Allow proper ssl verification for backends (With a privately managed CA of course)

Thomas Lynch 1 year ago
parent 521e4ab335
commit 9478892614
Signed by: fatchan
GPG Key ID: A7E5E8B7E11EE92D
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 8

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ NOTE: Use either HCAPTCHA_ or RECAPTHCA_, not both.
- ARGON_KB - argon2 memory usage in KB
- POW_DIFFICULTY - pow difficulty
- POW_TYPE - type of ahsh algorithm for pow "argon2" or "sha256"
- VERIFY_BACKEND_SSL - whether to verify backend ssl, requires you have a private CA on the proxy and using it to sign your backend certs
#### Run in docker (for testing/development)

@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ cache basic_cache
max-age 86400
backend servers
# optional (recommended) ssl, requires CA cert installed on proxy and signeed cert on backends, you can also use "ssl verify none" but ssl can then be trivially mitm'd
# default-server ssl verify required ca-file ca-certificates.crt sni req.hdr(Host)
# use server based on hostname
use-server %[req.hdr(host),lower,map(/etc/haproxy/map/] if TRUE

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ function setup_servers()
local handle ="/etc/haproxy/map/", "r")
local line = handle:read("*line")
local verify_backend_ssl = os.getenv("VERIFY_BACKEND_SSL")
local counter = 1
-- NOTE: using tcp socket to interact with runtime API because lua can't add servers
local tcp = core.tcp();
@ -29,7 +30,12 @@ function setup_servers()
-- proxy:set_addr(backend_hostname, backend_port)
-- proxy:set_ready()
local server_name = "servers/websrv"..counter
tcp:send(string.format("add server %s %s check ssl verify none\n", server_name, backend_host))
--NOTE: if you have a proper CA setup,
if verify_backend_ssl ~= nil then
tcp:send(string.format("add server %s %s check ssl verify required ca-file ca-certificates.crt sni req.hdr(Host)\n", server_name, backend_host))
tcp:send(string.format("add server %s %s check ssl verify none\n", server_name, backend_host))
tcp:send(string.format("enable server %s\n", server_name))
line = handle:read("*line")
counter = counter + 1
