let customCSSString = localStorage.getItem('customcss'); let disableBoardCss = localStorage.getItem('disableboardcss') == 'true'; window.addEventListener('settingsReady', function(event) { //for main theme const themePicker = document.getElementById('theme-setting'); themePicker.value = localStorage.getItem('theme'); themePicker.addEventListener('change', () => { setLocalStorage('theme', themePicker.value); changeTheme('theme'); }, false); //for code theme const codeThemePicker = document.getElementById('codetheme-setting'); codeThemePicker.value = localStorage.getItem('codetheme'); codeThemePicker.addEventListener('change', () => { setLocalStorage('codetheme', codeThemePicker.value); changeTheme('codetheme'); }, false); //custom CSS for users const customCSSSetting = document.getElementById('customcss-setting'); const editCustomCSS = (change) => { customCSSString = customCSSSetting.value; console.log('editing custom CSS', customCSSString.length); setLocalStorage('customcss', customCSSString); //what if this gets too long? changeTheme('customcss'); } customCSSSetting.value = customCSSString; customCSSSetting.addEventListener('input', editCustomCSS, false); //for main theme const disableBoardCssInput = document.getElementById('disableboardcss-setting'); disableBoardCssInput.addEventListener('change', () => { disableBoardCss = !disableBoardCss; setLocalStorage('disableboardcss', disableBoardCss); console.log('toggling disable board custom css', disableBoardCss); toggleBoardCss(); }, false); disableBoardCssInput.checked = localStorage.getItem('disableboardcss') == 'true'; }); const customCSSLink = document.createElement('style'); customCSSLink.rel = 'stylesheet'; customCSSLink.id = 'customcss'; document.head.appendChild(customCSSLink); toggleBoardCss(); function toggleBoardCss() { const boardCssLink = document.getElementById('board-customcss'); if (boardCssLink) { if (disableBoardCss) { boardCssLink.setAttribute('media', 'screen and (max-width: 1px)'); } else { boardCssLink.removeAttribute('media'); } } } function changeTheme(type) { switch(type) { case 'theme': case 'codetheme': const theme = localStorage.getItem(type); let tempLink = document.getElementById(`custom${type}`); let defaultLink = document.getElementById(type); if (theme === 'default' || theme === defaultLink.dataset.theme) { defaultLink.rel = 'stylesheet'; setTimeout(() => { tempLink && tempLink.remove(); }, 100); } else { //use path and try to fetch from localstorage const path = `/css/${type}s/${theme}.css`; let css = localStorage.getItem(path); if (!tempLink) { tempLink = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(tempLink); } if (css) { tempLink.innerHTML = css; //set as inline style temporarily } defaultLink.rel = ''; //disable default theme const themeLink = document.createElement('link'); themeLink.rel = 'stylesheet'; themeLink.id = `custom${type}`; themeLink.onload = function() { css = ''; const rulesKey = themeLink.sheet.rules != null ? 'rules' : 'cssRules'; for(let i = 0; i < themeLink.sheet[rulesKey].length; i++) { css += themeLink.sheet[rulesKey][i].cssText; //add all the rules to the css } //update localstorage with latest version setLocalStorage(path, css); tempLink.innerHTML = css; //remove temp inline style since we dont need it anymore tempLink.remove(); } themeLink.href = path; document.head.appendChild(themeLink); } break; case 'customcss': customCSSLink.innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('customcss'); break; } } changeTheme('theme'); changeTheme('codetheme'); changeTheme('customcss');