who decided that was a good way to do tripcodes

fatchan 5 years ago
parent 9d83260d22
commit 5172ffc251
  1. 11
  2. 20
  3. 6
  4. 21
  5. 6
  6. 2

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
"dbURL": "mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017",
"dbURL": "mongodb://username:password@host:port",
"port": 7000,
"sessionSecret": "CHANGE ME",
"sessionSecret": "long random string",
"tripcodeSecret": "long random string",
"cacheTemplates": true,
"refererRegex": "^https?:\\/\\/(?:www\\.)?DOMAIN\\.TLD\\/",
"refererRegex": "^https?:\\/\\/(?:www\\.)?domain\\.com\\/",
"openGraph": {
"siteName": "CHANGE ME",
"url": "https://DOMAIN.TLD"
"siteName": "site name",
"url": "https://domain.com"

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db.js')
, db = Mongo.client.db('jschan').collection('tripcodes');
module.exports = {
findOne: (password) => {
return db.findOne({ '_id': password });
insertOne: (password, trip) => {
return db.insertOne({ '_id': password, 'code': trip });
deleteAll: () => {
return db.deleteMany({});

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
'use strict';
const configs = require(__dirname+'/../configs/main.json')
, outputFile = require('fs-extra').outputFile
const { cacheTemplates, openGraph }= require(__dirname+'/../configs/main.json')
, { outputFile } = require('fs-extra')
, pug = require('pug')
, path = require('path')
, uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/uploadDirectory.js')
, templateDirectory = path.join(__dirname+'/../views/pages/');
module.exports = async (htmlName, templateName, options) => {
const html = pug.renderFile(`${templateDirectory}${templateName}`, { ...options, renderStart: Date.now(), cache: configs.cacheTemplates, openGraph: configs.openGraph });
const html = pug.renderFile(`${templateDirectory}${templateName}`, { ...options, renderStart: Date.now(), cache: cacheTemplates, openGraph: openGraph });
return outputFile(`${uploadDirectory}html/${htmlName}`, html);

@ -1,23 +1,12 @@
'use strict';
const Tripcodes = require(__dirname+'/../db/trips.js')
, util = require('util')
, crypto = require('crypto')
, randomBytes = util.promisify(crypto.randomBytes);
const { tripcodeSecret } = require(__dirname+'/../configs/main.json')
, { createHash } = require('crypto')
module.exports = async (password) => {
//return existing trip if exists
let existing = await Tripcodes.findOne(password);
if (existing) {
return existing.code;
//fix, not sure how secure
const salt = (await randomBytes(128)).toString('hex');
const fullTripCodeHash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(password + salt).digest('base64');
const trip = fullTripCodeHash.substring(fullTripCodeHash.length-10);
await Tripcodes.insertOne(password, trip);
return trip;
const tripcodeHash = createHash('sha256').update(password + tripcodeSecret).digest('base64');
const tripcode = tripcodeHash.substring(tripcodeHash.length-10);
return tripcode;

@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
'use strict';
const { randomBytes } = require('crypto')
, Captchas = require(__dirname+'/../../db/captchas.js')
const Captchas = require(__dirname+'/../../db/captchas.js')
, generateCaptcha = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/captchagenerate.js');
module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
// if we got here, they dont have a cookie so we need to
// gen a captcha, set their cookie and redirect to the captcha
let captchaId;
try {
// const text = await randomBytes(3).toString('hex').substring(0,6);
const text = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,6);
captchaId = await Captchas.insertOne(text).then(r => r.insertedId); //get id of document as filename and captchaid
await generateCaptcha(text, captchaId);

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db/db.js')
const Boards = require(__dirname+'/db/boards.js')
, Posts = require(__dirname+'/db/posts.js')
, Bans = require(__dirname+'/db/bans.js')
, Trips = require(__dirname+'/db/trips.js')
, Captchas = require(__dirname+'/db/captchas.js')
, Accounts = require(__dirname+'/db/accounts.js');
console.log('deleting captchas')
@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db/db.js')
await Boards.deleteIncrement('b');
await Boards.deleteIncrement('t');
await Boards.deleteAll();
await Trips.deleteAll();
console.log('deleting bans');
await Bans.deleteAll();
console.log('adding boards')
