Next.js+React web interface for controlling HAProxy clusters (groups of servers), in conjunction with with
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

197 lines
5.7 KiB

import * as db from '../db.js';
import * as acme from '../acme.js';
import url from 'node:url';
import { dynamicResponse } from '../util.js';
import * as redis from '../redis.js';
import psl from 'psl';
import { nsTemplate, soaTemplate } from '../templates.js';
* GET /domains
* domains page
export async function domainsPage(app, req, res) {
const certs = await db.db().collection('certs')
username: res.locals.user.username,
}, {
projection: {
_id: 1,
subject: 1,
altnames: 1,
date: 1,
storageName: 1,
certs.forEach(c => =; = {
user: res.locals.user,
csrf: req.csrfToken(),
certs: certs || [],
return app.render(req, res, '/domains');
* GET /domains.json
* domains json data
export async function domainsJson(req, res) {
const certs = await db.db().collection('certs')
username: res.locals.user.username,
}, {
projection: {
_id: 1,
subject: 1,
altnames: 1,
date: 1,
storageName: 1,
certs.forEach(c => =;
return res.json({
csrf: req.csrfToken(),
user: res.locals.user,
certs: certs || [],
* POST /domain/add
* add domain
export async function addDomain(req, res, next) {
if (!req.body.domain || typeof req.body.domain !== 'string' || req.body.domain.length === 0) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid input' });
if (res.locals.user.username !== 'admin' && && >= 50) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 403, { error: 'Domain limit reached' });
let domain = req.body.domain.toLowerCase();
if ( {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 403, { error: 'Domain already added' });
try {
const { hostname } = url.parse(`https://${domain}`);
domain = hostname;
} catch (e) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid input' });
try {
const parsed = psl.parse(domain);
if (!parsed || !parsed.domain) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid input' });
if (parsed.domain !== domain && ! {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 403, { error: 'Add the root domain before adding subdomains' });
const domains = [domain, parsed.domain];
const existing = await db.db().collection('accounts')
'$or': [
{ domains: domain },
{ domains: new RegExp(`${parsed.domain}$`), _id: { '$ne': res.locals.user.username } },
if (existing) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'This domain is already in use or belongs to another user' });
await db.db().collection('accounts')
_id: res.locals.user.username
}, {
$addToSet: {
domains: {
'$each': domains,
await res.locals
.dataPlaneAll('addPayloadRuntimeMap', {
name: process.env.DOMTOACC_MAP_NAME,
}, [{
key: domain,
value: res.locals.user.username,
}], null, false, false);
if (domain.split('.').length < 3 //naive
&& soaTemplate && nsTemplate) {
const records = [];
const soaRecords = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(soaTemplate()));
soaRecords[0].MBox = `root.${domain}.`;
soaRecords[0].l = true;
soaRecords[0].t = true;
const nsRecords = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(nsTemplate()));
nsRecords.forEach(r => {
r.l = true;
r.t = true;
let recordSetRaw = await redis.hget(`dns:${domain}.`, '@');
if (!recordSetRaw) {
recordSetRaw = {};
recordSetRaw['soa'] = soaRecords[0];
recordSetRaw['ns'] = nsRecords;
await redis.hset(`dns:${domain}.`, '@', recordSetRaw);
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 302, { redirect: req.body.onboarding ? '/onboarding' : '/domains' });
* POST /domain/delete
* delete domain
export async function deleteDomain(req, res) {
if (!req.body.domain || typeof req.body.domain !== 'string' || req.body.domain.length === 0
|| ! {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Invalid input' });
const domain = req.body.domain.toLowerCase();
//TODO: make loop through each cluster? or make domains per-cluster, hmmm
const [existingHost, existingMaintenance, existingRewrite, existingDdos] = await Promise.all([
res.locals.dataPlaneRetry('showRuntimeMap', { map: process.env.HOSTS_MAP_NAME })
.then(res => => map.some(e => e.key === domain)),
res.locals.dataPlaneRetry('showRuntimeMap', { map: process.env.MAINTENANCE_MAP_NAME })
.then(res => => map.some(e => e.key === domain)),
res.locals.dataPlaneRetry('showRuntimeMap', { map: process.env.REWRITE_MAP_NAME })
.then(res => => map.some(e => e.key === domain)),
res.locals.dataPlaneRetry('showRuntimeMap', { map: process.env.DDOS_MAP_NAME })
.then(res => => map.some(e => {
const { hostname, pathname } = url.parse(`https://${e.key}`);
return hostname === domain;
if (existingHost || existingMaintenance || existingRewrite || existingDdos) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, { error: 'Cannot remove domain while still in use. Remove it from backends/maintenance/rewrites/protection first.' });
await db.db().collection('accounts')
.updateOne({_id: res.locals.user.username}, {$pull: {domains: domain }});
await res.locals
.dataPlaneAll('deleteRuntimeMapEntry', {
map: process.env.DOMTOACC_MAP_NAME,
id: domain,
}, null, null, false, false);
await redis.del(`dns:${domain}.`);
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 302, { redirect: '/domains' });