extends ../layout.pug block head script(src='/js/all.js') title #{meta.siteName} block content h1.board-title #{meta.siteName} .table-container.flex-center.mv-10 table tr th.alt Welcome tr td.text-center p | This is an anonymous imageboard, a type of BBS where anyone can post messages and share images. p | You do not need to register or provide any personal information to make a post. This lowers the barrier to entry, protects user identities and focuses on what is said, rather than who says it. p | Choose a board below to join the discussion, or a(href='/create.html') create your own | . if boards && boards.length > 0 .table-container.flex-center.mv-10.text-center table tr th Overall Stats tr td p | There are currently #[span.bold #{totalStats.total-totalStats.unlisted}] public boards, #[span.bold #{totalStats.total}] in total. | Sitewide, #[span.bold #{totalStats.pph}] posts have been made in the last hour, #[span.bold #{totalStats.posts}] in total. | #[span.bold #{fileStats.count}] files are being served, totaling #[span.bold #{fileStats.totalSizeString}]. include ../includes/boardtable.pug each board in boards tr td if board.settings.sfw === true span.left span(title='SFW') 💼 | a(href=`/${board._id}/index.html`) /#{board._id}/ - #{board.settings.name} td #{board.settings.description} td #{board.pph} td #{board.ips} td #{board.sequence_value-1}