module.exports = { //mongodb connection string dbURL: 'mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017', //redis connection info redis: { host: '', port: '6379', password: 'long random string' }, //backend webserver port port: 7000, //secrets/salts for various things cookieSecret: 'long random string', tripcodeSecret: 'long random string', ipHashSecret: 'long random string', postPasswordSecret: 'long random string', //enable secure cookies, only use with https/not tor secureCookies: true, //check referrer to prevent some CSRF attack refererCheck: true, //list of allowed host for checking referrer allowedHosts: ['', ''], //These 2 are usually not necessary to change. Only if you use a proxy/cdn like cloudflare, and then it probably requires change to nginx config. //header for country codes, for cloudflare, use 'Cf-Ipcountry' countryCodeHeader: 'x-country-code', //header for visitor IP, for cloudflare use 'CF-Connecting-IP' ipHeader: 'x-real-ip', //data used in opengraph meta tags. used to generate link previews in e.g. discord, twitter, etc meta: { siteName: 'imageboard', url: '' }, //settings for captchas captchaOptions: { type: 'grid', //"text", "grid" or "google". If using google, make sure your CSP header in nginx config allows the google domain. generateLimit: 1000, //max number of captchas to have generated at any time, prevent mass unsolved captcha spam, especially on TOR. google: { //options for google captcha, when captcha type is google siteKey: 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz', secretKey: 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' }, grid: { size: 4, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 15, }, numDistorts: { min: 3, max: 4 }, distortion: 9, }, /* dnsbl, will add a small delay for uncached requests. You could also install some kind of dns cache e.g. unbound to improve performance. DNSBL only checked for posting */ dnsbl: { enabled: false, blacklists: ['', ''], cacheTime: 3600 //in seconds, idk whats a good value }, //block bypasses blockBypass: { enabled: false, expireAfterUses: 40, //however many (attempted) posts per block bypass captcha expireAfterTime: 86400000, //expiry in ms regardless if the limit was reached, default 1 day bypassDnsbl: false, }, // permission level required to see UNHASHED ips. -1 for ips to be hashed even for root user. not recommended to change after installation ipHashPermLevel: 0, /* delete files immediately rather than pruning later. usually disabled to prevent re-thumbnailing and processing commonly uploaded files, but deleting immediately is better if you are concerned about "deleted" content not being immediately removed */ pruneImmediately: false, rateLimitCost: { //Cost out of 100 per minute e.g. cost of 25 means 4 per minute. Cost is separate for each. captcha: 10, boardSettings: 30, editPost: 30, }, //how many threads to show on overboard overboardLimit: 20, //cache templates in memory. disable only if editing templates and doing dev work cacheTemplates: true, //log extra info for debugging debugLogs: true, //max wait time in ms for obtaining locks for saving files lockWait: 3000, //optionally prune oldest modlog entries (prunes when newer modlog entries are generated i.e. dead boards wont have older logs pruned) pruneModlogs: true, pruneAfterDays: 30, //enable the webring (also copy configs/webring.json.example -> configs/webring.json and edit) enableWebring: false, //let all users create new boards enableUserBoardCreation: true, //let all users register new accounts enableUserAccountCreation: true, /* extension for thumbnails. this value is used UNLESS the image contains transparency, in which case png is used. */ thumbExtension: '.jpg', //max thumb dimensions (square) in px. images smaller than this are not thumbnailed thumbSize: 250, /* extra mime types for files to be uploaded as attachments (no thumbnails) e.g. text files/archives NOTE: appropriate extensions will need to be added to nginx configuration, and uncommend the provided "other files" section which includes an example configuration for .txt files to match this default config. mime types and file extention does not always correspond exactly this cant be done automatically. */ otherMimeTypes: [ 'text/plain' ], //default ban duration in ms if ban duration field is left blank (default value is 1 year) defaultBanDuration: 31536000000, //max number of quotes that will be linked in a post. 0 for unlimited (not recommended) quoteLimit: 25, //aply global filters more aggressively, trying against extra text that strips diacritics and some ZWS chars strictFiltering: false, //how many replies to show on index pages under each OP previewReplies: 5, stickyPreviewReplies: 5, //choose a different amount for sticky posts if desired /* the fraction of threadLimit beyond which early404 prunes posts e.g. 3 means after the first third, so if you had 6 pages, anything after page 2 with less than early404Replies gets pruned */ early404Fraction: 3, //how many replies a thread needs to not get removed by early404 early404Replies: 5, //how many of the most recent newsposts to show on the homepage maxRecentNews: 3, /* filter filenames on posts and banners false=no filtering true=allow only A-Za-z0-9_- regex=custom regex of what to replace e.g. /[^\w\s-]+/g */ filterFileNames: false, /* replace spaces and multiple spaces with some character default _ for better filenames (spaces dont belong in filenames) */ spaceFileNameReplacement: '_', //options for code block highlighting in posts highlightOptions: { //subset of languages to allow. languageSubset: [ 'javascript', 'typescript', 'perl', 'js', 'c++', 'c', 'java', 'kotlin', 'php', 'h', 'csharp', 'bash', 'sh', 'zsh', 'python', 'ruby', 'css', 'html', 'json', 'golang', 'rust' ], //threshold below which auto language is ignored threshold: 5 }, //uses names of css in gulp/res/css. if blank, all themes are enabled. themes: [], codeThemes: [], //global limits for board settings globalLimits: { threadLimit: { //number of threads, 10 per page min: 10, max: 200 }, replyLimit: { //number of replies to a thread, thread is locked after this limit is reached min: 10, max: 500 }, bumpLimit: { //number of replies to a thread before it wont get bumped anymore min: 10, max: 500 }, postFiles: { //number of files in a post max: 3 }, postFilesSize: { //in bytes, 10MB default max: 10485760 }, bannerFiles: { //max number of banners uploadable at once max: 10 }, bannerFilesSize: { //in bytes, 10MB default max: 10485760 }, /* NOTE: postFilesSize and bannerFilesSize counts in bytes the amount of total data in form submission including other fields like message, name, etc. Therefore a very long message would reduce the space left for files very slightly. To counteract this, consider increasing postFilesSize and bannerFilesSize beyond your desired max filesize by a small margin */ fieldLength: { //max length of fields in some forms //post form name: 100, email: 100, subject: 100, postpassword: 100, message: 4000, //reports/post actions report_reason: 100, ban_reason: 100, log_message: 100, //board creation uri: 50, boardname: 50, description: 100, }, customCss: { enabled: true, //allow custom css by board owners max: 10000, //max number of characters to allow strict: true, //enables filters to block certain strings in custom css filters: [ '@', 'url(', ] } }, //default frontend script settings frontendScriptDefault: { heightUnlimit: false, //allow images [M -1taller than window height hideRecursive: true, //hide replies to hidden OPs crispImages: false, //use crisp/pixelated image rendering hideThumbnails: false, //hide thumbnails nonColorIds: false, //dont color ids alwaysShowSpoilers: false , //always reveal spoiler text hidePostStubs: false, //hide hidden posts completely, dont even show it minimized smoothScrolling: false, //smooth scrolling. annoying for chrome users on long threads defaultVolume: 100, //default video/audio volume loop: true, //looping video/audio imageLoadingBars: true, //show loading bar for images, changes behaviour of right click save/open live: true, //update threads automatically scrollToPosts: false, //scroll to new posts localTime: true, //show local time for posts hour24Time: false, //show 24 hour time for posts relativeTime: true, //show relative time i.e. "5 minutes ago" for posts //note: relative time overrides other time options, they show on hover in the tooltip/"title" property notificationsEnabled: false, //show notifications for new posts in a thread notificationsYousOnly: true, //only show notifications for posts that quote you showYous: true, //show (You) next to name on your posts, and quotes linking to your post }, //default board settings when a board is created boardDefaults: { theme: 'lain', codeTheme: 'ir-black', sfw: false, //safe for work board lockMode: 0, //board lock mode unlistedLocal: false, //board hidden from on-site board list and frontpage unlistedWebring: false, //board hidden from webring captchaMode: 0, //0=disabled, 1=for threads, 2=for all posts tphTrigger: 0, //numebr of threads in an hour before trigger action is activated pphTrigger: 0, //number of posts in an hour before ^ triggerAction: 0, //0=nothing, 1=captcha enable for threads, 2=captcha enable for all posts, 3=lock board resetTrigger: false, //reset captcha/lock settings back to original at the end of hour forceAnon: false, //disable name and subject, only allow sage email sageOnlyEmail: false, //only allow sage email early404: true, //delete threads beyond the first 1/3 of pages with less than 5 replies ids: false, //show per thread poster ID based on ip flags: false, //show geo flags, requires nginx setup userPostDelete: true, //allow users to delete their posts userPostSpoiler: true, //allow user to spoiler their post files userPostUnlink: true, //alow user to unlink files fomr their post threadLimit: 200, replyLimit: 500, bumpLimit: 500, maxFiles: 1, forceReplyMessage: false, forceReplyFile: false, forceThreadMessage: false, forceThreadFile: false, forceThreadSubject: false, disableReplySubject: false, minThreadMessageLength: 0, minReplyMessageLength: 0, maxThreadMessageLength: 4000, maxReplyMessageLength: 4000, defaultName: 'Anon', customCSS: null, blockedCountries: [], //2 char ISO country codes to block filters: [], //words/phrases to block filterMode: 0, //0=nothing, 1=prevent post, 2=auto ban filterBanDuration: 0, //duration (in ms) to ban if filter mode=2 strictFiltering: false, announcement: { raw: null, markdown: null }, allowedFileTypes: { //enable different types of files to be posted animatedImage: true, image: true, video: true, audio: true, other: false } }, };