refactor, dedup the combining of post data into strings for filtering, and blocking post/applying ban. also improve the comments. previously was ugly and duplicated between makepost and editpost model

Thomas Lynch 2 years ago
parent f75fd6dfad
commit 7893947ee6
  1. 50
  2. 35
  3. 58
  4. 70

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
'use strict';
const { Bans } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, dynamicResponse = require(__dirname+'/../misc/dynamic.js');
//ehhh, kinda too many args
module.exports = async (req, res, hitGlobalFilter, boardFilterMode, globalFilterMode,
boardFilterBanDuration, globalFilterBanDuration, filterBanAppealable, redirect) => {
//global filter mode takes prio
const useFilterMode = hitGlobalFilter ? globalFilterMode : boardFilterMode;
if (useFilterMode === 1) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, 'message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'message': 'Your post was blocked by a word filter',
'redirect': redirect
} else {
const useFilterBanDuration = hitGlobalFilter ? globalFilterBanDuration : boardFilterBanDuration;
const banBoard = hitGlobalFilter ? null : res.locals.board._id;
const banDate = new Date();
const banExpiry = new Date(useFilterBanDuration + banDate.getTime());
const ban = {
'ip': {
'cloak': res.locals.ip.cloak,
'raw': res.locals.ip.raw,
'type': res.locals.anonymizer ? 1 : 0,
'range': 0,
'reason': `${hitGlobalFilter ? 'global ' :''}word filter auto ban`,
'board': banBoard,
'posts': null,
'issuer': 'system', //todo: make a "system" property instead?
'date': banDate,
'expireAt': banExpiry,
'allowAppeal': hitGlobalFilter ? filterBanAppealable : true,
'showUser': true,
'seen': false
const insertedResult = await Bans.insertOne(ban);
//add and delete some props for the dynamic response
ban._id = insertedResult.insertedId;
ban.ip.raw = null;
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 403, 'ban', {
bans: [ban]

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
'use strict';
module.exports = (req, res, strict=false) => {
//combines a bunch of parts of the post (name, subject, message, filenames+phashes)
const fileStrings = res.locals.numFiles === 0 ? '' : => `${}|${f.phash || ''}`).join('|');
const combinedString = [, req.body.message, req.body.subject,, fileStrings].join('|').toLowerCase();
let strictCombinedString = combinedString;
//"strict" filtering adds a bunch of permutations to also compare filters with;
if (strict === true) {
//diacritics and "zalgo" removed
strictCombinedString += combinedString.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '');
//zero width spaces removed
strictCombinedString += combinedString.replace(/[\u200B-\u200D\uFEFF]/g, '');
//just a-z, 0-9, . and -
strictCombinedString += combinedString.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]+/gm, '');
//urlendoded characters in URLs replaced (todo: remove this if/when the url regex gets updated to no longer match these)
strictCombinedString += combinedString.split(/(\%[^\%]+)/).map(part => {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(part);
} catch(e) {
return '';
return [combinedString, strictCombinedString];

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ const { Posts, Bans, Modlogs } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, { prepareMarkdown } = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/markdown/markdown.js')
, messageHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/message.js')
, nameHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/name.js')
, getFilterStrings = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/getfilterstrings.js')
, filterActions = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/filteractions.js')
, config = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/config.js')
, buildQueue = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/build/queue.js')
, dynamicResponse = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/dynamic.js')
@ -27,54 +29,18 @@ todo: handle some more situations
const { board, post } = res.locals;
if (res.locals.permissions.get(Permissions.BYPASS_FILTERS)) { //global staff bypass filters for edit
const globalSettings = config.get;
if (globalSettings && globalSettings.filters.length > 0 && globalSettings.filterMode > 0) {
if (res.locals.permissions.get(Permissions.BYPASS_FILTERS)) {
//only global filters are checked, because anybody who could edit bypasses board filters
const { filters, filterMode, filterBanDuration } = config.get;
if (filters.length > 0 && filterMode > 0) {
let hitGlobalFilter = false
, ban
, concatContents = `|${}|${req.body.message}|${req.body.subject}|${}|${res.locals.numFiles > 0 ? =>'|') : ''}`.toLowerCase()
, allContents = concatContents;
if (strictFiltering) {
allContents += concatContents.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ''); //removing diacritics
allContents += concatContents.replace(/[\u200B-\u200D\uFEFF]/g, ''); //removing ZWS
allContents += concatContents.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]+/gm, ''); //removing anything thats not alphamnumeric or . and -
allContents += concatContents.split(/(\%[^\%]+)/).map(part => { try { return decodeURIComponent(part) } catch(e) { return '' } }).join(''); //catch pedophile spammers url-fu with encoding
//global filters
hitGlobalFilter = globalSettings.filters.some(filter => { return allContents.includes(filter.toLowerCase()) });
, ban;
const [combinedString, strictCombinedString] = getFilterStrings(req, res, strictFiltering);
hitGlobalFilter = filters.some(filter => { return allContents.includes(filter.toLowerCase()) });
//block/ban edit
if (hitGlobalFilter) {
if (globalSettings.filterMode === 1) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, 'message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'message': 'Your edit was blocked by a global word filter',
} else {
const banDate = new Date();
const banExpiry = new Date(globalSettings.filterBanDuration + banDate.getTime());
const ban = {
'ip': {
'cloak': res.locals.ip.cloak,
'raw': res.locals.ip.raw,
'type': res.locals.anonymizer ? 1 : 0,
'range': 0,
'reason': 'global word filter auto ban',
'board': null,
'posts': null,
'issuer': 'system', //what should i call this
'date': banDate,
'expireAt': banExpiry,
'allowAppeal': filterBanAppealable,
'showUser': true,
'seen': false
const insertedResult = await Bans.insertOne(ban);
ban._id = insertedResult.insertedId;
ban.ip.raw = null; //for dynamicresponse
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 403, 'ban', {
bans: [ban]
return filterActions(req, res, hitGlobalFilter, 0, globalFilterMode,
0, globalFilterBanDuration, null, filterBanAppealable, null);

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ const path = require('path')
, uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/file/uploaddirectory.js')
, Mongo = require(__dirname+'/../../db/db.js')
, Socketio = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/socketio.js')
, { Stats, Posts, Boards, Files, Bans } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, { Stats, Posts, Boards, Files } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, cache = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/redis/redis.js')
, nameHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/name.js')
, getFilterStrings = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/getfilterstrings.js')
, filterActions = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/filteractions.js')
, { prepareMarkdown } = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/markdown/markdown.js')
, messageHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/message.js')
, moveUpload = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/file/moveupload.js')
@ -105,71 +107,39 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
if (!res.locals.permissions.get(Permissions.BYPASS_FILTERS)) {
//deconstruct global filter settings to differnt names, else they would conflict with the respective board-level setting
const { filters: globalFilters, filterMode: globalFilterMode,
filterBanDuration: globalFilterBanDuration } = config.get;
let hitGlobalFilter = false
, hitLocalFilter = false
, ban;
let concatContents = `|${}|${req.body.message}|${req.body.subject}|${}|\
${res.locals.numFiles > 0 ? =>'|'+(f.phash || '')).join('|') : ''}`.toLowerCase();
let allContents = concatContents;
if (strictFiltering || res.locals.board.settings.strictFiltering) { //strict filtering adds a few transformations of the text to try and match filters when sers use techniques like zalgo, ZWS, markdown, multi-line, etc.
allContents += concatContents.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, ''); //removing diacritics
allContents += concatContents.replace(/[\u200B-\u200D\uFEFF]/g, ''); //removing ZWS
allContents += concatContents.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]+/gm, ''); //removing anything thats not alphamnumeric or . and -
allContents += concatContents.split(/(\%[^\%]+)/).map(part => { try { return decodeURIComponent(part) } catch(e) { return '' } }).join(''); //catch pedophile spammers url-fu with encoding
//global filters
let [combinedString, strictCombinedString] = getFilterStrings(req, res, strictFiltering || res.locals.board.settings.strictFiltering);
//compare to global filters
if (globalFilters && globalFilters.length > 0 && globalFilterMode > 0) {
hitGlobalFilter = globalFilters.some(filter => { return allContents.includes(filter.toLowerCase()) });
hitGlobalFilter = globalFilters.some(filter => { return strictCombinedString.includes(filter.toLowerCase()) });
//board-specific filters
//compare to board filters
if (!hitGlobalFilter && !res.locals.permissions.get(Permissions.MANAGE_BOARD_GENERAL)
&& filterMode > 0 && filters && filters.length > 0) {
const localFilterContents = res.locals.board.settings.strictFiltering ? allContents : concatContents;
const localFilterContents = res.locals.board.settings.strictFiltering === true ? strictCombinedString : combinedString;
hitLocalFilter = filters.some(filter => { return localFilterContents.includes(filter.toLowerCase()) });
//block post/apply bans if an active filter matched
if (hitGlobalFilter || hitLocalFilter) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
const useFilterMode = hitGlobalFilter ? globalFilterMode : filterMode; //global override local filter
if (useFilterMode === 1) {
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 400, 'message', {
'title': 'Bad request',
'message': 'Your post was blocked by a word filter',
'redirect': redirect
} else { //otherwise filter mode must be 2
const useFilterBanDuration = hitGlobalFilter ? globalFilterBanDuration : filterBanDuration;
const banBoard = hitGlobalFilter ? null : res.locals.board._id;
const banDate = new Date();
const banExpiry = new Date(useFilterBanDuration + banDate.getTime());
const ban = {
'ip': {
'cloak': res.locals.ip.cloak,
'raw': res.locals.ip.raw,
'type': res.locals.anonymizer ? 1 : 0,
'range': 0,
'reason': `${hitGlobalFilter ? 'global ' :''}word filter auto ban`,
'board': banBoard,
'posts': null,
'issuer': 'system', //what should i call this
'date': banDate,
'expireAt': banExpiry,
'allowAppeal': hitGlobalFilter ? filterBanAppealable : true,
'showUser': true,
'seen': false
const insertedResult = await Bans.insertOne(ban);
ban._id = insertedResult.insertedId;
ban.ip.raw = null; //for dynamicresponse
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 403, 'ban', {
bans: [ban]
return filterActions(req, res, hitGlobalFilter, filterMode, globalFilterMode,
filterBanDuration, globalFilterBanDuration, globalFilterBanDuration,
filterBanAppealable, redirect);
//for r9k messages. usually i wouldnt process these if its not enabled e.g. flags and IDs but in this case I think its necessary
