reference #256 unique message per board/thread option

strips quote, so starting post with quote isnt considered unique
Thomas Lynch 4 years ago
parent 6f1e27833d
commit e87754f67e
  1. 3
  2. 19
  3. 2
  4. 14
  5. 4
  6. 200
  7. 1
  8. 12
  9. 1
  10. 4
  11. 8
  12. 26
  13. 4
  14. 2
  15. 4
  16. 8

@ -302,7 +302,8 @@ module.exports = {
codeTheme: 'ir-black',
sfw: false, //safe for work board
lockMode: 0, //board lock mode
fileR9KMode: 0, //r9k for files, 0=off, 1=per thread, 2=whole board
fileR9KMode: 0, //enfore unique files, 0=off, 1=per thread, 2=whole board
messageR9KMode: 0, //enforce unique message, 0=off, 1=per thread, 2=whole board
unlistedLocal: false, //board hidden from on-site board list and frontpage
unlistedWebring: false, //board hidden from webring
captchaMode: 0, //0=disabled, 1=for threads, 2=for all posts

@ -296,6 +296,25 @@ module.exports = {
checkExistingMessage: async (board, thread = null, hash) => {
const query = {
'board': board,
'messagehash': hash,
if (thread !== null) {
query['$or'] = [
{ 'thread': thread },
{ 'postId': thread },
const postWithExistingMessage = await db.findOne(query, {
'projection': {
'messagehash': 1,
return postWithExistingMessage;
checkExistingFiles: async (board, thread = null, hashes) => {
const query = {
'board': board,

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const { ObjectId } = require(__dirname+'/../db/db.js')
'checkedreports', 'checkedbans', 'checkedbanners', 'checkedaccounts', 'countries']) //only these should be arrays, since express bodyparser can output arrays
, trimFields = ['tags', 'uri', 'moderators', 'filters', 'announcement', 'description', 'message',
'name', 'subject', 'email', 'postpassword', 'password', 'default_name', 'report_reason', 'ban_reason', 'log_message', 'custom_css'] //trim if we dont want filed with whitespace
, numberFields = ['filter_mode', 'lock_mode', 'file_r9k_mode', 'captcha_mode', 'tph_trigger', 'pph_trigger', 'trigger_action', 'bump_limit', 'reply_limit', 'move_to_thread',, 'postId',
, numberFields = ['filter_mode', 'lock_mode', 'message_r9k_mode', 'file_r9k_mode', 'captcha_mode', 'tph_trigger', 'pph_trigger', 'trigger_action', 'bump_limit', 'reply_limit', 'move_to_thread',, 'postId',
'max_files', 'thread_limit', 'thread', 'max_thread_message_length', 'max_reply_message_length', 'min_thread_message_length', 'min_reply_message_length', 'auth_level'] //convert these to numbers before they hit our routes
, banDurationRegex = /^(?<YEAR>[\d]+y)?(?<MONTH>[\d]+mo)?(?<WEEK>[\d]+w)?(?<DAY>[\d]+d)?(?<HOUR>[\d]+h)?(?<MINUTE>[\d]+m)?(?<SECOND>[\d]+s)?$/
, timeUtils = require(__dirname+'/timeutils.js')

@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ const greentextRegex = /^&gt;((?!&gt;\d+|&gt;&gt;&#x2F;\w+(&#x2F;\d*)?).*)/gm
, { highlightOptions } = require(__dirname+'/../../configs/main.js')
, diceroll = require(__dirname+'/diceroll.js')
, replacements = [
{ regex: pinktextRegex, cb: (match, pinktext) => `<span class='pinktext'>&lt;${pinktext}</span>` },
{ regex: pinktextRegex, cb: (match, pinktext) => `<span class='pinktext'>&lt;${pinktext}</span>` },
{ regex: greentextRegex, cb: (match, greentext) => `<span class='greentext'>&gt;${greentext}</span>` },
{ regex: boldRegex, cb: (match, bold) => `<span class='bold'>${bold}</span>` },
{ regex: boldRegex, cb: (match, bold) => `<span class='bold'>${bold}</span>` },
{ regex: underlineRegex, cb: (match, underline) => `<span class='underline'>${underline}</span>` },
{ regex: strikeRegex, cb: (match, strike) => `<span class='strike'>${strike}</span>` },
{ regex: titleRegex, cb: (match, title) => `<span class='title'>${title}</span>` },
{ regex: italicRegex, cb: (match, italic) => `<span class='em'>${italic}</span>` },
{ regex: spoilerRegex, cb: (match, spoiler) => `<span class='spoiler'>${spoiler}</span>` },
{ regex: monoRegex, cb: (match, mono) => `<span class='mono'>${mono}</span>` },
{ regex: strikeRegex,cb: (match, strike) => `<span class='strike'>${strike}</span>` },
{ regex: titleRegex, cb: (match, title) => `<span class='title'>${title}</span>` },
{ regex: italicRegex, cb: (match, italic) => `<span class='em'>${italic}</span>` },
{ regex: spoilerRegex, cb: (match, spoiler) => `<span class='spoiler'>${spoiler}</span>` },
{ regex: monoRegex, cb: (match, mono) => `<span class='mono'>${mono}</span>` },
{ regex: linkRegex, cb: require(__dirname+'/linkmatch.js') },
{ regex: detectedRegex, cb: (match, detected) => `<span class='detected'>${detected}</span>` },
{ regex: diceroll.regexMarkdown, cb: diceroll.markdown },

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
const linkQuotes = require(__dirname+'/quotes.js')
const quoteHandler = require(__dirname+'/quotes.js')
, { markdown } = require(__dirname+'/markdown.js')
, sanitizeOptions = require(__dirname+'/sanitizeoptions.js')
, sanitize = require('sanitize-html');
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module.exports = async (inputMessage, boardName, threadId=null) => {
//markdown a post, link the quotes, sanitize and return message and quote arrays
if (message && message.length > 0) {
message = markdown(message);
const { quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes } = await linkQuotes(boardName, message, threadId);
const { quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes } = await quoteHandler.process(boardName, message, threadId);
message = quotedMessage;
quotes = threadQuotes;
crossquotes = crossQuotes;

@ -5,115 +5,121 @@ const Posts = require(__dirname+'/../../db/posts.js')
, quoteRegex = /&gt;&gt;(?<quotenum>\d+)/g
, crossQuoteRegex = /&gt;&gt;&gt;&#x2F;(?<board>\w+)(?:&#x2F;(?<quotenum>\d*))?/gm;
module.exports = async (board, text, thread) => {
module.exports = {
//get the matches
const quotes = text.match(quoteRegex);
const crossQuotes = text.match(crossQuoteRegex);
if (!quotes && !crossQuotes) {
return { quotedMessage: text, threadQuotes: [], crossQuotes: [] };
quoteRegex, crossQuoteRegex,
//make query for db including crossquotes
const postQueryOrs = []
const boardQueryIns = []
const crossQuoteMap = {};
if (quotes && board) {
const quoteIds = [ Set( => { return Number(q.substring(8)) }))];
'board': board,
'postId': {
'$in': quoteIds
process: async (board, text, thread) => {
if (crossQuotes) {
for (let i = 0; i < crossQuotes.length; i++) {
const crossQuote = crossQuotes[i].split('&#x2F;');
const crossQuoteBoard = crossQuote[1];
const crossQuotePostId = +crossQuote[2];
if (crossQuoteBoard === board) {
if (!crossQuoteMap[crossQuoteBoard]) {
crossQuoteMap[crossQuoteBoard] = [];
if (!isNaN(crossQuotePostId) && crossQuotePostId > 0) {
//get the matches
const quotes = text.match(quoteRegex);
const crossQuotes = text.match(crossQuoteRegex);
if (!quotes && !crossQuotes) {
return { quotedMessage: text, threadQuotes: [], crossQuotes: [] };
const crossQuoteBoards = Object.keys(crossQuoteMap)
for (let i = 0; i < crossQuoteBoards.length; i++) {
const crossQuoteBoard = crossQuoteBoards[i];
const crossQuoteBoardPostIds = crossQuoteMap[crossQuoteBoard];
if (crossQuoteBoardPostIds.length > 0) {
'board': crossQuoteBoard,
'postId': {
'$in': crossQuoteBoardPostIds
//make query for db including crossquotes
const postQueryOrs = []
const boardQueryIns = []
const crossQuoteMap = {};
if (quotes && board) {
const quoteIds = [ Set( => { return Number(q.substring(8)) }))];
'board': board,
'postId': {
'$in': quoteIds
if (crossQuotes) {
for (let i = 0; i < crossQuotes.length; i++) {
const crossQuote = crossQuotes[i].split('&#x2F;');
const crossQuoteBoard = crossQuote[1];
const crossQuotePostId = +crossQuote[2];
if (crossQuoteBoard === board) {
if (!crossQuoteMap[crossQuoteBoard]) {
crossQuoteMap[crossQuoteBoard] = [];
if (!isNaN(crossQuotePostId) && crossQuotePostId > 0) {
const crossQuoteBoards = Object.keys(crossQuoteMap)
for (let i = 0; i < crossQuoteBoards.length; i++) {
const crossQuoteBoard = crossQuoteBoards[i];
const crossQuoteBoardPostIds = crossQuoteMap[crossQuoteBoard];
if (crossQuoteBoardPostIds.length > 0) {
'board': crossQuoteBoard,
'postId': {
'$in': crossQuoteBoardPostIds
//get all the posts from quotes
const postThreadIdMap = {};
const [ posts, boards ] = await Promise.all([
postQueryOrs.length > 0 ? Posts.getPostsForQuotes(postQueryOrs) : [],
boardQueryIns.length > 0 ? Boards.db.find({ '_id': { '$in': boardQueryIns } }, { projection: { '_id': 1 } }).toArray() : []
//get all the posts from quotes
const postThreadIdMap = {};
const [ posts, boards ] = await Promise.all([
postQueryOrs.length > 0 ? Posts.getPostsForQuotes(postQueryOrs) : [],
boardQueryIns.length > 0 ? Boards.db.find({ '_id': { '$in': boardQueryIns } }, { projection: { '_id': 1 } }).toArray() : []
//turn the result into a map of postId => threadId/postId
for (let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
const post = posts[i];
if (!postThreadIdMap[post.board]) {
postThreadIdMap[post.board] = {};
//turn the result into a map of postId => threadId/postId
for (let i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
const post = posts[i];
if (!postThreadIdMap[post.board]) {
postThreadIdMap[post.board] = {};
postThreadIdMap[post.board][post.postId] = {
'_id': post._id,
'thread': post.thread || post.postId,
'postId': post.postId
postThreadIdMap[post.board][post.postId] = {
'_id': post._id,
'thread': post.thread || post.postId,
'postId': post.postId
for (let i = 0; i < boards.length; i++) {
const boardName = boards[i]._id;
if (!postThreadIdMap[boardName]) {
postThreadIdMap[boardName] = {};
for (let i = 0; i < boards.length; i++) {
const boardName = boards[i]._id;
if (!postThreadIdMap[boardName]) {
postThreadIdMap[boardName] = {};
//then replace the quotes with only ones that exist
const threadQuotes = new Set();
const nonThreadQuotes = new Set();
if (quotes) {
text = text.replace(quoteRegex, (match, quotenum) => {
if (postThreadIdMap[board] && postThreadIdMap[board][quotenum]) {
if (postThreadIdMap[board][quotenum].thread === thread) {
} else {
//then replace the quotes with only ones that exist
const threadQuotes = new Set();
const nonThreadQuotes = new Set();
if (quotes) {
text = text.replace(quoteRegex, (match, quotenum) => {
if (postThreadIdMap[board] && postThreadIdMap[board][quotenum]) {
if (postThreadIdMap[board][quotenum].thread === thread) {
} else {
return `<a class='quote' href='/${board}/thread/${postThreadIdMap[board][quotenum].thread}.html#${quotenum}'>&gt;&gt;${quotenum}</a>${postThreadIdMap[board][quotenum].postId == thread ? ' <small>(OP)</small> ' : ''}`;
return `<a class='quote' href='/${board}/thread/${postThreadIdMap[board][quotenum].thread}.html#${quotenum}'>&gt;&gt;${quotenum}</a>${postThreadIdMap[board][quotenum].postId == thread ? ' <small>(OP)</small> ' : ''}`;
return `<span class='invalid-quote'>&gt;&gt;${quotenum}</span>`;
if (crossQuotes) {
text = text.replace(crossQuoteRegex, (match, quoteboard, quotenum) => {
if (postThreadIdMap[quoteboard]) {
if (!quotenum) {
return `<a class='quote' href='/${quoteboard}/index.html'>&gt;&gt;&gt;/${quoteboard}/</a>`;
} else if (!isNaN(quotenum) && quotenum > 0 && postThreadIdMap[quoteboard][quotenum]) {
return `<a class='quote' href='/${quoteboard}/thread/${postThreadIdMap[quoteboard][quotenum].thread}.html#${quotenum}'>&gt;&gt;&gt;/${quoteboard}/${quotenum}</a>`;
return `<span class='invalid-quote'>&gt;&gt;${quotenum}</span>`;
if (crossQuotes) {
text = text.replace(crossQuoteRegex, (match, quoteboard, quotenum) => {
if (postThreadIdMap[quoteboard]) {
if (!quotenum) {
return `<a class='quote' href='/${quoteboard}/index.html'>&gt;&gt;&gt;/${quoteboard}/</a>`;
} else if (!isNaN(quotenum) && quotenum > 0 && postThreadIdMap[quoteboard][quotenum]) {
return `<a class='quote' href='/${quoteboard}/thread/${postThreadIdMap[quoteboard][quotenum].thread}.html#${quotenum}'>&gt;&gt;&gt;/${quoteboard}/${quotenum}</a>`;
return `<span class='invalid-quote'>&gt;&gt;&gt;/${quoteboard}/${quotenum || ''}</span>`;
return `<span class='invalid-quote'>&gt;&gt;&gt;/${quoteboard}/${quotenum || ''}</span>`;
return { quotedMessage: text, threadQuotes: [...threadQuotes], crossQuotes: [...nonThreadQuotes] };
return { quotedMessage: text, threadQuotes: [...threadQuotes], crossQuotes: [...nonThreadQuotes] };

@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ module.exports = {
'0.0.12': require(__dirname+'/migration-0.0.12.js'), //yotsuba b -> yotsuba-b
'0.0.13': require(__dirname+'/migration-0.0.13.js'), //add r9k mode (files)
'0.0.14': require(__dirname+'/migration-0.0.14.js'), //add option for disable .onion file posts to board settings
'0.0.15': require(__dirname+'/migration-0.0.15.js'), //messages r9k option

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
'use strict';
module.exports = async(db, redis) => {
console.log('Adding message r9k option to boards db');
await db.collection('boards').updateMany({}, {
'$set': {
'settings.messageR9KMode': 0,
console.log('Cleared boards cache');
await redis.deletePattern('board:*');

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
'maxThreadMessageLength': numberSetting(req.body.max_thread_message_length, oldSettings.maxThreadMessageLength),
'maxReplyMessageLength': numberSetting(req.body.max_reply_message_length, oldSettings.maxReplyMessageLength),
'lockMode': numberSetting(req.body.lock_mode, oldSettings.lockMode),
'messageR9KMode': numberSetting(req.body.message_r9k_mode, oldSettings.messageR9KMode),
'fileR9KMode': numberSetting(req.body.file_r9k_mode, oldSettings.fileR9KMode),
'filterMode': numberSetting(req.body.filter_mode, oldSettings.filterMode),
'filterBanDuration': numberSetting(req.body.ban_duration, oldSettings.filterBanDuration),

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/uploadDirectory.
, { remove } = require('fs-extra')
, Mongo = require(__dirname+'/../../db/db.js')
, { Posts, Files } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, linkQuotes = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/quotes.js')
, quoteHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/quotes.js')
, { markdown } = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/markdown.js')
, { pruneImmediately } = require(__dirname+'/../../configs/main.js')
, pruneFiles = require(__dirname+'/../../schedules/prune.js')
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module.exports = async (posts, board, all=false) => {
if (post.nomarkup && post.nomarkup.length > 0) { //is this check even necessary? how would it have a quote with no message
//redo the markup
let message = markdown(post.nomarkup);
const { quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes } = await linkQuotes(post.board, message, post.thread);
const { quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes } = await quoteHandler.process(post.board, message, post.thread);
message = sanitize(quotedMessage, sanitizeOptions.after);
'updateOne': {

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
const { Posts, Bans, Modlogs } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, { createHash } = require('crypto')
, Mongo = require(__dirname+'/../../db/db.js')
, getTripCode = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/tripcode.js')
, { prepareMarkdown } = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/markdown.js')
@ -73,6 +74,12 @@ todo: handle some more situations
//message hash
let messageHash = null;
if (req.body.message && req.body.message.length > 0) {
const noQuoteMessage = req.body.message.replace(/>>\d+/g, '').replace(/>>>\/\w+(\/\d*)?/gm, '').trim();
messageHash = createHash('sha256').update(noQuoteMessage).digest('base64');
//new name, trip and cap
const { name, tripcode, capcode } = await nameHandler(, res.locals.permLevel,
board.settings, board.owner, res.locals.user ? res.locals.user.username : null);
@ -130,6 +137,7 @@ todo: handle some more situations
'messagehash': messageHash || null,

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const { filterBanDuration, filterMode, filters, blockedCountries, resetTrigger,
maxFiles, sageOnlyEmail, forceAnon, replyLimit, disableReplySubject,
threadLimit, ids, userPostSpoiler, pphTrigger, tphTrigger, triggerAction,
captchaMode, lockMode, allowedFileTypes, flags, fileR9KMode } = res.locals.board.settings;
captchaMode, lockMode, allowedFileTypes, flags, fileR9KMode, messageR9KMode } = res.locals.board.settings;
if (res.locals.permLevel >= 4
&& blockedCountries.includes( {
@ -158,10 +158,29 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
//for r9k messages. usually i wouldnt process these if its not enabled e.g. flags and IDs but in this case I think its necessary
let messageHash = null;
if (req.body.message && req.body.message.length > 0) {
const noQuoteMessage = req.body.message.replace(/>>\d+/g, '').replace(/>>>\/\w+(\/\d*)?/gm, '').trim();
messageHash = createHash('sha256').update(noQuoteMessage).digest('base64');
if (res.locals.permLevel >= 4 && (req.body.thread && messageR9KMode === 1) || messageR9KMode === 2) {
const postWithExistingMessage = await Posts.checkExistingMessage(res.locals.board._id, (messageR9KMode === 2 ? null : req.body.thread), messageHash);
if (postWithExistingMessage != null) {
await deleteTempFiles(req).catch(e => console.error);
return dynamicResponse(req, res, 409, 'message', {
'title': 'Conflict',
'message': `Messages must be unique ${messageR9KMode === 1 ? 'in this thread' : 'on this board'}. Your message is not unique.`,
'redirect': redirect
let files = [];
// if we got a file
if (res.locals.numFiles > 0) {
if ((req.body.thread && fileR9KMode === 1) || fileR9KMode === 2) {
if (res.locals.permLevel >= 4 && (req.body.thread && fileR9KMode === 1) || fileR9KMode === 2) {
const filesHashes = => f.sha256);
const postWithExistingFiles = await Posts.checkExistingFiles(res.locals.board._id, (fileR9KMode === 2 ? null : req.body.thread), filesHashes);
if (postWithExistingFiles != null) {
@ -401,7 +420,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
const nomarkup = prepareMarkdown(req.body.message, true);
const { message, quotes, crossquotes } = await messageHandler(nomarkup, req.params.board, req.body.thread);
//build post data for db
//build post data for db. for some reason all the property names are lower case :^)
const data = {
'date': new Date(),
@ -411,6 +430,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res, next) => {
'message': message || null,
'messagehash': messageHash || null,
'nomarkup': nomarkup || null,
'thread': req.body.thread || null,

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
const uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/uploadDirectory.js')
, { remove } = require('fs-extra')
, { Posts } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, linkQuotes = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/quotes.js')
, quoteHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/quotes.js')
, { markdown } = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/markdown.js')
, sanitize = require('sanitize-html')
, sanitizeOptions = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/posting/sanitizeoptions.js');
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ module.exports = async (req, res) => {
if (post.nomarkup && post.nomarkup.length > 0) {
//redo the markup
let message = markdown(post.nomarkup);
let { quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes } = await linkQuotes(post.board, message, post.thread); // req.body.move_to_thread);
let { quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes } = await quoteHandler.process(post.board, message, post.thread); // req.body.move_to_thread);
//console.log(quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes)
message = sanitize(quotedMessage, sanitizeOptions.after);

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "jschan",
"version": "0.0.1",
"migrateVersion": "0.0.14",
"migrateVersion": "0.0.15",
"description": "",
"main": "server.js",
"dependencies": {

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db/db.js');
await Mongo.connect();
const { Posts } = require(__dirname+'/db/')
, linkQuotes = require(__dirname+'/helpers/posting/quotes.js')
, quoteHandler = require(__dirname+'/helpers/posting/quotes.js')
, { markdown } = require(__dirname+'/helpers/posting/markdown.js')
, sanitizeOptions = require(__dirname+'/helpers/posting/sanitizeoptions.js')
, sanitize = require('sanitize-html');
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db/db.js');
const posts = await Posts.db.find({/*query here*/}).toArray();
await Promise.all( (post) => {
let message = markdown(post.nomarkup);
const { quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes } = await linkQuotes(post.board, message, null);
const { quotedMessage, threadQuotes, crossQuotes } = await quoteHandler.process(post.board, message, null);
message = sanitize(quotedMessage, sanitizeOptions.after);
console.log(post.postId, message.substring(0,10)+'...');
return Posts.db.updateOne({board:post.board, postId:post.postId}, {$set:{message:message}});

@ -162,11 +162,17 @@ block content
option(value='1', selected=board.settings.lockMode === 1) Lock thread creation
option(value='2', selected=board.settings.lockMode === 2) Lock board
.label Unique Files
.label Enforce Unique Files
option(value='0', selected=board.settings.fileR9KMode === 0) Off
option(value='1', selected=board.settings.fileR9KMode === 1) Per Thread
option(value='2', selected=board.settings.fileR9KMode === 2) Board Wide
.label Enforce Unique Messages
option(value='0', selected=board.settings.messageR9KMode === 0) Off
option(value='1', selected=board.settings.messageR9KMode === 1) Per Thread
option(value='2', selected=board.settings.messageR9KMode === 2) Board Wide
.label Unlist locally
