update & improvement

Thomas Lynch 2 years ago
parent 20e17ab2a5
commit 7b830fe8fe
  1. 177

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
**2. Install dependencies.**
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nginx ffmpeg imagemagick graphicsmagick python-certbot-nginx fonts-dejavu
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install curl wget nginx ffmpeg imagemagick graphicsmagick python-certbot-nginx fonts-dejavu -y
**3. Install MongoDB**
@ -44,63 +44,100 @@ For easy installation, use [node version manager](
Install nvm then run the following commands to get the LTS version of nodejs.
$ nvm install --lts
nvm install --lts
You may install Node.js yourself without nvm if you prefer.
**6. Configure nginx**
**6. (Optional) If you want a .onion address (Tor) and/or .loki address (Lokinet)**
For standard installations, run `configs/nginx/` as root. This will prompt you for installation directory, domains, onion/lokinet, enable geoip, install a letsencrypt certificate with certbot and more.
##### Install Tor, setup a hidden service, and output your .onion address:
sudo apt install tor -y
sudo systemctl enable --now tor
sudo sh -c "cat > /etc/tor/torrc" <<'EOF'
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/jschan/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePort 80 unix:/var/run/nginx-tor.sock
For non-standard installations like using a CDN, see [configs/nginx/](configs/nginx/ and DIY.
sudo systemctl restart tor
sudo cat /var/lib/tor/jschan/hostname
**7. Get the backend setup & running**
##### Install Lokinet, setup a SNApp, and find your .loki address:
sudo curl -so /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/oxen.gpg
echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oxen.list
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install lokinet -y
sudo systemctl enable --now lokinet
nslookup localhost.loki # Your loki address is the "canonical name".
For Lokinet, make sure to firewall all ports except 80 on `lokitun0` interface. If you use `ufw` for example, you could do:
# copy example secrets file and edit it to fill out the details
$ cp configs/secrets.js.example configs/secrets.js && editor configs/secrets.js
sudo ufw deny in on lokitun0 to any
sudo ufw allow in on lokitun0 to any port 80 proto tcp
# edit rules and faq pages if desired:
$ editor views/custompages/faq.pug views/custompages/rules.pug
# you can also add more .pug files in that folder with the same general format to create other custom pages
**7. Setup nginx**
# install nodejs packages
$ npm install
For standard installations, run `configs/nginx/` as root. This will prompt you for installation directory, domains, onion/lokinet, enable geoip, install a letsencrypt certificate with certbot and more.
# replace the master file for your favicon in gulp/res/icons/master.png
For non-standard installations like using a CDN, see [configs/nginx/](configs/nginx/ and DIY.
# run the setup script. installs pm2 process manager and gulp build system and runs some gulp tasks.
$ npm run-script setup
**8. Get the backend setup & running**
# run gulp reset to setup the database and folder structure and create the admin account. **Default admin account details with random password will be printed to the command line.**
$ gulp reset
# NOTE: dont run gulp reset again unless you want to completely irreversibly wipe everything.
1. Copy the example secrets file and edit it with your mongodb+redis credentials, cookie secrets, etc:
cp configs/secrets.js.example configs/secrets.js && editor configs/secrets.js
# make jschan pm2 a service and load on system startup. this will output some additional commands you need to run to complete the process if you were smart and didnt do everything as "root" user.
$ pm2 startup
2. Edit the rules and FAQ page if desired:
editor views/custompages/faq.pug views/custompages/rules.pug
# save the process list so jschan is started with pm2
$ pm2 save
3. Install nodejs dependencies:
npm install
# start all the backend processes
$ npm run-script start
$ gulp
4. Replace `gulp/res/icons/master.png` with your desired favicon image.
# some commands you may need to use in future/find helpful
$ pm2 list #list running pm2 processes
$ pm2 logs #see logs
$ pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js #reload all backend processes
5. Run the setup script. This will install `pm2` (nodejs process manager) and `gulp` (task system) and runs some gulp tasks.
npm run-script setup
6. Run gulp reset to initialize the database and folder structure, and create the admin account. **Default admin account with random password will be printed to the command line.** NOTE: dont run gulp reset again unless you want to completely irreversibly wipe everything.
gulp reset
7. Make pm2 a system service and load on system startup. NOTE: This will also output some additional commands you need to run to complete the process. Read the command output carefully.
pm2 startup
pm2 save
# gulp is used for various jobs like minifying and compiling scripts
# the build-worker process may also run some of these for certain operations e.g. editing global settings in the web panel
$ gulp --tasks #list available gulp tasks
$ gulp migrate #check for and run db migrations
$ gulp password #reset the admin account password if you forgot it
$ gulp #run default gulp task
8. Start all the backend processes
npm run-script start
**8. Optionally, if you plan to use the webring and want to make requests with a proxy to mask your origin server IP:**
Some commands you may need to use in future/find helpful:
- `pm2 list` - Lists running pm2 processes.
- `pm2 logs` - Start tailing logs.
- `pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js` - Reload all backend processes.
- `gulp password` - Reset the admin account password if you forgot it.
- `gulp` - Run the default gulp task.
More information and commands for customisation or advanced use is in the ADVANCED section.
**9. (Optionall) if you plan to use the webring and want to make requests with a proxy to mask your origin server IP**
@ -112,44 +149,64 @@ Either of the first two options will allow you to follow .onions in your webring
To enable the proxy, tick "Use Socks Proxy" in global management settings and set the appropriate proxy address, e.g. `socks5h://`, then save settings.
**10. All done!**
## Updating
0. `cd` to your jschan installation folder.
1. Stop the running backend:
#first, stop the jschan backend
$ pm2 stop ecosystem.config.js
pm2 stop ecosystem.config.js
#update node.js to the latest LTS node version, latest npm, and reinstall global packages:
#NOTE: Only works if you installed node.js "nvm" as per the recommendation in the installation instructions.
$ nvm install --lts --reinstall-packages-from=$(node --version) --latest-npm
2. (Optional) Update node.js to the latest LTS node version, latest npm, and reinstall global packages. NOTE: Only works if you installed node.js "nvm" as per the recommendation in the installation instructions.
nvm install --lts --reinstall-packages-from=$(node --version) --latest-npm
#pull the latest changes
$ git pull
3. Pull the latest changes from git:
git pull
#install dependencies again in case any have updated or changed
$ npm install
4. Install nodejs dependencies again in case any have updated or changed
npm install
#check if anything nginx related changed between the old and new verison, e.g.
$ git diff v0.1.5 v0.1.6 configs/nginx
#If you use a completely standard jschan nginx, run configs/nginx/ again.
#Otherwise, update your nginx config with the necessary changes.
5. Check if the nginx config needs updating, comparing the version you updated from with the current version:
git diff v0.9.2 v0.8.0 configs/nginx
If the output was blank, goto step 6.
#run the gulp migrate task. this will update things such as your database schema.
$ gulp migrate
#run the default gulp task to update, scripts, css, icons, images and delete old html
$ gulp
If the output showed changes and you used `configs/nginx/` to setup nginx, run it again to reconfigure nginx and overwrite your old configuration.
#start the backend again
$ pm2 restart ecosystem.config.js --env production
If you have a non-standard nginx config, update your nginx config yourself.
#if something breaks, check and read the logs, they will help figure out what went wrong
$ pm2 logs
6. Run the gulp migrate task. This will run "migrations" such as updating the database schema or file structure:
gulp migrate && gulp
7. Start the backend:
pm2 restart ecosystem.config.js --env production
At this point, your installation is updated. If something is broken, check and read the logs, they will help figure out what went wrong:
pm2 logs
## Help! Something didn't work!!!1!!1
If you are sure you did everything correctly and you still can't get it working, you can ask for help in the IRC (linked in [README](
Be polite, ask [smart questions](, and keep in mind nobody is obliged to help you.
Be polite, be patient, ask [smart questions](, and keep in mind nobody is obliged to help you.
Paid support is available at a rate of $50USD/hr, payable in cryptocurrency (BTC/XMR) only. Email the address on my [Gitgud profile]( to inquire.
## Advanced
