Next.js+React web interface for controlling HAProxy clusters (groups of servers), in conjunction with with
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import NProgress from 'nprogress';
// Account
export async function getAccount(dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/account.json', 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function getBilling(dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/billing.json', 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function updateOnboarding(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/onboarding', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function login(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/login', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function register(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/register', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function getDownIps(dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/down.json', 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function setDownIps(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/down', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
// Clusters
export async function getClusters(dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/clusters.json', 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function addCluster(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/cluster/add', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
export async function deleteCluster(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/cluster/delete', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
export async function changeCluster(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/cluster', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
// Domains
export async function getDomains(dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/domains.json', 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function addDomain(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/domain/add', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
export async function deleteDomain(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/domain/delete', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
// Dns
export async function getDnsDomain(domain, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall(`/dns/${domain}.json`, 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function getDnsRecords(domain, zone, type, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall(`/dns/${domain}/${zone}/${type}.json`, 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function addUpdateDnsRecord(domain, zone, type, body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall(`/forms/dns/${domain}/${zone}/${type}`, 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function deleteDnsRecord(domain, zone, type, body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall(`/forms/dns/${domain}/${zone}/${type}/delete`, 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
// Certs
export async function getCerts(dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/certs.json', 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function addCert(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/cert/add', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
export async function deleteCert(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/cert/delete', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
export async function uploadCert(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/cert/upload', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
export async function verifyCSR(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/csr/verify', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
// Maps
export async function getMap(mapName, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall(`/map/${mapName}.json`, 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
export async function addToMap(mapName, body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall(`/forms/map/${mapName}/add`, 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
export async function deleteFromMap(mapName, body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall(`/forms/map/${mapName}/delete`, 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
// Stats
export async function getStats(dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/stats.json', 'GET', null, dispatch, errorCallback, router);
// Global toggle
export async function globalToggle(body, dispatch, errorCallback, router) {
return ApiCall('/forms/global/toggle', 'POST', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, 0.5);
function buildOptions(route, method, body) {
// Convert method uppercase
method = method.toUpperCase();
const options = {
redirect: 'manual',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
if (body != null) {
options.body = JSON.stringify(body);
//TODO: for GETs, use "body" with URLSearchParams and append as url query
return options;
export async function ApiCall(route, method='get', body, dispatch, errorCallback, router, finishProgress=1) {
// Start progress bar
// Build request options for fetch
const requestOptions = buildOptions(route, method, body);
// Make request, catch errors, and finally{} to always end progress bar
let response;
try {
response = await fetch(route, requestOptions);
} catch(e) {
} finally {
if (finishProgress != null) {
} else {
if (!response) {
errorCallback('An error occurred');
// Process request response
const contentType = response.headers.get('Content-type');
if (!contentType) {
errorCallback('An error occurred');
if (contentType.startsWith('application/json;')) {
response = await response.json();
if (response.redirect) {
return router.push(response.redirect, null, { scroll: false });
} else if (response.error) {
return response;
} else {
errorCallback('An error occurred');