refactor, all orm controllers now separate ^-^

fatchan 5 years ago
parent c8ee801750
commit 12f1df0e9c
  1. 679
  2. 81
  3. 66
  4. 52
  5. 59
  6. 38
  7. 57
  8. 62
  9. 39
  10. 85
  11. 51
  12. 37
  13. 42
  14. 4
  15. 13
  16. 14
  17. 12
  18. 15

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ const express = require('express')
, Boards = require(__dirname+'/../db/boards.js')
, Posts = require(__dirname+'/../db/posts.js')
, upload = require('express-fileupload')
, path = require('path')
, alphaNumericRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/
, postFiles = upload({
createParentPath: true,
safeFileNames: /[^\w-]+/g,
@ -18,684 +16,77 @@ const express = require('express')
abortOnLimit: true,
useTempFiles: true,
tempFileDir: path.join(__dirname+'/../tmp/')
tempFileDir: __dirname+'/../tmp/'
, bannerFiles = upload({
createParentPath: true,
safeFileNames: /[^\w-]+/g,
preserveExtension: 4,
preserveExtension: 3,
limits: {
fileSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
files: 10
abortOnLimit: true,
useTempFiles: true,
tempFileDir: path.join(__dirname+'/../tmp/')
tempFileDir: __dirname+'/../tmp/'
, removeBans = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/removebans.js')
, makePost = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/makepost.js')
, deleteTempFiles = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/files/deletetempfiles.js')
, uploadBanners = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/uploadbanners.js')
, deleteBanners = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/deletebanners.js')
, deleteBoard = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/deleteboard.js')
, loginAccount = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/login.js')
, changePassword = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/changepassword.js')
, changeBoardSettings = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/changeboardsettings.js')
, registerAccount = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/register.js')
, createBoard = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/create.js')
, deleteBoardController = require(__dirname+'/forms/deleteboard.js')
, removeBansController = require(__dirname+'/forms/removebans.js')
, globalActionController = require(__dirname+'/forms/globalactions.js')
, actionController = require(__dirname+'/forms/actions.js')
, uploadBannersController = require(__dirname+'/forms/uploadbanners.js')
, deleteBannersController = require(__dirname+'/forms/deletebanners.js')
, boardSettingsController = require(__dirname+'/forms/boardsettings.js')
, loginController = require(__dirname+'/forms/login.js')
, registerController = require(__dirname+'/forms/register.js')
, changePasswordController = require(__dirname+'/forms/changepassword.js')
, createBoardController = require(__dirname+'/forms/create.js')
, makePostController = require(__dirname+'/forms/makepost.js')
, calcPerms = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/checks/calcpermsmiddleware.js')
, hasPerms = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/checks/haspermsmiddleware.js')
, spamCheck = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/checks/spamcheck.js')
, paramConverter = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/paramconverter.js')
, banCheck = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/checks/bancheck.js')
, isLoggedIn = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/checks/isloggedin.js')
, verifyCaptcha = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/captcha/captchaverify.js')
, actionHandler = require(__dirname+'/../models/forms/actionhandler.js')
, csrf = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/checks/csrfmiddleware.js')
, uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/files/uploadDirectory.js')
, actionChecker = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/checks/actionchecker.js');
// login to account'/login', async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
//check exist
if (!req.body.username || req.body.username.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing username');
if (!req.body.password || req.body.password.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing password');
//check too long
if (req.body.username && req.body.username.length > 50) {
errors.push('Username must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password must be 100 characters or less');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/login.html'
try {
await loginAccount(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
//change password'/changepassword', verifyCaptcha, async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
//check exist
if (!req.body.username || req.body.username.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing username');
if (!req.body.password || req.body.password.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing password');
if (!req.body.newpassword || req.body.newpassword.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing new password');
if (!req.body.newpasswordconfirm || req.body.newpasswordconfirm.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing new password confirmation');
//check too long
if (req.body.username && req.body.username.length > 50) {
errors.push('Username must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.newpassword && req.body.newpassword.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.newpasswordconfirm && req.body.newpasswordconfirm.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password confirmation must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.newpassword != req.body.newpasswordconfirm) {
errors.push('New password and password confirmation must match');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/changepassword.html'
try {
await changePassword(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
//create board'/create', csrf, isLoggedIn, verifyCaptcha, calcPerms, hasPerms(4), (req, res, next) => {
if (enableUserBoards === false && res.locals.permLevel !== 0) {
//only board admin can create boards when user board creation disabled
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'error': 'Board creation is only available to site administration',
'redirect': '/'
const errors = [];
//check exist
if (!req.body.uri || req.body.uri.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing URI');
if (! || <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing name');
if (!req.body.description || req.body.description.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing description');
//other validation
if (req.body.uri) {
if (req.body.uri.length > 50) {
errors.push('URI must be 50 characters or less');
if (alphaNumericRegex.test(req.body.uri) !== true) {
errors.push('URI must contain a-z 0-9 only');
if ( && > 50) {
errors.push('Name must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.description && req.body.description.length > 50) {
errors.push('Description must be 50 characters or less');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/create.html'
createBoard(req, res, next);
//register account'/register', verifyCaptcha, (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
//check exist
if (!req.body.username || req.body.username.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing username');
if (!req.body.password || req.body.password.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing password');
if (!req.body.passwordconfirm || req.body.passwordconfirm.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing password confirmation');
if (req.body.username) {
if (req.body.username.length > 50) {
errors.push('Username must be 50 characters or less');
if (alphaNumericRegex.test(req.body.username) !== true) {
errors.push('Username must contain a-z 0-9 only');
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.passwordconfirm && req.body.passwordconfirm.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password confirmation must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.password != req.body.passwordconfirm) {
errors.push('Password and password confirmation must match');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/register.html'
registerAccount(req, res, next);
//accounts'/login', loginController);'/register', verifyCaptcha, registerController);'/changepassword', verifyCaptcha, changePasswordController);
// create board'/create', csrf, isLoggedIn, verifyCaptcha, calcPerms, hasPerms(4), createBoardController);
// make new post'/board/:board/post', Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, postFiles, paramConverter, verifyCaptcha, async (req, res, next) => {
if (req.files && req.files.file) {
if (Array.isArray(req.files.file)) {
res.locals.numFiles = req.files.file.filter(file => file.size > 0).length;
} else {
res.locals.numFiles = req.files.file.size > 0 ? 1 : 0;
req.files.file = [req.files.file];
res.locals.numFiles = Math.min(res.locals.numFiles, res.locals.board.settings.maxFiles)
const errors = [];
// even if force file and message are off, the post must contain one of either.
if (!req.body.message && res.locals.numFiles === 0) {
errors.push('Posts must include a message or file');
// check file, subject and message enforcement according to board settings
if (!req.body.subject || req.body.subject.length === 0) {
if (!req.body.thread && res.locals.board.settings.forceThreadSubject) {
errors.push('Threads must include a subject');
} //no option to force op subject, seems useless
if (res.locals.board.settings.maxFiles !== 0 && res.locals.numFiles === 0) {
if (!req.body.thread && res.locals.board.settings.forceThreadFile) {
errors.push('Threads must include a file');
} else if (res.locals.board.settings.forceReplyFile) {
errors.push('Posts must include a file');
if (!req.body.message || req.body.message.length === 0) {
if (!req.body.thread && res.locals.board.settings.forceThreadMessage) {
errors.push('Threads must include a message');
} else if (res.locals.board.settings.forceReplyMessage) {
errors.push('Posts must include a message');
if (req.body.message) {
if (req.body.message.length > 4000) {
errors.push('Message must be 4000 characters or less');
} else if (!req.body.thread && req.body.message.length < res.locals.board.settings.minThreadMessageLength) {
errors.push(`Thread messages must be at least ${res.locals.board.settings.minMessageLength} characters long`);
} else if (req.body.thread && req.body.message.length < res.locals.board.settings.minReplyMessageLength) {
errors.push(`Reply messages must be at least ${res.locals.board.settings.minMessageLength} characters long`);
// subject, email, name, password limited length
if ( && > 50) {
errors.push('Name must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.subject && req.body.subject.length > 50) {
errors.push('Subject must be 50 characters or less');
if ( && > 50) {
errors.push('Email must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 50) {
errors.push('Password must be 50 characters or less');
if (errors.length > 0) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}${req.body.thread ? '/thread/' + req.body.thread + '.html' : ''}`
const flood = await spamCheck(req, res);
if (flood) {
deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return res.status(429).render('message', {
'title': 'Flood detected',
'message': 'Please wait before making another post, or a post similar to another user',
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}${req.body.thread ? '/thread/' + req.body.thread + '.html' : ''}`
try {
await makePost(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return next(err);
//board settings'/board/:board/settings', csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(2), paramConverter, async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
if (req.body.description && (req.body.description.length < 1 || req.body.description.length > 50)) {
errors.push('Board description must be 1-50 characters');
if (req.body.announcements && (req.body.announcements.length < 1 || req.body.announcements.length > 2000)) {
errors.push('Board announcements must be 1-2000 characters');
if ( && ( < 1 || > 50)) {
errors.push('Board name must be 1-50 characters');
if (req.body.default_name && (req.body.default_name.length < 1 || req.body.default_name.length > 50)) {
errors.push('Anon name must be 1-50 characters');
if (typeof req.body.reply_limit === 'number' && (req.body.reply_limit < 1 || req.body.reply_limit > 1000)) {
errors.push('Reply Limit must be from 1-1000');
if (typeof req.body.thread_limit === 'number' && (req.body.thread_limit < 10 || req.body.thread_limit > 250)) {
errors.push('Threads Limit must be 10-250');
if (typeof req.body.max_files === 'number' && (req.body.max_files < 0 || req.body.max_files > 3)) {
errors.push('Max files must be 0-3');
if (typeof req.body.min_thread_message_length === 'number' && (req.body.min_thread_message_length < 0 || req.body.min_thread_message_length > 4000)) {
errors.push('Min thread message length must be 0-4000. 0 is disabled.');
if (typeof req.body.min_reply_message_length === 'number' && (req.body.min_reply_message_length < 0 || req.body.min_reply_message_length > 4000)) {
errors.push('Min reply message length must be 0-4000. 0 is disabled.');
if (typeof req.body.captcha_mode === 'number' && (req.body.captcha_mode < 0 || req.body.captcha_mode > 2)) {
errors.push('Invalid captcha mode.');
if (typeof req.body.tph_trigger === 'number' && (req.body.tph_trigger < 0 || req.body.tph_trigger > 10000)) {
errors.push('Invalid tph trigger threshold.');
if (typeof req.body.tph_trigger_action === 'number' && (req.body.tph_trigger_action < 0 || req.body.tph_trigger_action > 3)) {
errors.push('Invalid tph trigger action.')
if (typeof req.body.filter_mode === 'number' && (req.body.filter_mode < 0 || req.body.filter_mode > 2)) {
errors.push('Invalid filter mode.');
if (typeof req.body.ban_duration === 'number' && req.body.ban_duration <= 0) {
errors.push('Invalid filter auto ban duration.')
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/manage.html`
try {
await changeBoardSettings(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
//upload banners'/board/:board/addbanners', bannerFiles, csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(2), paramConverter, async (req, res, next) => {
if (req.files && req.files.file) {
if (Array.isArray(req.files.file)) {
res.locals.numFiles = req.files.file.filter(file => file.size > 0).length;
} else {
res.locals.numFiles = req.files.file.size > 0 ? 1 : 0;
req.files.file = [req.files.file];
const errors = [];
if (res.locals.numFiles === 0) {
errors.push('Must provide a file');
if (res.locals.board.banners.length+res.locals.numFiles > 100) {
errors.push('Number of uploads would exceed 100 banner limit');
if (errors.length > 0) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/manage.html`
try {
await uploadBanners(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return next(err);
//delete banners'/board/:board/deletebanners', csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(2), paramConverter, async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
if (!req.body.checkedbanners || req.body.checkedbanners.length === 0 || req.body.checkedbanners.length > 10) {
errors.push('Must select 1-10 banners to delete');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/manage.html`
for (let i = 0; i < req.body.checkedbanners.length; i++) {
if (!res.locals.board.banners.includes(req.body.checkedbanners[i])) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'message': 'Invalid banners selected',
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/manage.html`
try {
await deleteBanners(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
//actions for a specific board'/board/:board/actions', Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, paramConverter, verifyCaptcha, boardActionController); //Captcha on regular actions'/board/:board/modactions', csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(3), paramConverter, boardActionController); //CSRF for mod actions
async function boardActionController(req, res, next) {
const errors = [];
//make sure they checked 1-10 posts
if (!req.body.checkedposts || req.body.checkedposts.length === 0 || req.body.checkedposts.length > 10) {
errors.push('Must select 1-10 posts');
res.locals.actions = actionChecker(req);
//make sure they selected at least 1 action
if (!res.locals.actions.anyValid) {
errors.push('No actions selected');
//check if they have permission to perform the actions
if (res.locals.permLevel > res.locals.actions.authRequired) {
errors.push('No permission');
if (res.locals.permLevel >= 4) {
if (req.body.delete && !res.locals.board.settings.userPostDelete) {
errors.push('Post deletion is disabled on this board');
if (req.body.spoiler && !res.locals.board.settings.userPostSpoiler) {
errors.push('File spoilers are disabled on this board');
if (req.body.unlink_file && !res.locals.board.settings.userPostUnlink) {
errors.push('File unlinking is disabled on this board');
//check that actions are valid
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 50) {
errors.push('Password must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.report_reason && req.body.report_reason.length > 50) {
errors.push('Report must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.ban_reason && req.body.ban_reason.length > 50) {
errors.push('Ban reason must be 50 characters or less');
if (( || req.body.global_report) && (!req.body.report_reason || req.body.report_reason.length === 0)) {
errors.push('Reports must have a reason');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/`
}'/board/:board/post', Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, postFiles, paramConverter, verifyCaptcha, makePostController);
res.locals.posts = await Posts.getPosts(req.params.board, req.body.checkedposts, true);
if (!res.locals.posts || res.locals.posts.length === 0) {
return res.status(404).render('message', {
'title': 'Not found',
'error': 'Selected posts not found',
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/`
// post actions for a specific board e.g. reports'/board/:board/actions', Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, paramConverter, verifyCaptcha, actionController); //Captcha on regular actions'/board/:board/modactions', csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(3), paramConverter, actionController); //CSRF for mod actions'/global/actions', csrf, calcPerms, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(1), paramConverter, globalActionController); //global manage page version (muilti-board, uses mongoids
try {
await actionHandler(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
// board settings'/board/:board/settings', csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(2), paramConverter, boardSettingsController);
//add/remove banners'/board/:board/addbanners', bannerFiles, csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(2), paramConverter, uploadBannersController);'/board/:board/deletebanners', csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(2), paramConverter, deleteBannersController);
//global actions (global manage page)'/global/actions', csrf, calcPerms, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(1), paramConverter, globalActionController);
async function globalActionController(req, res, next) {
const errors = [];
//make sure they checked 1-10 posts
if (!req.body.globalcheckedposts || req.body.globalcheckedposts.length === 0 || req.body.globalcheckedposts.length > 10) {
errors.push('Must select 1-10 posts')
res.locals.actions = actionChecker(req);
//make sure they have any global actions, and that they only selected global actions
if (!res.locals.actions.anyGlobal || res.locals.actions.anyValid > res.locals.actions.anyGlobal) {
errors.push('Invalid actions selected');
//check that actions are valid
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 50) {
errors.push('Password must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.ban_reason && req.body.ban_reason.length > 50) {
errors.push('Ban reason must be 50 characters or less');
//return the errors
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/globalmanage.html'
//get posts with global ids only
res.locals.posts = await Posts.globalGetPosts(req.body.globalcheckedposts, true);
if (!res.locals.posts || res.locals.posts.length === 0) {
return res.status(404).render('message', {
'title': 'Not found',
'errors': 'Selected posts not found',
'redirect': '/globalmanage.html'
try {
await actionHandler(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
//unbans'/global/unban', csrf, calcPerms, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(1), paramConverter, removeBansController);'/board/:board/unban', csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(3), paramConverter, removeBansController);
async function removeBansController(req, res, next) {
//keep this for later in case i add other options to unbans
const errors = [];
if (!req.body.checkedbans || req.body.checkedbans.length === 0 || req.body.checkedbans.length > 10) {
errors.push('Must select 1-10 bans')
const redirect = req.params.board ? `/${req.params.board}/manage.html` : '/globalmanage.html';
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
let amount = 0;
try {
amount = await removeBans(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
return res.render('message', {
'title': 'Success',
'message': `Removed ${amount} bans`,
//delete board'/board/:board/deleteboard', csrf, Boards.exists, calcPerms, banCheck, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(2), deleteBoardController);'/global/deleteboard', csrf, calcPerms, isLoggedIn, hasPerms(1), deleteBoardController);
async function deleteBoardController(req, res, next) {
const errors = [];
if (!req.body.confirm) {
errors.push('Missing confirmation');
if (!req.body.uri) {
errors.push('Missing URI');
if (alphaNumericRegex.test(req.body.uri) !== true) {
errors.push('URI must contain a-z 0-9 only');
} else {
//no need to check these if the board name is completely invalid
if (req.params.board != null && req.params.board !== req.body.uri) {
//board manage page to not be able to delete other boards;
errors.push('URI does not match current board');
} else if (!(await Boards.findOne(req.body.uri))) {
//global must chech exist because it skips Boards.exists middleware
errors.push(`Board /${req.body.uri}/ does not exist`);
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': req.params.board ? `/${req.params.board}/manage.html` : '/globalmanage.html'
try {
await deleteBoard(req.body.uri);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
return res.render('message', {
'title': 'Success',
'message': 'Board deleted',
'redirect': req.params.board ? '/' : '/globalmanage.html'
}'/newcaptcha', async(req, res, next) => {
//does this really need a separate file? probs not
return res.redirect('/captcha.html');
module.exports = router;

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
'use strict';
const Posts = require(__dirname+'/../../db/posts.js')
, actionHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/actionhandler.js')
, actionChecker = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/checks/actionchecker.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
//make sure they checked 1-10 posts
if (!req.body.checkedposts || req.body.checkedposts.length === 0 || req.body.checkedposts.length > 10) {
errors.push('Must select 1-10 posts');
res.locals.actions = actionChecker(req);
//make sure they selected at least 1 action
if (!res.locals.actions.anyValid) {
errors.push('No actions selected');
//check if they have permission to perform the actions
if (res.locals.permLevel > res.locals.actions.authRequired) {
errors.push('No permission');
if (res.locals.permLevel >= 4) {
if (req.body.delete && !res.locals.board.settings.userPostDelete) {
errors.push('Post deletion is disabled on this board');
if (req.body.spoiler && !res.locals.board.settings.userPostSpoiler) {
errors.push('File spoilers are disabled on this board');
if (req.body.unlink_file && !res.locals.board.settings.userPostUnlink) {
errors.push('File unlinking is disabled on this board');
//check that actions are valid
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 50) {
errors.push('Password must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.report_reason && req.body.report_reason.length > 50) {
errors.push('Report must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.ban_reason && req.body.ban_reason.length > 50) {
errors.push('Ban reason must be 50 characters or less');
if (( || req.body.global_report) && (!req.body.report_reason || req.body.report_reason.length === 0)) {
errors.push('Reports must have a reason');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/`
try {
res.locals.posts = await Posts.getPosts(req.params.board, req.body.checkedposts, true);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
if (!res.locals.posts || res.locals.posts.length === 0) {
return res.status(404).render('message', {
'title': 'Not found',
'error': 'Selected posts not found',
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/`
try {
await actionHandler(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
'use strict';
const changeBoardSettings = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/changeboardsettings.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
if (req.body.description && (req.body.description.length < 1 || req.body.description.length > 50)) {
errors.push('Board description must be 1-50 characters');
if (req.body.announcements && (req.body.announcements.length < 1 || req.body.announcements.length > 2000)) {
errors.push('Board announcements must be 1-2000 characters');
if ( && ( < 1 || > 50)) {
errors.push('Board name must be 1-50 characters');
if (req.body.default_name && (req.body.default_name.length < 1 || req.body.default_name.length > 50)) {
errors.push('Anon name must be 1-50 characters');
if (typeof req.body.reply_limit === 'number' && (req.body.reply_limit < 1 || req.body.reply_limit > 1000)) {
errors.push('Reply Limit must be from 1-1000');
if (typeof req.body.thread_limit === 'number' && (req.body.thread_limit < 10 || req.body.thread_limit > 250)) {
errors.push('Threads Limit must be 10-250');
if (typeof req.body.max_files === 'number' && (req.body.max_files < 0 || req.body.max_files > 3)) {
errors.push('Max files must be 0-3');
if (typeof req.body.min_thread_message_length === 'number' && (req.body.min_thread_message_length < 0 || req.body.min_thread_message_length > 4000)) {
errors.push('Min thread message length must be 0-4000. 0 is disabled.');
if (typeof req.body.min_reply_message_length === 'number' && (req.body.min_reply_message_length < 0 || req.body.min_reply_message_length > 4000)) {
errors.push('Min reply message length must be 0-4000. 0 is disabled.');
if (typeof req.body.captcha_mode === 'number' && (req.body.captcha_mode < 0 || req.body.captcha_mode > 2)) {
errors.push('Invalid captcha mode.');
if (typeof req.body.tph_trigger === 'number' && (req.body.tph_trigger < 0 || req.body.tph_trigger > 10000)) {
errors.push('Invalid tph trigger threshold.');
if (typeof req.body.tph_trigger_action === 'number' && (req.body.tph_trigger_action < 0 || req.body.tph_trigger_action > 3)) {
errors.push('Invalid tph trigger action.')
if (typeof req.body.filter_mode === 'number' && (req.body.filter_mode < 0 || req.body.filter_mode > 2)) {
errors.push('Invalid filter mode.');
if (typeof req.body.ban_duration === 'number' && req.body.ban_duration <= 0) {
errors.push('Invalid filter auto ban duration.')
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/manage.html`
try {
await changeBoardSettings(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
'use strict';
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
//check exist
if (!req.body.username || req.body.username.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing username');
if (!req.body.password || req.body.password.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing password');
if (!req.body.newpassword || req.body.newpassword.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing new password');
if (!req.body.newpasswordconfirm || req.body.newpasswordconfirm.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing new password confirmation');
//check too long
if (req.body.username && req.body.username.length > 50) {
errors.push('Username must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.newpassword && req.body.newpassword.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.newpasswordconfirm && req.body.newpasswordconfirm.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password confirmation must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.newpassword != req.body.newpasswordconfirm) {
errors.push('New password and password confirmation must match');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/changepassword.html'
try {
await changePassword(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
'use strict';
const createBoard = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/create.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
if (enableUserBoards === false && res.locals.permLevel !== 0) {
//only board admin can create boards when user board creation disabled
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'error': 'Board creation is only available to site administration',
'redirect': '/'
const errors = [];
//check exist
if (!req.body.uri || req.body.uri.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing URI');
if (! || <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing name');
if (!req.body.description || req.body.description.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing description');
//other validation
if (req.body.uri) {
if (req.body.uri.length > 50) {
errors.push('URI must be 50 characters or less');
if (alphaNumericRegex.test(req.body.uri) !== true) {
errors.push('URI must contain a-z 0-9 only');
if ( && > 50) {
errors.push('Name must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.description && req.body.description.length > 50) {
errors.push('Description must be 50 characters or less');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/create.html'
try {
await createBoard(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
'use strict';
const deleteBanners = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/deletebanners.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
if (!req.body.checkedbanners || req.body.checkedbanners.length === 0 || req.body.checkedbanners.length > 10) {
errors.push('Must select 1-10 banners to delete');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/manage.html`
for (let i = 0; i < req.body.checkedbanners.length; i++) {
if (!res.locals.board.banners.includes(req.body.checkedbanners[i])) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'message': 'Invalid banners selected',
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/manage.html`
try {
await deleteBanners(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
'use strict';
const Boards = require(__dirname+'/../../db/boards.js')
, deleteBoard = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/deleteboard.js')
, boardUriRegex = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/checks/boarduriregex.js')
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
if (!req.body.confirm) {
errors.push('Missing confirmation');
if (!req.body.uri) {
errors.push('Missing URI');
if (boardUriRegex.test(req.body.uri) !== true) {
errors.push('URI must contain a-z 0-9 only');
} else {
//no need to check these if the board name is completely invalid
if (req.params.board != null && req.params.board !== req.body.uri) {
//board manage page to not be able to delete other boards;
errors.push('URI does not match current board');
let board;
try {
board = await Boards.findOne(req.body.uri)
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
if (board != null) {
//global must check exists because the route skips Boards.exists middleware
errors.push(`Board /${req.body.uri}/ does not exist`);
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': req.params.board ? `/${req.params.board}/manage.html` : '/globalmanage.html'
try {
await deleteBoard(req.body.uri);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
return res.render('message', {
'title': 'Success',
'message': 'Board deleted',
'redirect': req.params.board ? '/' : '/globalmanage.html'

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
'use strict';
const Posts = require(__dirname+'/../../db/posts.js')
, actionHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/actionhandler.js')
, actionChecker = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/checks/actionchecker.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
//make sure they checked 1-10 posts
if (!req.body.globalcheckedposts || req.body.globalcheckedposts.length === 0 || req.body.globalcheckedposts.length > 10) {
errors.push('Must select 1-10 posts')
res.locals.actions = actionChecker(req);
//make sure they have any global actions, and that they only selected global actions
if (!res.locals.actions.anyGlobal || res.locals.actions.anyValid > res.locals.actions.anyGlobal) {
errors.push('Invalid actions selected');
//check that actions are valid
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 50) {
errors.push('Password must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.ban_reason && req.body.ban_reason.length > 50) {
errors.push('Ban reason must be 50 characters or less');
//return the errors
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/globalmanage.html'
//get posts with global ids only
try {
res.locals.posts = await Posts.globalGetPosts(req.body.globalcheckedposts, true);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
if (!res.locals.posts || res.locals.posts.length === 0) {
return res.status(404).render('message', {
'title': 'Not found',
'errors': 'Selected posts not found',
'redirect': '/globalmanage.html'
try {
await actionHandler(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
'use strict';
const loginAccount = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/login.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
//check exist
if (!req.body.username || req.body.username.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing username');
if (!req.body.password || req.body.password.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing password');
//check too long
if (req.body.username && req.body.username.length > 50) {
errors.push('Username must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password must be 100 characters or less');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/login.html'
try {
await loginAccount(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
'use strict';
const makePost = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/makepost.js')
, deleteTempFiles = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/deletetempfiles.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
if (req.files && req.files.file) {
if (Array.isArray(req.files.file)) {
res.locals.numFiles = req.files.file.filter(file => file.size > 0).length;
} else {
res.locals.numFiles = req.files.file.size > 0 ? 1 : 0;
req.files.file = [req.files.file];
res.locals.numFiles = Math.min(res.locals.numFiles, res.locals.board.settings.maxFiles)
const errors = [];
// even if force file and message are off, the post must contain one of either.
if (!req.body.message && res.locals.numFiles === 0) {
errors.push('Posts must include a message or file');
// check file, subject and message enforcement according to board settings
if (!req.body.subject || req.body.subject.length === 0) {
if (!req.body.thread && res.locals.board.settings.forceThreadSubject) {
errors.push('Threads must include a subject');
} //no option to force op subject, seems useless
if (res.locals.board.settings.maxFiles !== 0 && res.locals.numFiles === 0) {
if (!req.body.thread && res.locals.board.settings.forceThreadFile) {
errors.push('Threads must include a file');
} else if (res.locals.board.settings.forceReplyFile) {
errors.push('Posts must include a file');
if (!req.body.message || req.body.message.length === 0) {
if (!req.body.thread && res.locals.board.settings.forceThreadMessage) {
errors.push('Threads must include a message');
} else if (res.locals.board.settings.forceReplyMessage) {
errors.push('Posts must include a message');
if (req.body.message) {
if (req.body.message.length > 4000) {
errors.push('Message must be 4000 characters or less');
} else if (!req.body.thread && req.body.message.length < res.locals.board.settings.minThreadMessageLength) {
errors.push(`Thread messages must be at least ${res.locals.board.settings.minMessageLength} characters long`);
} else if (req.body.thread && req.body.message.length < res.locals.board.settings.minReplyMessageLength) {
errors.push(`Reply messages must be at least ${res.locals.board.settings.minMessageLength} characters long`);
// subject, email, name, password limited length
if ( && > 50) {
errors.push('Name must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.subject && req.body.subject.length > 50) {
errors.push('Subject must be 50 characters or less');
if ( && > 50) {
errors.push('Email must be 50 characters or less');
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 50) {
errors.push('Password must be 50 characters or less');
if (errors.length > 0) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}${req.body.thread ? '/thread/' + req.body.thread + '.html' : ''}`
try {
await makePost(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
'use strict';
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const errors = [];
//check exist
if (!req.body.username || req.body.username.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing username');
if (!req.body.password || req.body.password.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing password');
if (!req.body.passwordconfirm || req.body.passwordconfirm.length <= 0) {
errors.push('Missing password confirmation');
if (req.body.username) {
if (req.body.username.length > 50) {
errors.push('Username must be 50 characters or less');
if (alphaNumericRegex.test(req.body.username) !== true) {
errors.push('Username must contain a-z 0-9 only');
if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.passwordconfirm && req.body.passwordconfirm.length > 100) {
errors.push('Password confirmation must be 100 characters or less');
if (req.body.password != req.body.passwordconfirm) {
errors.push('Password and password confirmation must match');
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': '/register.html'
try {
await registerAccount(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
'use strict';
const removeBans = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/removebans.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
//keep this for later in case i add other options to unbans
const errors = [];
if (!req.body.checkedbans || req.body.checkedbans.length === 0 || req.body.checkedbans.length > 10) {
errors.push('Must select 1-10 bans')
const redirect = req.params.board ? `/${req.params.board}/manage.html` : '/globalmanage.html';
if (errors.length > 0) {
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
let amount = 0;
try {
amount = await removeBans(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
return res.render('message', {
'title': 'Success',
'message': `Removed ${amount} bans`,

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
'use strict';
const uploadBanners = require(__dirname+'/../../models/forms/uploadbanners.js')
, deleteTempFiles = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/deletetempfiles.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
if (req.files && req.files.file) {
if (Array.isArray(req.files.file)) {
res.locals.numFiles = req.files.file.filter(file => file.size > 0).length;
} else {
res.locals.numFiles = req.files.file.size > 0 ? 1 : 0;
req.files.file = [req.files.file];
const errors = [];
if (res.locals.numFiles === 0) {
errors.push('Must provide a file');
if (res.locals.board.banners.length+res.locals.numFiles > 100) {
errors.push('Number of uploads would exceed 100 banner limit');
if (errors.length > 0) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return res.status(400).render('message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'errors': errors,
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/manage.html`
try {
await uploadBanners(req, res, next);
} catch (err) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return next(err);

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
'use strict';
//literally just alphanumeric ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
module.exports = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/

@ -7,12 +7,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const { name, description } = req.body
, uri = req.body.uri.toLowerCase();
let board;
try {
board = await Boards.findOne(uri);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
const board = await Boards.findOne(uri);
// if board exists reject
if (board != null) {
@ -62,11 +57,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
await Boards.insertOne(newBoard);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
await Boards.insertOne(newBoard);
return res.redirect(`/${uri}/index.html`);

@ -11,12 +11,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const failRedirect = `/login.html${goto ? '?goto='+goto : ''}`
//fetch an account
let account;
try {
account = await Accounts.findOne(username);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
const account = await Accounts.findOne(username);
//if the account doesnt exist, reject
if (!account) {
@ -28,12 +23,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
// bcrypt compare input to saved hash
let passwordMatch;
try {
passwordMatch = await, account.passwordHash);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
const passwordMatch = await, account.passwordHash);
//if hashes matched
if (passwordMatch === true) {

@ -27,11 +27,23 @@ const path = require('path')
, deleteTempFiles = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/deletetempfiles.js')
, msTime = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/mstime.js')
, deletePosts = require(__dirname+'/deletepost.js')
, spamCheck = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/checks/spamcheck.js')
, { postPasswordSecret } = require(__dirname+'/../../configs/main.json')
, { buildCatalog, buildThread, buildBoard, buildBoardMultiple } = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/build.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
//spam/flood check
const flood = await spamCheck(req, res);
if (flood) {
deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return res.status(429).render('message', {
'title': 'Flood detected',
'message': 'Please wait before making another post, or a post similar to another user',
'redirect': `/${req.params.board}${req.body.thread ? '/thread/' + req.body.thread + '.html' : ''}`
// check if this is responding to an existing thread
let redirect = `/${req.params.board}/`
let salt = null;

@ -8,12 +8,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const username = req.body.username.toLowerCase();
const password = req.body.password;
let account;
try {
account = await Accounts.findOne(username);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
const account = await Accounts.findOne(username);
// if the account exists reject
if (account != null) {
@ -25,12 +20,8 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
// add account to db. password is hashed in db model func for easier tests
try {
await Accounts.insertOne(username, password, 4);
} catch (err) {
return next(err);
await Accounts.insertOne(username, password, 4);
return res.redirect('/login.html')
return res.redirect('/login.html');
