API documentation for jschan. Gitgud pages: http://fatchan.gitgud.site/jschan-docs/#introduction
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API documentation for jschan imageboard software

Browse on gitgud pages: https://fatchan.gitgud.site/jschan-docs/#introduction


To build and run locally, using docker is the easiest.

Run slate as a server on http://localhost:4567 (for development only!):

sudo docker run --rm --name slate -p 4567:4567 -v $(pwd)/source:/srv/slate/source slatedocs/slate serve

Run slate once and output static files to the public folder:

sudo docker run --rm --name slate -v $(pwd)/public:/srv/slate/build -v $(pwd)/source:/srv/slate/source slatedocs/slate build

Otherwise, refer to the slate github for more information.


The API docs are incomplete and need work, so contributions are appreciated.

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Commit changes to something in the source folder
  3. Open a pull request
  4. If accepted, it will get merged
  5. A gitlab pipeline will auto deploy it to gitgud pages, linked above.