update README and config.example with more comments and relevant info

fatchan 5 years ago
parent 8522fb85be
commit 36cd3bf59d
  1. 21
  2. 62

@ -11,18 +11,16 @@ Demo site running at https://fatpeople.lol
## Features
- [x] User created boards ala infinity
- [x] Multiple files per post
- [x] Captcha and basic antispam
- [x] Read-only JSON api
- [x] Public modlogs
- [x] Multi-select posts for moderation actions/reports
- [x] Post styling & quote linking
- [x] Backlinks shown without javascript
- [x] Multiple files per post
- [x] Websocket updates threads live
- [x] Webring support [lynxchan](https://gitlab.com/alogware/LynxChanAddon-Webring) [infinity](https://gitlab.com/Tenicu/infinityaddon-webring)
- [x] Multi-select moderation actions
- [x] Websocket update threads w/o polling
- [x] Webring support ([lynxchan](https://gitlab.com/alogware/LynxChanAddon-Webring)) ([infinity](https://gitlab.com/Tenicu/infinityaddon-webring))
## Todo
- Check issues
- Fix issues
- Add missing features
- Improve moderation tools
- Improve frontend scripts
- Fork some mobile app and make it compatible with the API
@ -72,11 +70,14 @@ geoip_city /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat;
Now clone the repo, browse to the folder and set some things up.
# in repo directory
$ cp configs/main.js.example configs/main.js && nano configs/main.js #copy example config and edit
$ cp configs/main.js.example configs/main.js && nano configs/main.js #copy example config and edit, some comments included
$ npm install #install dependencies
$ npm run-script setup #install global modules pm2 and gulp, then runs gulp tasks
$ gulp reset #clear the database, create test board and account username:admin, password:changeme
$ gulp reset #clear the database, creates account username:admin, password:changeme (dont run this again unless you want to completely irreversibly wipe everything)
$ npm run-script start #start all the backend processes
$ pm2 list #list running pm2 processes
$ pm2 logs #see logs
$ pm2 reload all #reload everything, or use "chan", "build-worker" or "schedules" to only reload specific parts if you know what you are doing
$ gulp --tasks #list available gulp tasks
$ gulp #run default gulp task, usually used for updates, can run specific tasks if you know what you are doing

@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ module.exports = {
//let all users create new boards
enableUserBoards: true,
//extension for thumbnails. png is larger but allows transparency
thumbExtension: '.png',
//extension for thumbnails. this value is used UNLESS the image contains transparency, in which case png is used.
thumbExtension: '.jpg',
//max thumb dimensions (square) in px
//max thumb dimensions (square) in px. images smaller than this are not thumbnailed
thumbSize: 200,
//default ban duration in ms if ban duration field is left blank
//default ban duration in ms if ban duration field is left blank (default value is 1 year)
defaultBanDuration: 31536000000,
//max number of quotes that will be linked in a post. 0 for unlimited
//max number of quotes that will be linked in a post. 0 for unlimited (not recommended)
quoteLimit: 15,
//options for code block highlighting in posts
@ -90,27 +90,27 @@ module.exports = {
//global limits for board settings
globalLimits: {
threadLimit: {
threadLimit: { //number of threads, 10 per page
min: 10,
max: 200
replyLimit: {
replyLimit: { //number of replies to a thread, thread is locked after this limit is reached
min: 10,
max: 500
postFiles: {
postFiles: { //number of files in a post
max: 3
postFilesSize: {
postFilesSize: { //max combined size of all files in a post (10MB default)
max: 10485760
bannerFiles: {
bannerFiles: { //max number of banners uploadable at once
max: 10
bannerFilesSize: {
bannerFilesSize: { //max combined size of banner files (10MB default)
max: 10485760
messageLength: {
messageLength: { //max length of a post mesage field
max: 4000
@ -119,21 +119,21 @@ module.exports = {
boardDefaults: {
theme: 'lain',
codeTheme: 'ir-black',
sfw: false,
locked: false,
unlisted: false,
webring: true,
captchaMode: 0,
tphTrigger: 0,
pphTrigger: 0,
triggerAction: 0,
forceAnon: false,
early404: true,
ids: false,
flags: false,
userPostDelete: true,
userPostSpoiler: true,
userPostUnlink: true,
sfw: false, //safe for work board
locked: false, //board locked, only staff can post
unlisted: false, //board hidden from on-site board list and frontpage
webring: true, //board shown on webring
captchaMode: 0, //0=disabled, 1=for threads, 2=for all posts
tphTrigger: 0, //numebr of threads in an hour before trigger action is activated
pphTrigger: 0, //number of posts in an hour before ^
triggerAction: 0, //0=nothing, 1=captcha enable for threads, 2=captcha enable for all posts, 3=lock board
forceAnon: false, //disable name and subject, only allow sage email
early404: true, //delete threads beyond the first 1/3 of pages with less than 5 replies
ids: false, //show per thread poster ID based on ip
flags: false, //show geo flags, requires nginx setup
userPostDelete: true, //allow users to delete their posts
userPostSpoiler: true, //allow user to spoiler their post files
userPostUnlink: true, //alow user to unlink files fomr their post
threadLimit: 200,
replyLimit: 500,
maxFiles: 1,
@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ module.exports = {
minThreadMessageLength: 0,
minReplyMessageLength: 0,
defaultName: 'Anon',
filters: [],
filterMode: 0,
filterBanDuration: 0,
filters: [], //words/phrases to block
filterMode: 0, //0=nothing, 1=prevent post, 2=auto ban
filterBanDuration: 0, //duration (in ms) to ban if filter mode=2
announcement: {
raw: null,
markdown: null
allowedFileTypes: {
allowedFileTypes: { //enable different types of files to be posted
animatedImage: true,
image: true,
video: true,
