const db = require('../db.js'); const acme = require('../acme.js'); const url = require('url'); const { dynamicResponse } = require('../util.js'); const { verifyCSR } = require('../ca.js'); /** * GET /certs * certs page */ exports.certsPage = async (app, req, res) => { const dbCerts = await db.db.collection('certs') .find({ username: res.locals.user.username, }, { projection: { _id: 1, subject: 1, altnames: 1, date: 1, storageName: 1, } }) .toArray() dbCerts.forEach(c => =; const clusterCerts = await res.locals.dataPlane .getAllStorageSSLCertificates() .then(certs => { return => { const approxSubject = c.storage_name .replace('_', '.') .substr(0, c.storage_name.length-4); return; }); }); return app.render(req, res, '/certs', { csrf: req.csrfToken(), dbCerts, clusterCerts, }); }; /** * GET /certs.json * certs json data */ exports.certsJson = async (req, res) => { const dbCerts = await db.db.collection('certs') .find({ username: res.locals.user.username, }, { projection: { _id: 1, subject: 1, altnames: 1, date: 1, storageName: 1, } }) .toArray() dbCerts.forEach(c => =; const clusterCerts = await res.locals.dataPlane .getAllStorageSSLCertificates() .then(certs => { return => { const approxSubject = c.storage_name .replace('_', '.') .substr(0, c.storage_name.length-4); return; }); }); return res.json({ csrf: req.csrfToken(), user: res.locals.user, dbCerts, clusterCerts, }); }; /** * POST /cert/add * add cert */ exports.addCert = async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.body.subject || typeof req.body.subject !== 'string' || req.body.subject.length === 0 || ! { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid subject' }); } if (!req.body.altnames || typeof req.body.altnames !== 'object' || req.body.altnames.some(d => ! { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid altname(s)' }); } const subject = req.body.subject.toLowerCase(); const altnames = => a.toLowerCase()); const backendMap = await res.locals .dataPlane.showRuntimeMap({ map: process.env.HOSTS_MAP_NAME }) .then(res =>; const backendDomainEntry = backendMap && backendMap.find(e => e.key === req.body.subject); if (!backendDomainEntry) { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Add a backend for the domain first before generating a certificate' }); } const existingCert = await db.db.collection('certs').findOne({ _id: subject }); if (existingCert) { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Cert with this subject already exists' }); } try { url.parse(`https://${subject}`); altnames.forEach(d => { url.parse(`https://${d}`); }); } catch (e) { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid input' }); } try { console.log('Add cert request:', subject, altnames); const { csr, key, cert, haproxyCert, date } = await acme.generate(subject, altnames); const { message, description, file, storage_name: storageName } = await res.locals.postFileAll( '/v2/services/haproxy/storage/ssl_certificates?force_reload=true', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'authorization': res.locals.dataPlane.defaults.headers.authorization }, }, haproxyCert, { filename: `${subject}.pem`, contentType: 'text/plain', } ); if (message) { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: message }); } let update = { _id: subject, subject: subject, altnames: altnames, username: res.locals.user.username, csr, key, cert, haproxyCert, // cert creation data date, } if (description) { //may be null due to "already exists", so we keep existing props update = { ...update, description, file, storageName }; } await db.db.collection('certs') .updateOne({ _id: subject, }, { $set: update, }, { upsert: true, }); } catch (e) { return next(e); } return dynamicResponse(req, res, 302, { redirect: req.body.onboarding ? '/onboarding' : '/certs' }); }; /** * POST /cert/upload * push existing db cert to cluster */ exports.uploadCert = async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.body.domain || typeof req.body.domain !== 'string' || req.body.domain.length === 0 || ! { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid input' }); } const domain = req.body.domain.toLowerCase(); const existingCert = await db.db.collection('certs').findOne({ _id: domain, username: res.locals.user.username }); if (!existingCert || !existingCert.haproxyCert) { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid input' }); } try { console.log('Upload cert:', existingCert.subject, existingCert.altnames); const { message } = await res.locals.postFileAll( '/v2/services/haproxy/storage/ssl_certificates?force_reload=true', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'authorization': res.locals.dataPlane.defaults.headers.authorization }, }, existingCert.haproxyCert, { filename: `${existingCert.subject}.pem`, contentType: 'text/plain', } ); if (message) { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: message }); } } catch (e) { return next(e); } return dynamicResponse(req, res, 302, { redirect: '/certs' }); }; /** * POST /cert/delete * delete cers */ exports.deleteCert = async (req, res) => { if (!req.body.subject || typeof req.body.subject !== 'string' || req.body.subject.length === 0 //|| ! ) { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid input' }); } const subject = req.body.subject.toLowerCase(); await db.db.collection('certs') .deleteOne({ _id: subject, username: res.locals.user.username }); return dynamicResponse(req, res, 302, { redirect: '/certs' }); }; /** * POST /csr/verify * Delete the map entries of the body 'domain' */ exports.verifyUserCSR = (req, res, next) => { if (res.locals.user.username !== "admin") { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 403, { error: 'CA signed origin certs are only supported on enterprise plans' }); } if(!req.body || !req.body.csr || typeof req.body.csr !== 'string' || req.body.csr.length === 0) { return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid csr' }); } try { const signedCert = verifyCSR(req.body.csr); return dynamicResponse(req, res, 200, `
`); } catch (e) { return next(e); } };