# jschan Anonymous imageboard software. Demo/test instance: [Clearnet](https://fatchan.org), [Tor hidden service](http://cimixezweeq64g42vl6tyhk4becxhi4ldwqq6w43u53qhwsd3s4c3lyd.onion/), [Lokinet SNApp](http://fatchan.loki/) API documentation: [fatchan/jschan-docs](https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan-docs/) - Gitgud pages link: http://fatchan.gitgud.site/jschan-docs/#introduction Join the IRC: [irc.fatpeople.lol](ircs://irc.fatpeople.lol:6697/general) OR: [webchat](https://irc.fatpeople.lol/#general) ## Features - [x] User created boards ala infinity - [x] Multiple files per post - [x] Antispam & multiple captcha options - [x] [API documentation](http://fatchan.gitgud.site/jschan-docs/) - [x] Built-in webring (compatible w/ [lynxchan](https://gitlab.com/alogware/LynxChanAddon-Webring) & [infinity](https://gitlab.com/Tenicu/infinityaddon-webring)) - [x] Manage everything from the web panel - [x] Detailed accounts permissions system - [x] Works properly with anonymizer networks - [x] Looks good on all screen sizes - [x] Lots of themes, and auto light/dark theme ![screenshots](collage.gif "screenshots") ## License GNU AGPLv3, see [LICENSE](LICENSE). ## Installation & Upgrading See [INSTALLATION.md](INSTALLATION.md) for instructions on setting up a jschan instance or upgrading to a newer version. ## Changelog See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for changes between versions. ## Contributing Interested in contributing to jschan development? See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for contribution guidelines. ## Related Projects Here are some other projects related to jschan that you might find useful. Unless explicitly specified here, they are not officially endorsed or otherwise guaranteed to work or be safe and should be used at your own risk. - [myumyu/globalafk](https://gitgud.io/myumyu/globalafk/) - "A simple python script that sends ugly notifications when something happens on a jschan imageboard that you moderate." - [ussaohelcim/ptchina-playlist](https://github.com/ussaohelcim/ptchina-playlist) - A bookmarklet script that will take all mp3, mp4 and webm files from a thread and download them as an m3u playlist that you can play in an external media player. - [ussaohelcim/jschan-api-sdk](https://github.com/ussaohelcim/jschan-api-sdk) - JavaScript/TypeScript SDK for jschan. - [ussaohelcim/jschan-api-types](https://github.com/ussaohelcim/jschan-api-types) - TypeScript typings for jschan API. ## For generous people Bitcoin (BTC): [`bc1q4elrlz5puak4m9xy3hfvmpempnpqpu95v8s9m6`](bitcoin:bc1q4elrlz5puak4m9xy3hfvmpempnpqpu95v8s9m6) Monero (XMR): [`89J9DXPLUBr5HjNDNZTEo4WYMFTouSsGjUjBnUCCUxJGUirthnii4naZ8JafdnmhPe4NP1nkWsgcK82Uga7X515nNR1isuh`](monero:89J9DXPLUBr5HjNDNZTEo4WYMFTouSsGjUjBnUCCUxJGUirthnii4naZ8JafdnmhPe4NP1nkWsgcK82Uga7X515nNR1isuh) Oxen (OXEN): `LBjExqjDKCFT6Tj198CfK8auAzBERJX1ogtcsjuKZ6AYWTFxwEADLgf2zZ8NHvWCa1UW7vrtY8DJmPYFpj3MEE69CryCvN6`