**WORK IN PROGRESS** golang API client for interacting with the jschan imageboard API.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
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package client
import (
type Gui struct {
Thread *models.Post
jschan *jschan.Client
ctx context.Context
labels map[string]*widget.Label
func (x *Gui) newLabel(name string) *widget.Label {
w := widget.NewLabel("")
x.labels[name] = w
return w
func NewGui(jschanUrl string) *Gui {
return &Gui{
ctx: context.Background(),
jschan: jschan.NewClient(jschanUrl),
labels: make(map[string]*widget.Label),
func (x *Gui) DataToScreen() {
myType := reflect.TypeOf(x.Thread).Elem()
myValue := reflect.ValueOf(x.Thread).Elem()
for i := 0; i < myType.NumField(); i++ {
tag := myType.Field(i).Tag.Get("json")
ft := myType.Field(i).Type.String()
switch ft {
case "string":
v := myValue.Field(i).String()
func (x *Gui) NewForm(w fyne.Window) fyne.Widget {
form := &widget.Form{}
tt := reflect.TypeOf(x.Thread).Elem()
for i := 0; i < tt.NumField(); i++ {
fld := tt.Field(i)
tag := fld.Tag.Get("json")
ft := fld.Type.String()
switch ft {
case "string":
form.Append(fld.Name, x.newLabel(tag))
return form
func (g *Gui) Refresh(w fyne.Window) {
res, err := g.jschan.GetOverboardCatalog(g.ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
threadNum := rand.Intn(len(res.Threads))
g.Thread = &res.Threads[threadNum]
func Show(win fyne.Window) fyne.CanvasObject {
g := NewGui("https://94chan.org")
form := g.NewForm(win)
refresh := widget.NewButton("Refresh", func() {
go g.Refresh(win)
buttons := container.NewHBox(layout.NewSpacer(), refresh)
return container.NewBorder(form, buttons, nil, nil)