'use strict'; const gulp = require('gulp') , less = require('gulp-less') , cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css') , del = require('del') , pug = require('gulp-pug') , paths = { styles: { src: 'gulp/res/css/*.css', dest: 'static/css/' }, images: { src: 'gulp/res/img/*', dest: 'static/img/' }, pug: { src: 'views/custompages/*.pug', dest: 'static/html/' } }; async function wipe() { const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db/db.js'); await Mongo.connect(); const Boards = require(__dirname+'/db/boards.js') , Posts = require(__dirname+'/db/posts.js') , Bans = require(__dirname+'/db/bans.js') , Captchas = require(__dirname+'/db/captchas.js') , Accounts = require(__dirname+'/db/accounts.js'); //wipe db shit await Captchas.deleteAll(); await Accounts.deleteAll(); await Posts.deleteAll(); await Boards.deleteAll(); await Bans.deleteAll(); //add boards await Boards.insertOne({ _id: 'file', owner: '', moderators: [], banners: [], sequence_value: 1, settings: { name: 'file', description: 'testing new file types', captchaTrigger: 10, captcha: false, forceAnon: false, ids: false, userPostDelete: true, userPostSpoiler: true, userPostUnlink: true, threadLimit: 200, replyLimit: 500, maxFiles: 3, forceOPSubject: false, forceOPMessage: true, forceOPFile: true, minMessageLength: 0, defaultName: 'Anonymous', } }) await Boards.insertOne({ _id: 'pol', owner: '', moderators: [], banners: [], sequence_value: 1, settings: { name: 'politics', description: 'talk about politics', captchaTrigger: 10, captcha: false, forceAnon: true, ids: true, userPostDelete: true, userPostSpoiler: true, userPostUnlink: true, threadLimit: 200, replyLimit: 500, maxFiles: 3, forceOPSubject: true, forceOPMessage: true, forceOPFile: true, minMessageLength: 0, defaultName: 'Anonymous', } }) await Boards.insertOne({ _id: 'b', owner: '', moderators: [], banners: [], sequence_value: 1, settings: { name: 'random', description: 'anything and everything', captchaTrigger: 10, captcha: false, forceAnon: false, ids: false, userPostDelete: true, userPostSpoiler: true, userPostUnlink: true, threadLimit: 200, replyLimit: 500, maxFiles: 3, forceOPSubject: false, forceOPMessage: true, forceOPFile: true, minMessageLength: 0, defaultName: 'Anonymous', } }) await Boards.insertOne({ _id: 't', owner: '', moderators: [], banners: [], sequence_value: 1, settings: { name: 'test', description: 'testing board', captchaTrigger: 10, captcha: false, forceAnon: true, ids: false, userPostDelete: true, userPostSpoiler: true, userPostUnlink: true, threadLimit: 200, replyLimit: 500, maxFiles: 0, forceOPSubject: false, forceOPMessage: true, forceOPFile: false, minMessageLength: 0, defaultName: 'Anonymous', } }) //add indexes - should profiled and changed at some point if necessary await Bans.db.dropIndexes(); await Captchas.captcha.dropIndexes(); await Captchas.ratelimit.dropIndexes(); await Posts.db.dropIndexes(); await Bans.db.createIndex({ "expireAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 }); //custom expiry await Captchas.captcha.createIndex({ "expireAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 300 }); await Captchas.ratelimit.createIndex({ "expireAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 60 }); await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'postId': 1, 'board': 1, }); await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'board': 1, 'thread': 1, 'bumped': -1 }); await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'board': 1, 'reports.0': 1 }, { partialFilterExpression: { 'reports.0': { '$exists': true } } }); await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'globalreports.0': 1 }, { partialFilterExpression: { 'globalreports.0': { '$exists': true } } }); //default admin acc await Accounts.insertOne('admin', 'changeme', 3); Mongo.client.close(); //delete all the static files return Promise.all([ del([ 'static/html/*' ]), del([ 'static/banner/*' ]), del([ 'static/captcha/*' ]), del([ 'static/img/*' ]), del([ 'static/css/*' ]) ]); } //update the css file function css() { return gulp.src(paths.styles.src) .pipe(less()) .pipe(cleanCSS()) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.styles.dest)); } //favicon, spoiler/deleted image, default banner, spoiler/sticky/sage/cycle icons function images() { return gulp.src(paths.images.src) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.images.dest)); } //TODO: pages here that users should edit built and output by pug e.g. homepage, FAQ, contact, privacy policy, tos, etc async function html() { await del([ 'static/html/*' ]); //these will be now build-on-load return gulp.src(paths.pug.src) .pipe(pug()) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.pug.dest)); } const build = gulp.parallel(css, images, html); const reset = gulp.series(wipe, build) module.exports = { html, css, images, reset, default: build, };