jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
1.5 KiB

'use strict';
const redis = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/redis/redis.js')
, { Ratelimits } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, dynamicResponse = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/dynamic.js')
, config = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/config.js')
, OTPAuth = require('otpauth')
, QRCode = require('qrcode');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
if (res.locals.user.twofactor) {
// User already has 2fa enabled
return res.redirect('/account.html');
// Ratelimit QR code generation
const username = res.locals.user.username;
const ratelimit = await Ratelimits.incrmentQuota(username, '2fa', 50);
if (ratelimit > 100) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 429, 'message', {
'title': 'Ratelimited',
'message': 'Please wait before generating another 2FA QR code.',
const { meta } = config.get;
let qrCodeText = ''
, secretBase32 = '';
try {
const totp = new OTPAuth.TOTP({
issuer: meta.url || 'jschan',
label: meta.siteName || 'jschan',
algorithm: 'SHA256',
const secret = totp.secret;
secretBase32 = secret.base32;
await redis.set(`twofactor_tempsecret:${username}`, secretBase32, 300); //store validation secret temporarily in redis
const qrCodeURL = totp.toString();
qrCodeText = await QRCode.toString(qrCodeURL, { type: 'utf8' });
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
.set('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
.render('twofactor', {
csrf: req.csrfToken(),