ref #465 new "algorithm" to slightly bias, and allow threads for 30 days. TODO: make bias period adjustible, then its good to go.

Thomas Lynch 2 years ago
parent f1caf5b509
commit 1957aba02f
  1. 65

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db.js')
, { isIP } = require('net')
, { DAY } = require(__dirname+'/../lib/converter/timeutils.js')
, { MONTH, DAY } = require(__dirname+'/../lib/converter/timeutils.js')
, Boards = require(__dirname+'/boards.js')
, Stats = require(__dirname+'/stats.js')
, Permissions = require(__dirname+'/../lib/permission/permissions.js')
@ -715,23 +715,68 @@ module.exports = {
return [];
const listedBoards = await Boards.getLocalListed();
return db.find({
const potentialHotThreads = await db.find({
'board': {
'$in': listedBoards
'thread': null,
'date': {
//created in last 7 days
'$gte': new Date( - (7 * DAY))
'date': { //created in last month
'$gte': new Date( - MONTH)
'bumped': { //bumped in last 7 days
'$gte': new Date( - (DAY * 7))
'replyposts': {
'$gte': hotThreadsThreshold,
'replyposts': -1
const hotThreadReplyOrs = potentialHotThreads
.map(t => ({ board: t.board, thread: t.postId }));
const hotThreadScores = await db.aggregate([
'$match': {
'$and': [
'$or': hotThreadReplyOrs
'date': {
'$gte': new Date( - (DAY * 7))
}, {
'$group': {
'_id': {
'board': '$board',
'thread': '$thread',
'score': {
'$sum': 1,
//Welcome to improve into a pipeline if possible, but reducing to these maps isnt thaaat bad
const hotThreadBiasMap = potentialHotThreads
.reduce((acc, t) => {
//(1 - (thread age / age limit)) = bias multiplier
const threadAge = - t.u;
acc[`${t.board}-${t.postId}`] = Math.max(0, 1 - (threadAge / MONTH)); //(0,1)
return acc;
}, {});
const hotThreadScoreMap = hotThreadScores.reduce((acc, ht) => {
acc[`${ht._id.board}-${ht._id.thread}`] = ht.score * hotThreadBiasMap[`${ht._id.board}-${ht._id.thread}`];
return acc;
}, {});
const hotThreadsWithScore = => {
ht.score = hotThreadScoreMap[`${ht.board}-${ht.postId}`];
return ht;
}).sort((a, b) => {
return b.score - a.score;
return hotThreadsWithScore;
deleteMany: (ids) => {
