### 0.11.4 - Bugfix for the message stating how many banners were deleted when deleting banners. - Add an option to limit the total resolution of an image/video (width*height). ### 0.11.3 - Fix max vs total upload count in controller for uploading board assets, flags and banners. - Move css theme assets to themes/assets instead of all lumped in one folder. - Adjust the letter spacing and line spacing of the 2FA QR code. ### 0.11.2 - Convert the assets page form handling to the newer checkSchema code. - Don't show the "Edit" option in the post dropdowns for public pages. - No longer apply permissions inheritance after editing to prevent confusion. - Improve duplicate checking when editing roles to only explicitly match updated roles rather than applying inheritance first. - Bugfix "my permission" page not displaying correctly and board staff permission editing not applying. - Improve required parent permission display to show "requires X" in the tooltip of disabled checkboxes. ### 0.11.1 - Bugfix non logged in users not able to use actions because of an issue in move post logic (thanks @some_random_guy). - Bugfix editing posts from the actions form (not the new dropdown "Edit" button) always redirecting to OP. ### 0.11.0 - Improve the fallback behaviour of live posts to work on connect_error instead of only reconnect_failed, and also attempt to upgrade again to the socket. - The post form in modview now shows the full email field even with "sage only email", same as how the name field shows in modview with "force anon" - Globals or users who are staff on multiple boards can move posts between boards - IP/ban type display and suffixes improved to make IPv4/6/Bypass/Pruned IP clearer for more informed moderation. - Post editing is now available as a link in the post dropdown, and makes a GET for the page (like editcustompage/editnews) - Labelled link format markdown now supports mailto. - "Hide name" set by default when using public actions form. - Bugfix saveoverboard script so it works on catalog instead of only index, and improve the code to be more general and allow /catalog.html in navbar link. - Bugfix BYPASS_CAPTCHA permission not able to be applied to roles. - Add a small note on global account/role permission editing about the implication of setting "board management" permissions globally. - Update README with some new related projects and change demo/test instance to 94chan. - Globalmanage roles are now available in json format in the API. - Improve some of the templates and refactor some repetitive bits into includes/mixins. - Add and update some tests. - Npm audit & dependencies updated. - Buon Natale e buon anno 🎉 ### 0.10.2 - Bugfix to 2fa, code-reuse prevention was blocking all codes rather than only a recently used correct code. ### 0.10.1 - Minor nginx configuration change for twofactor.html. ### 0.10.0 - Add account two factor authenticaiton (TOTP). - Update dependencies. ### 0.9.4 - Ability to add internal notes to bans. These are only seen by staff and not shown to the banned user. - Wordfilter auto bans will set an internal note with which wordfilter was triggered. - Fix zooming in on tabbed settings pages breaking when zoomed in on some browsers. - Npm audit fix. ### 0.9.3 - Vastly improve installation instructions & automated nginx configuration. ### 0.9.2 - Bugfix an issue with bypasses/captcha related to difference between renewing vs getting new bypass. ### 0.9.1 - Allow customisable font for grid captcha. - Default grid captcha to a common system font instead of bundling an enormous 24MB font file. - Bugfix some tegaki issues. ### 0.9.0 - Add board option to hide banners from header and link in board nav bar. - Add global option to remove reverse image search links from the overboard. - Tegaki now supports replay upload and playback. - Completing /bypass.html form will now renew your existing bypass if you had one. - Replaced "no subject" with #postId in several places. - New public API endpoints - Public board logs. - Board banners (previously undocumented). - Board custompages. - Select board settings and global settings (ones that are useful/necessary for 3rd party app integration). - Bugfix log pruning not removing old logs from mod view logs page (public log pages were unaffected and hid the old logs). - Bugfix deleting board assets/banners returning the wrong number in the success message. ### 0.8.2 - Migrate to new socket.io redis adapter package. - Fix issue with pre checking boxes in ban modal conflicting with grid captcha. ### 0.8.1 - Fix incorrectly displaying inactive accounts action settings in global settings. - Fix captcha gridv2 not appearing in board captcha slot with js enabled. ### 0.8.0 - Settings pages are now more organised and use tabs, and still works without javascript. - Captcha improvements - New captcha image effects, and customisation for their value/strength. - Customisable font for text captcha. - Improved grid captcha, the character sets and question are now customisable. - Added new captcha type "grid v2" with a different challenge involving pointing arrows. Also customisable like grid v1. - Added a new account level permission to bypass captchas including blockbypass. - Anonymizers dummy bypass cookies given while blockbypass is disabled are no longer valid once blockbypass is enabled. - Add a new option for automatically forfeiting board staff position and/or deleting inactive accounts with customisable time. - Add a new option to automatically lock, lock+unlist, or delete boards that have no board owner. - Homepage hot threads have a new option for maximum thread age, and are no longer bound to a static 7 days. - Homepage hot threads score formula is now `score=replies in last 7 days*(1-(current thread age/max thread age))` to better represent more recently active threads, rather than simply sorting by reply count. - Add unofficial Typescript SDK + typings for jschan api to README, (thanks to Michell/ussaohelcim). - Add "playlist" button in OP dropdown to download thread audio/video as m3u playlist (thanks to Michell/ussaohelcim). - Switch youtube embeds to use youtube-nocookie domain. ### 0.7.3 - Bugfix some captcha generations causing server error due non-integer argument to randomRange. ### 0.7.2 - Add playlist generating bookmarklet script to README - Bugfix some captcha generations causing server error due to bad random number range. - Fix UTF8-filenames not being decoded corectly (busboy made this not the default in a recent update). ### 0.7.1 - Show sticky level on hover (title property) of pin icon. - Reduce frontend script size by ~10KB. More improvement to come in future updates. - Change homepage hot threads to show creation date rather than last bumped. - Don't allow setting global limit for post password length below what the frontend automatically generates. - When strict mime validation is enabled, actually tell the user what the server thinks the mime is in the mismatch error message. - Make IP pruning schedule also apply to modlogs. - Fix incorrectly hiding "create board"/"register an account" on account page because of permission issue. - Fix the nginx configuration script putting commas in CSP if you say yes to recaptcha/hcaptcha. - Fix recaptcha/hcaptcha causing an issue for scrolling to new posts in some (chrom*) browsers. - Fix the generate-favicon gulp task not versioning correctly causing cache issues. - Small frontend and backend refactors. - Add screenshot image animated with light/dark theme in README. - Publish some dependencies to npmjs for faster installation. - Update dependencies. ### 0.7.0 - ESLint has been added as a dev dependency. This does "linting" to enforce code style and find and fix some mistakes. - Updated CONTRIBUTING.md information. - Bugfixes. ### 0.6.6 - Post editing bugfix. ### 0.6.5 - Portrait mode support for tegaki, improves the experience particularly on mobile devices. - Small refactor of filtering. - Modlog pruning now only deletes log entries older than the specified date when new modlogs are added, as originally intended. - Add a few extra things to server logs when debugLogs is true. - Minor bugfixes. ### 0.6.4 - Add "adaptive" theme that switches between "clear" and "tomorrow" based on the device system theme, using prefers-color-scheme media query. - Minor bugfixes. ### 0.6.3 - Bugfix when setting empty board tags, and other multiline settings. ### 0.6.2 - Hotfix webring. ### 0.6.1 - +/- button to expand a thread and see the omitted posts from index pages. - Option for global filter bans to be not appealable. ### 0.6.0 - Bans+Appeal form will now appear in the modal popup when js enabled, instead of a dodgy workaround which often caused posting bugs and broke over Tor. - Bans can now be "upgraded" retroactively to expand single IP bans to qrange/hrange bans. - Ban table now shows columns for "Type" (IP/Bypass/Pruned) and "Range" (Single/Narrow/Wide). - Global setting to show some popular threads from listed boards on the homepage, with adjustible limit (0=disabled) and threshold. (courtesy ptchan.org) - Big refactor of backend, the awfully named and disorganised "helpers" is now the more appropriately named and better organised "lib". - Some form and input handling code made more robust based on test feedback. - More tests. - Bugfixes. ### 0.5.3 - Add testing framework. Allows to test individual code, simulated requests and check for regressions after changes. Will be made more comprehensive over time. - Make "Manage" navbar link go to the current page in modview, instead of defaulting to reports page. - Fix some obscure bugs with incorrect post ordering/pages not rebuilding after making a post, or submitting post actions. - Many bugfixes. ### 0.5.2 - Fix regression in remarkup of posts during moving, deleting, cyclic threads, etc due to permissions. - Small internal change to how dicerolls are processed. ### 0.5.1 - Small change to expanding spoilered files. - Bugfix outdated bans template mixin. ### 0.5.0 - Add tegaki.js (oekaki). Has board toggle and settings option for default canvas size. ### 0.4.1 - Fix not properly skipping dnsbl with block bypass when configured to do so, give the better frame popup, and skip if already solved board captcha, etc. - Fix sessions list page showing expiry dates far in the past - Minor bugfix to flag saving. ### 0.4.0 - Hashed IPs now use an irc-style "cloaking". - Ranges are now combined in the IP instead of being only available in the JSON and not shown in management pages. - IPs will end with .IP, bypasses will end in .BP and pruned ips will end in .PRUNED - Users can now list/delete their active login sessions. - New permission system. No more "levels" shit. - Boards no longer have "moderators" but "staff". - New "staff" page in board management, to add/remove/edit staff. - The global "accounts" and board "staff" pages allow editing individual permissions. - There is now more fine permission/access control system for global and board-level stuff. - Users with permission to edit accounts can edit accounts on a global level and grant them permissions. - Users with permission to edit board staff can do the same on a per-board level. - Better continuity between pages like "news", "accounts", "custompages", "staff" and the associated editieng page. The manage/globalmaange navbar stays in place with the appropriate section highlighted. - More linking between moderation interfaces e.g. globals board list will now show direct link to view the owners account. - Made some board and page titles more consistent. - Custom flag selection is now saved like name and post password. - Bugfixes. ### 0.3.4 - Minor bugfix, saving board settings with empty custom CSS was incorrectly returning an error if there were global filters for css. ### 0.3.3 - Minor bugfix to filenames of expanded images being incorrectly truncated in some circumstances, when "image loading bars" is enabled. ### 0.3.2 - Minor bugfix to post moving. ### 0.3.1 - Small board list optimisation, no longer try to fetch webring site names if webring not enabled. - Make webring blacklisting also apply to endpoints after being fetched, in case the URL is different (alt domain, onions, etc). - Webring.json and site names cache is now removed when webring is disabled. - More reasonable webring timeout for fetching each site. - Webring bugfixes. ### 0.3.0 - Ban durations are now editable. Staff can set a new ban duration (starting from the current date, not the original ban issue date). - Minor bugfixes. ### 0.2.0 - From now on, versioning = major.minor.patch. significant changes = major, feature updates = minor, bugfixes/small stuff = patch. - Update instructions about nginx changes when upgrading. - Add an endpoint for getting the csrf token separately from html pages. See API docs for more details. - Add post "marking" so moved/deleted posts info is sent over websocket. Frontend will handle them. Deleted threads and moved OPs will now also disconnect the socket and remove the post form. - Block bypasses are now locked to where they were created (anonymizer or clearnet) to prevent some forms of 'smuggling'. This will be improved further in upcoming releases. - Code highlighting now supports all highlight.js languages when explicitly specified. The whitelist now only applies to auto-detection, as originally intended. - Quotes for post references in modlog now have the proper quote class, and will show when hovered like any other quote. - Bugfixes - [jschan-docs](https://fatchan.gitgud.site/jschan-docs/): - API docs improvements, now includes csrf token, posting, post actions (and mod variants), and more. It should be enough documentation for somebody to write a mobile app integration. - [globalafk](https://gitgud.io/fatchan/globalafk/) (my fork): - On android with termux, tapping the notification will open the post (in mod view) and the notification has new shortcut buttons to quickly delete, delete+ban or delete+global ban. ### 0.1.10 - Add thread watcher/watchlist, so users can save list of threads to a little window and see unread count - There are now API docs available at https://fatchan.gitgud.site/jschan-docs/ - Improved installation nginx script. Confirms overwriting and doesnt break when run more than once - Some visual tweaks (file "(u)" being on newline, "x" -> "×") - Bugfixes ### 0.1.9 - Fix "improved" global settings changes not regenerating custom pages properly - Postmenu dropdown for filters/moderate added to catalog tiles - Notifications are no longer sent for posts when clicking "view full text" - Make handling files with no/incorrect extension better - Image count from OP is included in catalog tiles file count ### 0.1.8 - Much improved nginx configuration for installation, script does most of the work - Fixed settings form asking to save password -.- - Multiple files & post flags now shown in catalog view - Faster, more efficient global settings changes - Add option for board owner to prevent OP deleting threads that are too old or have too many replies ### 0.1.7 - Update inconsistent wording of custom overboard subtitle from 0.1.6 - Dont show "local first" checkbox in boardlist when webring isn't even enabled - Bugfix to code markup, remove only leading blank lines, keeping leading whitespace on first non-empty line - Make overboard settings save somewhat in localstorage to help stupid zoomers who dont know what a BOOKMARK is #### 0.1.6 - Mongodb v5 and node driver v4 update - IP rangebans use more reasonable range for ipv6 - Fix ip randomising schedule - Global announcements now show on overboard (both views) - Overboard upgrade, now users can set to add and remove any boards, global setting to enable/disable. Form is collapsible - Add an extra "new reply" button to the end of threads for convenience - Users with scripts will now see proper video thumbnails (depending on browser supported codecs) in the upload list - Make fuzzy image hash option and hashes visible to globals, for filtering - Add board option to enable reverse image search link next to filenames - Add board option to enable an external "archive" link with the other nav links - Add global option to configure the URL for archive/reverse image serach links - Improved API for some global moderation interfaces, to allow more custom integration to reports and more - Staff who hide their name from public logs will also be hidden in the ban when shown to banned user - Image previews now shown in notifications - Strict filtering improvements - Many bugfixes #### 0.1.5 - Try to fallback thumbnail generation for video with horribly broken encoding - Country blocklist now can actually fit all countries - Make "auth level" text box into "account type" dropdown in accounts page, easier to understand - Board owners can now edit custom pages - Board owners can now manage custom assets - Show a little message and disable reply form on full threads (hit reply limit) - Allow longer language names for code blocks - User settings import and export option #### 0.1.4 - Banner uploading bugfix #### 0.1.3 - Script optimizations, improves page load speed especially on longer threads - Extra (u) download link for no reason - favicon, webmanifest, browserconfig, etc for browsers made into gulp task - Webring now sends and checks for ppd stat - Board search improved (prefix matches) - Update code for form submission and data validation, faster and easier to maintain - Make it more obvious to users with a blacklisted IP if block bypass dnsbl is enabled - Add new themes - Improved README - Many bugfixes #### 0.1.2 - Merge webring and local board list and improve webring search and filter functionality - New stat section of homepage - Replaced and removed some fatchan-specific media - Fixed undefined hcaptcha site key bug - Updated README with info about nginx CSP for 3rd party captcha providers - Update socket-io 2.x to 4.x #### 0.1.1 - Added changelog - Version now changes with some kind of meaning - Animated gif thumbnails no longer generate static image for images < thumbnail dimensions - Boards management "Banners" page is now "Assets" - Boards can have custom flags