jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
3.6 KiB

'use strict';
const greentextRegex = /^>((?!>).+)/gm
, pinktextRegex = /^<(.+)/gm
, boldRegex = /''(.+?)''/gm
, titleRegex = /==(.+)==/gm
, monoRegex = /`(.+?)`/gm
, underlineRegex = /__(.+?)__/gm
, strikeRegex = /~~(.+?)~~/gm
, italicRegex = /\*\*(.+?)\*\*/gm
, spoilerRegex = /\|\|([\s\S]+?)\|\|/gm
, detectedRegex = /(\(\(\(.+?\)\)\))/gm
, linkRegex = /https?\:&#x2F;&#x2F;[^\s<>\[\]{}|\\^]+/g
, codeRegex = /(?:(?<language>[a-z+]{1,10})\r?\n)?(?<code>[\s\S]+)/i
, splitRegex = /```([\s\S]+?)```/gm
, trimNewlineRegex = /^\s*(\r?\n)*|(\r?\n)*$/g
, diceRegex = /##(?<numdice>\d+)d(?<numsides>\d+)(?:(?<operator>[+-])(?<modifier>\d+))?/gmi
, getDomain = (string) => string.split(/\/\/|\//)[1] //unused atm
, escape = require(__dirname+'/escape.js')
, { highlight, highlightAuto } = require('highlight.js')
, { highlightOptions } = require(__dirname+'/../../configs/main.js')
, replacements = [
{ regex: pinktextRegex, cb: (match, pinktext) => `<span class='pinktext'>&lt;${pinktext}</span>` },
{ regex: greentextRegex, cb: (match, greentext) => `<span class='greentext'>&gt;${greentext}</span>` },
{ regex: boldRegex, cb: (match, bold) => `<span class='bold'>${bold}</span>` },
{ regex: underlineRegex, cb: (match, underline) => `<span class='underline'>${underline}</span>` },
{ regex: strikeRegex, cb: (match, strike) => `<span class='strike'>${strike}</span>` },
{ regex: titleRegex, cb: (match, title) => `<span class='title'>${title}</span>` },
{ regex: italicRegex, cb: (match, italic) => `<span class='em'>${italic}</span>` },
{ regex: spoilerRegex, cb: (match, spoiler) => `<span class='spoiler'>${spoiler}</span>` },
{ regex: monoRegex, cb: (match, mono) => `<span class='mono'>${mono}</span>` },
{ regex: detectedRegex, cb: (match, detected) => `<span class='detected'>${detected}</span>` },
{ regex: linkRegex, cb: (match) => `<a rel='nofollow' referrerpolicy='same-origin' target='_blank' href='${match}'>${match}</a>` },
{ regex: diceRegex, cb: require(__dirname+'/diceroll.js') },
module.exports = {
markdown: (text) => {
const chunks = text.split(splitRegex);
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
//every other chunk will be a code block
if (i % 2 === 0) {
const escaped = escape(chunks[i]);
const newlineFix = escaped.replace(/^\r?\n/,''); //fix ending newline because of codeblock
chunks[i] = module.exports.processRegularChunk(newlineFix);
} else {
chunks[i] = module.exports.processCodeChunk(chunks[i]);
return chunks.join('');
processCodeChunk: (text) => {
const matches = text.match(codeRegex);
const trimFix = matches.groups.code.replace(trimNewlineRegex, '');
let lang;
if (matches.groups.language && matches.groups.language.length > 0) {
lang = matches.groups.language.toLowerCase();
if (!lang) {
const { language, relevance, value } = highlightAuto(trimFix, highlightOptions.languageSubset);
if (relevance > highlightOptions.threshold) {
return `<span class='code hljs'><small>possible language: ${language}, relevance: ${relevance}</small>\n${value}</span>`;
} else if (lang !== 'plain' && highlightOptions.languageSubset.includes(lang)) {
const { value } = highlight(lang, trimFix);
return `<span class='code hljs'><small>language: ${lang}</small>\n${value}</span>`;
return `<span class='code'>${escape(trimFix)}</span>`;
processRegularChunk: (text) => {
for (let i = 0; i < replacements.length; i++) {
text = text.replace(replacements[i].regex, replacements[i].cb);
return text;