allow reset to be run again, and added password task to reset admin password

Thomas Lynch 3 years ago
parent 95397a45fd
commit 270e0f289c
  1. 1
  2. 43

@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ $ pm2 reload all #reload all backend processes
# gulp is used for various jobs like minifying and compiling scripts
$ gulp --tasks #list available gulp tasks
$ gulp migrate #check for and run db migrations
$ gulp password #reset the admin account password if you forgot it
$ gulp #run default gulp task

@ -40,6 +40,24 @@ const gulp = require('gulp')
async function password() {
const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db/db.js')
const Redis = require(__dirname+'/redis.js')
await Mongo.connect();
const { Accounts } = require(__dirname+'/db/');
const randomPassword = randomBytes(20).toString('base64')
await Accounts.changePassword('admin', randomPassword);
console.log('=====LOGIN DETAILS=====\nusername: admin\npassword:', randomPassword, '\n=======================');
return Mongo.client.close();
async function wipe() {
const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db/db.js')
@ -47,20 +65,13 @@ async function wipe() {
await Mongo.connect();
const db = Mongo.db;
//make these because mongo is dumb and doesnt make them automatically
await db.createCollection('accounts');
await db.createCollection('bans');
await db.createCollection('custompages');
await db.createCollection('boards');
await db.createCollection('captcha');
await db.createCollection('files');
await db.createCollection('modlog');
await db.createCollection('news');
await db.createCollection('posts');
await db.createCollection('poststats');
await db.createCollection('ratelimit');
await db.createCollection('webring');
await db.createCollection('bypass');
const collectionNames = ['accounts', 'bans', 'custompages', 'boards', 'captcha', 'files',
'modlog','news', 'posts', 'poststats', 'ratelimit', 'webring', 'bypass'];
for (const name of collectionNames) {
//drop collection so gulp reset can be run again. ignores error of dropping non existing collection first time
await db.dropCollection(name).catch(e => {});
await db.createCollection(name);
const { Webring, Boards, Posts, Captchas, Ratelimits, News, CustomPages,
Accounts, Files, Stats, Modlogs, Bans, Bypass } = require(__dirname+'/db/');
@ -108,9 +119,10 @@ async function wipe() {
await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'board': 1, 'thread': 1, 'bumped': -1 })
await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'board': 1, 'reports.0': 1 }, { 'partialFilterExpression': { 'reports.0': { '$exists': true } } })
await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'globalreports.0': 1 }, { 'partialFilterExpression': { 'globalreports.0': { '$exists': true } } })
const randomPassword = randomBytes(20).toString('base64')
await Accounts.insertOne('admin', 'admin', randomPassword, 0);
console.log('\n\n=====LOGIN DETAILS=====\nusername: admin\npassword:', randomPassword, '\n=======================');
console.log('=====LOGIN DETAILS=====\nusername: admin\npassword:', randomPassword, '\n=======================');
await db.collection('version').replaceOne({
'_id': 'version'
@ -380,5 +392,6 @@ module.exports = {
default: build,
