const charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/'; const generatePassword = () => { try { if (window.crypto) { const buf = new Uint8Array(20); //8 keeps charcodes within range window.crypto.getRandomValues(buf); return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, buf)); } } catch (e) { /* Uncaught DOMException: The operation failed for an operation-specific reason, thanks firefox */ } return new Array(20) .fill(null) .map(x => charset[Math.floor(Math.random()*charset.length)]) .join(''); } setDefaultLocalStorage('postpassword', generatePassword()); class syncedField { constructor(selector, key, oneWay=false, persistent=true) { this.fields = [] this.selector = selector; this.key = key; this.oneWay = oneWay; this.persistent = persistent; this.init(); } init() { const settingsFields = document.getElementById('settingsmodal').querySelectorAll(this.selector); this.fields = this.fields.concat([...settingsFields]); const postForm = document.getElementById('postform'); if (postForm) { const postformFields = postForm.querySelectorAll(this.selector); this.fields = this.fields.concat([...postformFields]); } const actionForm = document.getElementById('actionform'); if (actionForm) { const actionFields = actionForm.querySelectorAll(this.selector); this.fields = this.fields.concat([...actionFields]); } if (this.oneWay) { settingsFields[0].addEventListener('input', (e) => { this.update(e) }, false); } for (let field of this.fields) { !this.oneWay && field.addEventListener('input', (e) => { this.update(e) }, false); field.form && field.form.addEventListener('reset', (e) => { setTimeout(() => { this.set(localStorage.getItem(this.key)); }, 0); }, false); } this.set(localStorage.getItem(this.key)); } update(e) { if (this.persistent) { setLocalStorage(this.key,; } this.set(; } set(val) { if (val === null) { return; } for (let field of this.fields) { field.value = val; if (field.tagName === 'SELECT') { //necessary to set selectedIndex here? const changeEvent = new Event("change"); field.dispatchEvent(changeEvent); } } } } window.addEventListener('settingsReady', () => { new syncedField('input[name="postpassword"]', 'postpassword'); new syncedField('input[name="name"]', 'name'); const boardUri = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; new syncedField('select[name="customflag"]', `customflag-${boardUri}`); });