Minor textual improvements

ne0n 4 years ago committed by Thomas Lynch
parent d7de091809
commit c98b337cd3
  1. 2
  2. 8
  3. 2

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ $ gulp reset
# NOTE: dont run gulp reset again unless you want to completely irreversibly wipe everything
# make pm2 (process manager) start on server restart
$ pm2 startup #and follow any promps
$ pm2 startup #and follow any prompts
# save the process list so jschan is started with pm2
$ pm2 save

@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ module.exports = {
videoThumbPercentage: 5,
/* extra mime types for files to be uploaded as attachments (no thumbnails) e.g. text files/archives
NOTE: appropriate extensions will need to be added to nginx configuration, and uncommend the provided
NOTE: appropriate extensions will need to be added to nginx configuration, and uncomment the provided
"other files" section which includes an example configuration for .txt files to match this default config.
mime types and file extention does not always correspond exactly this cant be done automatically. */
mime types and file extension does not always correspond exactly this cant be done automatically. */
otherMimeTypes: [
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ module.exports = {
//max number of quotes that will be linked in a post. 0 for unlimited (not recommended)
quoteLimit: 25,
//aply global filters more aggressively, trying against extra text that strips diacritics and some ZWS chars
//apply global filters more aggressively, trying against extra text that strips diacritics and some ZWS chars
strictFiltering: false,
//how many replies to show on index pages under each OP
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ module.exports = {
flags: false, //show geo flags, requires nginx setup
userPostDelete: true, //allow users to delete their posts
userPostSpoiler: true, //allow user to spoiler their post files
userPostUnlink: true, //alow user to unlink files fomr their post
userPostUnlink: true, //allow user to unlink files from their post
threadLimit: 200,
replyLimit: 500,
bumpLimit: 500,

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const greentextRegex = /^>((?!>\d+|>>/\w+(/\d*)?).*)/gm
{ regex: spoilerRegex, cb: (match, spoiler) => `<span class='spoiler'>${spoiler}</span>` },
{ regex: monoRegex, cb: (match, mono) => `<span class='mono'>${mono}</span>` },
{ regex: linkRegex, cb: require(__dirname+'/linkmatch.js') },
{ regex: detectedRegex, cb: (match, detected) => `<span class='detected'>${detected}</span>` },
{ regex: detectedRegex, cb: (match, detected) => `<span class='detected'>${detected}</span>` },
{ regex: diceroll.regexMarkdown, cb: diceroll.markdown },
