}/ -b {kwargs["board"]} -p {kwargs["postId"]} -a delete,ban',
'--button3', 'Delete+Global Ban',
'--button3-action', f'python3 {getcwd()}/ -b {kwargs["board"]} -p {kwargs["postId"]} -a delete,global_ban']
#open link when clicking on notification
if 'link' in kwargs:
args = args + ['--action', f'termux-open-url {kwargs["link"]}']
#add buttons to the notification
if 'buttons' in kwargs:
post = kwargs["post"]
for i, button in enumerate(kwargs["buttons"], start=1):
args = args + [f'--button{i}', button["text"],
f'--button{i}-action', f'python3 {getcwd()}/ -b {post["board"]} -p {post["postId"]} -a {button["actions"]}']
class NotifySendNotifier(Notifier):

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ from threading import Thread, Event
import socketio
from requests import RequestException
def get_path(post): return f'>>>/{post["board"]}/{post["thread"] or post["postId"]} ({post["postId"]})'
def get_quote(post): return f'>>>/{post["board"]}/{post["thread"] or post["postId"]} ({post["postId"]})'
def get_manage_path(post): return f'/{post["board"]}/manage/thread/{post["thread"] or post["postId"]}.html#{post["postId"]}'
class Watcher(ABC, Thread):
def __init__(self, session):
@ -40,8 +42,15 @@ class RecentWatcher(Watcher):
def on_new_post(post):
post_url=f'{session.imageboard_url}/{post["board"]}/manage/thread/{post["thread"] or post["postId"]}.html#{post["postId"]}'
notify(f'Alert! {get_path(post)}\n', post['nomarkup'], url=post_url, board=post["board"], postId=post["postId"])
urls, entries = evaluate(post["nomarkup"])
if urls or entries:
{"text":"Delete+Ban" if board else "Delete+Global Ban","actions":"delete,ban" if board else "delete,global_ban"}]
#todo: add this last button even if a board recents, because global staff can still global ban. but need a way to
#check if the account is global staff, which we dont have a json endpoint for in jschan yet.
#{"text":"Delete+Global Ban","actions":"dismiss" if board else "global_dismiss"}]
notify(f'Alert! {get_quote(post)}\n', post['nomarkup'], link=post_url, post=post, buttons=buttons)
self.client = client
@ -61,6 +70,7 @@ class ReportsWatcher(Watcher):
self.notify = notify
self.fetch_interval = fetch_interval
self.board = board
self._endpoint = f'{session.imageboard_url}/{f"{board}/manage" if board else "globalmanage"}/reports.json'
self.known_reports = 0
@ -75,9 +85,14 @@ class ReportsWatcher(Watcher):
reported_posts, num_reported_posts = self.fetch_reports()
if 0 < num_reported_posts != self.known_reports:
self.notify(f'New reports!', "\n".join([
f'{get_path(p)} {[r["reason"] for r in (p["globalreports"] if "globalreports" in p else p["reports"])]}'
for p in reported_posts]))
for p in reported_posts:
#todo: allow to customise these buttons somewhere
{"text":"Delete+Ban" if self.board else "Delete+Global Ban","actions":"delete,ban" if self.board else "delete,global_ban"},
{"text":"Dismiss","actions":"dismiss" if self.board else "global_dismiss"}]
self.notify(f'New reports!', "\n".join([f'{get_quote(p)} {[r["reason"] for r in (p["globalreports"] if "globalreports" in p else p["reports"])]}']),
link=post_url, post=p, buttons=buttons)
self.known_reports = num_reported_posts
