Update readme with notes about tor, new captcha options and basic updating instructions

Thomas Lynch 4 years ago
parent 0508df1cf7
commit 317c60049c
  1. 26

@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ Anonymous imageboard software.
## Features
- [x] User created boards ala infinity
- [x] Multiple files per post
- [x] Captcha and antispam
- [x] Basic antispam & multiple captcha options
- [x] Read-only JSON api
- [x] Multi-select moderation actions
- [x] Websocket update threads w/o polling
- [x] Webring w/proxy support ([lynxchan](https://gitlab.com/alogware/LynxChanAddon-Webring)) ([infinity](https://gitlab.com/Tenicu/infinityaddon-webring))
- [x] Run as a tor hidden service
## Todo
- Support running as a hidden service
- More features
- Mobile app
- Full install script
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ You can also repeat this process in future to update node versions as they are g
geoip_country /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat;
geoip_city /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat;
If your nginx doesn't have the necessary module by default, or is using v2, find your own guide.
7. Clone this repo, browse to the folder and set some things up
@ -110,7 +111,22 @@ $ gulp migrate #check for and run db migrations
$ gulp #run default gulp task
8. Optionally, if you plan to use the webring and want to make requests with tor to mask your origin server IP:
Install docker and run torproxy in a container: https://github.com/dperson/torproxy
Edit configs/webring.json and wer proxy enabled:true
8. Optionally, if you plan to use the webring and want to make requests with a proxy to mask your origin server IP:
- Install docker and run torproxy in a container: https://github.com/dperson/torproxy (of course, audit the docker image yourself)
- Use your own socks proxy
Edit configs/webring.json and set proxy enabled:true, and the proxy address.
## Updating
In short:
$ git pull
$ npm install
Diff the config files to see what changed, or alternatively replace your config with the example and edit it afresh
gulp migrate
pm2 reload all
