extends ../layout.pug block head title #{__('Two Factor Authentication Setup')} block content .board-header h1.board-title #{__('Two Factor Authentication Setup')} .form-wrapper.flex-center.mv-10 form.form-post.nogrow(action=`/forms/twofactor` method='POST' enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded') input(type='hidden' name='_csrf' value=csrf) h4.mv-5 #{__('Scan the QR Code in an authenticator app, and submit the code')}: .row span.code.hljs.twofactor.noselect #{qrCodeText} .row h4.no-m-p #{__('No camera? Use this secret in your authenticator app instead')}: .row span.code #{secretBase32} .row h4.mv-5.ban #{__('Enabling 2FA will invalidate all your existing sessions and you will have to login again.')} .row .label #{__('2FA Code')} input(type='number' name='twofactor' placeholder=__('6 digits')) .row input(type='submit', value=__('Submit'))