A somewhat updated fork from GraphicsMagick for node
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var assert = require('assert')
var os = require('os')
var isLinux = os.platform() === 'linux'
// Be more lax with the errors if we're on linux
var errorFactor = isLinux ? 10 : 1
module.exports = function (_, dir, finish, gm) {
if (!gm.integration)
return finish();
var im = _._options.imageMagick;
var test = gm(dir + '/photo.JPG');
if (im) test.options({ imageMagick: true });
test.identify(function (err) {
if (err) return finish(err);
var d = this.data;
if (im) {
assert.equal(d.Orientation, 'TopLeft');
assert.equal(d['Geometry'], '430x488+0+0');
assert.equal(d['Print size'], '5.97222x6.77778');
assert.ok(d['Channel depth'].Red || d['Channel depth'].red);
assert.ok(d['Channel depth'].Green || d['Channel depth'].green);
assert.ok(/0\s+\(0\)/.test(d['Channel statistics'].Red.min));
var sd = d['Channel statistics'].Red['standard deviation'].split(' ')
var sd1 = parseFloat(sd[0])
var sd2 = parseFloat(sd[1].slice(1, -1))
assert.ok(sd1 && Math.abs(sd1 - 71.7079) < .01 * errorFactor)
assert.ok(sd2 && Math.abs(sd2 - 0.281208) < .001 * errorFactor)
var imageStat = parseFloat(d['Image statistics'].Overall.kurtosis)
if (!isLinux) {
// This is undefined in Linux
assert.equal(d['Rendering intent'], 'Perceptual');
assert.equal(d.Properties['exif:DateTimeDigitized'], '2011:07:01 11:23:16');
assert.equal(d.Format, 'JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)');
} else {
assert.equal(d.Orientation, 'TopLeft');
assert.equal(d['JPEG-Quality'], 96);
assert.ok(/(0.2812)/.test(d['Channel Statistics'].Red['Standard Deviation']));
var ex = d['Profile-EXIF'];
assert.equal(ex.Make, 'Apple');
assert.equal(ex.Model, 'iPad 2');
assert.equal(ex['GPS Info'], 558);
assert.equal(ex['GPS Longitude'], '80/1,4970/100,0/1');
assert.equal(ex['GPS Time Stamp'], '15/1,23/1,945/1');
assert.equal(d.Format, 'JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)');
assert.equal(d['Geometry'], '430x488');
gif(function () {
function gif (callback) {
var test = gm(dir + '/blue.gif');
if (im) test.options({ imageMagick: true });
test.identify(function (err) {
if (err) return finish(err);
if (im) {
if (!isLinux) {
assert.equal(1, this.data.color);
} else {
if (!isLinux) {
assert.equal(2, this.data.color);
var blueWorks = this.data.Colors['0'] == '( 0, 0,255)\t blue';
var blackWorks = this.data.Colors['1'] == '( 0, 0, 0)\t black';
if (!blueWorks) {
blueWorks = this.data.Colors['1'] == '( 0, 0,255)\t blue';
blackWorks = this.data.Colors['0'] == '( 0, 0, 0)\t black';
function pattern () {
var test = gm(dir + '/blue.gif');
var format = '%f: %m, %wx%h';
var value = 'blue.gif: GIF, 100x200';
if (im) test.options({ imageMagick: true });
test.identify(format, function (err, result) {
if (err) return finish(err);
assert.equal(result, value);
format: format
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) return finish(err);
assert.equal(result, value);