jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
2.1 KiB

'use strict';
const { outputFile } = require('fs-extra')
, formatSize = require(__dirname+'/files/formatsize.js')
, pug = require('pug')
, path = require('path')
, commit = require(__dirname+'/commit.js')
, uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/files/uploadDirectory.js')
, { hcaptcha, google } = require(__dirname+'/../configs/secrets.js')
, redlock = require(__dirname+'/../redlock.js')
, { addCallback } = require(__dirname+'/../redis.js')
, templateDirectory = path.join(__dirname+'/../views/pages/')
, config = require(__dirname+'/../config.js');
let { enableUserBoardCreation, enableUserAccountCreation,
lockWait, globalLimits, boardDefaults, cacheTemplates,
meta, enableWebring, captchaOptions, globalAnnouncement } = config.get
, renderLocals = null;
const updateLocals = () => {
({ enableUserBoardCreation, enableUserAccountCreation,
lockWait, globalLimits, boardDefaults, cacheTemplates,
meta, enableWebring, captchaOptions, globalAnnouncement } = config.get);
renderLocals = {
cache: cacheTemplates,
defaultTheme: boardDefaults.theme,
defaultCodeTheme: boardDefaults.codeTheme,
postFilesSize: formatSize(globalLimits.postFilesSize.max),
captchaType: captchaOptions.type,
googleRecaptchaSiteKey: google.siteKey,
hcaptchaSitekey: hcaptcha.siteKey,
captchaGridSize: captchaOptions.grid.size,
addCallback('config', updateLocals);
module.exports = async (htmlName, templateName, options, json=null) => {
const html = pug.renderFile(`${templateDirectory}${templateName}`, {
const lock = await redlock.lock(`locks:${htmlName}`, lockWait);
const htmlPromise = outputFile(`${uploadDirectory}/html/${htmlName}`, html);
let jsonPromise;
if (json !== null) {
jsonPromise = outputFile(`${uploadDirectory}/json/${json.name}`, JSON.stringify(json.data));
await Promise.all([htmlPromise, jsonPromise]);
await lock.unlock();
return { html, json: json ? json.data : null };