# jschan Anonymous imageboard. A type of BBS or forum software. Still in development, so beware if attempting to run a public instance. Demo site running at https://fatpeople.lol ## Goals - Oldschool imageboard look, with some modern touches - Support users that have javascript disabled (TOR users, or the security conscious) - Leverage nginx to serve static files, do GeoIP lookups and various other things ## Features - [x] User created boards ala infinity - [x] Captcha and basic antispam - [x] Read-only JSON api - [x] Public modlogs - [x] Multi-select posts for moderation actions/reports - [x] Post styling & quote linking - [x] Backlinks shown without javascript - [x] Multiple files per post - [x] Thread view posts added live through websocket ## Todo - Finish moderation tools (post editing, moving/thread merging, file hash bans, range bans, ban history) - Configuration editor on the site without touching config files - Global settings page for filters, etc - Overboard/multiboard/meta boards - Boards list and search page - User created board custom pages - File URL uploads ## Setup Please note: - These are not step-by-step or complete instructions. - For debian(-like) ##### Requirements - Linux - Node.js (to run the app) - MongoDB (database, duh) - Redis (sessions, build task queue, locks, caching, websocket data) - Nginx (handle https, serve static content, GeoIP lookup) - Certbot/letsencrypt (for https cert) - Imagemagick (thumbnailing images) - Ffmpeg (thumbnailing videos) - Bcrypt (account password hashes) Install some dependencies. You may need to add some sources. ```bash $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install bcrypt nginx ffmpeg imagemagick ``` [Install](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-debian/#install-mongodb-community-edition-on-debian) and [configure auth for mongodb](https://medium.com/mongoaudit/how-to-enable-authentication-on-mongodb-b9e8a924efac). This is to avoid out of date verisons in debian repos. [Install and configure](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-redis-on-debian-9) Redis. Install nodejs. You can use [node version manager](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) (nvm) to help with this. Once you have nvm, install the LTS version of nodejs (currently 10.x). ```bash $ nvm install --lts ``` Configure nginx. Delete the default nginx config, then modify [the example config](https://gist.github.com/fatchan/87ac56e5556d178ab2213afdf7619dec) and put it in the correct folder. Next, get https with a certificate generated from [letsencrypt](https://wiki.debian.org/LetsEncrypt). Now clone the repo, browse to the folder and set some things up. ```bash # in repo directory $ nano configs/main.json #edit config with appropriate data $ npm run-script setup #install dependencies, pm2, gulp and run gulp tasks $ npm run-script start #start all the backend processes $ pm2 list #list running pm2 processes $ pm2 logs #see logs ```