jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

149 lines
4.2 KiB

'use strict';
const Posts = require(__dirname+'/db/posts.js')
, Boards = require(__dirname+'/db/boards.js')
, uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/helpers/uploadDirectory.js')
, render = require(__dirname+'/helpers/render.js');
function addBacklinks(thread, preview) { //preview means this is not the full thread
const postMap = new Map()
postMap.set(thread.postId, thread)
for (let i = 0; i < thread.replies.length; i++) {
const reply = thread.replies[i];
postMap.set(reply.postId, reply);
for (let i = 0; i < thread.replies.length; i++) {
const reply = thread.replies[i];
if (!reply.quotes) continue;
for (let j = 0; j < reply.quotes.length; j++) {
const quote = reply.quotes[j];
if (postMap.has(quote)) {
const post = postMap.get(quote)
if (!post.backlinks) {
post.backlinks = [];
} else if (!preview) {
quote was valid on post creation, but points to postID that has been deleted
or possibly removed from cyclical thread (whenever i implement those)
could re-markdown the post here to remove the quotes (or convert to greentext)
module.exports = {
buildCatalog: async (board) => {
console.log('building catalog', `${board._id}/catalog.html`);
if (!board._id) {
board = await Boards.findOne(board);
const threads = await Posts.getCatalog(board._id);
return render(`${board._id}/catalog.html`, 'catalog.pug', {
buildThread: async (threadId, board) => {
console.log('building thread', `${board._id || board}/thread/${threadId}.html`);
if (!board._id) {
board = await Boards.findOne(board);
const thread = await Posts.getThread(board._id, threadId)
if (!thread) {
return; //this thread may have been an OP that was deleted
addBacklinks(thread, false);
return render(`${board._id}/thread/${threadId}.html`, 'thread.pug', {
buildBoard: async (board, page, maxPage=null) => {
console.log('building board page', `${board._id}/${page === 1 ? 'index' : page}.html`);
const threads = await Posts.getRecent(board._id, page);
if (!maxPage) {
maxPage = Math.min(Math.ceil((await Posts.getPages(board._id)) / 10), Math.ceil(board.settings.threadLimit/10));
for (let k = 0; k < threads.length; k++) {
const thread = threads[k];
addBacklinks(thread, true);
return render(`${board._id}/${page === 1 ? 'index' : page}.html`, 'board.pug', {
//building multiple pages (for rebuilds)
buildBoardMultiple: async (board, startpage=1, endpage) => {
const maxPage = Math.min(Math.ceil((await Posts.getPages(board._id)) / 10), Math.ceil(board.settings.threadLimit/10));
if (endpage === 0) {
//deleted only/all posts, so only 1 page will remain
endpage = 1;
} else if (maxPage < endpage) {
//else just build up to the max page if it is greater than input page number
endpage = maxPage
const difference = endpage-startpage + 1; //+1 because for single pagemust be > 0
const threads = await Posts.getRecent(board._id, startpage, difference*Math.ceil(board.settings.threadLimit/10));
for (let k = 0; k < threads.length; k++) {
const thread = threads[k];
addBacklinks(thread, true);
const buildArray = [];
for (let i = startpage; i <= endpage; i++) {
console.log('multi building board page', `${board._id}/${i === 1 ? 'index' : i}.html`);
let spliceStart = (i-1)*10;
if (spliceStart > 0) {
spliceStart = spliceStart - 1;
render(`${board._id}/${i === 1 ? 'index' : i}.html`, 'board.pug', {
threads: threads.splice(0,10),
page: i,
return Promise.all(buildArray);
buildHomepage: async () => {
const boards = await Boards.find();
return render('index.html', 'home.pug', {
buildChangePassword: () => {
return render('changepassword.html', 'changepassword.pug');
buildLogin: () => {
return render('login.html', 'login.pug');
buildRegister: () => {
return render('register.html', 'register.pug');
buildCaptcha: () => {
return render('captcha.html', 'captcha.pug');