jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.3 KiB

mixin catalogtile(board, post, index)
- const postURL = `/${board._id}/thread/${post.postId}.html#${post.postId}`
if post.sticky
img(src='/img/sticky.svg' height='12' title='Sticky')
if post.saged
img(src='/img/saged.svg' height='12' title='Bumplocked')
5 years ago
if post.locked
img(src='/img/locked.svg' height='12' title='Locked')
if post.cyclic
img(src='/img/cyclic.svg' height='13' title='Cyclic')
5 years ago
a.no-decoration.post-subject(href=postURL) #{post.subject || '#'+post.postId}
| -
span(title='Replies') R: #{post.replyposts}
| /
span(title='Files') F: #{post.replyfiles}
| /
span(title='Page') P: #{Math.ceil(index/10)}
if post.files.length > 0
if post.spoiler
img.catalog-thumb(src='/img/spoiler.png' width='64' height='64')
if post.files[0].hasThumb
object.catalog-thumb(data=`/img/thumb-${post.files[0].filename.split('.')[0]}.jpg` width='64' height='64')
img(src='/img/deleted.png' width='64' height='64')
object.catalog-thumb(data=`/img/${post.files[0].filename}` width='64' height='64')
img(src='/img/deleted.png' width='64' height='64')
if post.message
pre.no-m-p.post-message !{post.message}