'use strict'; const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4') , path = require('path') , util = require('util') , crypto = require('crypto') , randomBytes = util.promisify(crypto.randomBytes) , remove = require('fs-extra').remove , uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/uploadDirectory.js') , Posts = require(__dirname+'/../../db/posts.js') , getTripCode = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/tripcode.js') , linkQuotes = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/quotes.js') , simpleMarkdown = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/markdown.js') , sanitize = require('sanitize-html') , sanitizeOptions = { allowedTags: [ 'span', 'a', 'em', 'strong' ], allowedAttributes: { 'a': [ 'href', 'class' ], 'span': [ 'class' ] } } , nameRegex = /^(?[^\s#]+)?(?:##(?[^ ]{1}[^\s#]+))?(?:## (?[^\s#]+))?$/ , permsCheck = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/hasperms.js') , imageUpload = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/imageupload.js') , videoUpload = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/videoupload.js') , fileCheckMimeType = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/file-check-mime-types.js') , imageThumbnail = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/image-thumbnail.js') , imageIdentify = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/image-identify.js') , videoThumbnail = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/video-thumbnail.js') , videoIdentify = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/video-identify.js') , formatSize = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/files/format-size.js') , { buildCatalog, buildThread, buildBoard, buildBoardMultiple } = require(__dirname+'/../../build.js'); module.exports = async (req, res, next, numFiles) => { // check if this is responding to an existing thread let redirect = `/${req.params.board}/` let salt = null; let thread = null; const hasPerms = permsCheck(req, res); const forceAnon = res.locals.board.settings.forceAnon; if (req.body.thread) { thread = await Posts.getPost(req.params.board, req.body.thread, true); if (!thread || thread.thread != null) { return res.status(400).render('message', { 'title': 'Bad request', 'message': 'Thread does not exist.', 'redirect': redirect }); } salt = thread.salt; redirect += `thread/${req.body.thread}.html` if (thread.locked && !hasPerms) { return res.status(400).render('message', { 'title': 'Bad request', 'message': 'Thread Locked', 'redirect': redirect }); } if (thread.replyposts >= res.locals.board.settings.replyLimit) { //reply limit return res.status(400).render('message', { 'title': 'Bad request', 'message': 'Thread reached reply limit', 'redirect': redirect }); } } if (numFiles > res.locals.board.settings.maxFiles) { return res.status(400).render('message', { 'title': 'Bad request', 'message': `Too many files. Max files per post is ${res.locals.board.settings.maxFiles}.`, 'redirect': redirect }); } let files = []; // if we got a file if (numFiles > 0) { // check all mime types befoer we try saving anything for (let i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { if (!fileCheckMimeType(req.files.file[i].mimetype, {image: true, video: true})) { return res.status(400).render('message', { 'title': 'Bad request', 'message': `Invalid file type for ${req.files.file[i].name}. Mimetype ${req.files.file[i].mimetype} not allowed.`, 'redirect': redirect }); } } // then upload, thumb, get metadata, etc. for (let i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { const file = req.files.file[i]; const uuid = uuidv4(); const filename = uuid + path.extname(file.name); file.filename = filename; //for error to delete failed files //get metadata let processedFile = { filename: filename, originalFilename: file.name, mimetype: file.mimetype, size: file.size, }; //handle video/image ffmpeg or graphicsmagick const mainType = file.mimetype.split('/')[0]; switch (mainType) { case 'image': await imageUpload(file, filename, 'img'); const imageData = await imageIdentify(filename, 'img'); processedFile.geometry = imageData.size // object with width and height pixels processedFile.sizeString = formatSize(processedFile.size) // 123 Ki string processedFile.geometryString = imageData.Geometry // 123 x 123 string await imageThumbnail(filename); break; case 'video': //video metadata await videoUpload(file, filename, 'img'); const videoData = await videoIdentify(filename); processedFile.duration = videoData.format.duration; processedFile.durationString = new Date(videoData.format.duration*1000).toLocaleString('en-US', {hour12:false}).split(' ')[1].replace(/^00:/, ''); processedFile.geometry = {width: videoData.streams[0].coded_width, height: videoData.streams[0].coded_height} // object with width and height pixels processedFile.sizeString = formatSize(processedFile.size) // 123 Ki string processedFile.geometryString = `${processedFile.geometry.width}x${processedFile.geometry.height}` // 123 x 123 string await videoThumbnail(filename); break; default: return next(err); } //delete the temp file await remove(file.tempFilePath); //handle gifs with multiple geometry and size if (Array.isArray(processedFile.geometry)) { processedFile.geometry = processedFile.geometry[0]; } if (Array.isArray(processedFile.sizeString)) { processedFile.sizeString = processedFile.sizeString[0]; } if (Array.isArray(processedFile.geometryString)) { processedFile.geometryString = processedFile.geometryString[0]; } files.push(processedFile); } } //poster ip const ip = req.headers['x-real-ip'] || req.connection.remoteAddress; let userId = null; if (!salt) { //thread salt for IDs salt = (await randomBytes(128)).toString('hex'); } if (res.locals.board.settings.ids) { const fullUserIdHash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(salt + ip + req.params.board).digest('hex'); userId = fullUserIdHash.substring(fullUserIdHash.length-6); } //forceanon hide reply subjects so cant be used as name for replies //forceanon only allow sage email let subject = (hasPerms || !forceAnon || !req.body.thread) ? req.body.subject : null; let email = (hasPerms || !forceAnon || req.body.email === 'sage') ? req.body.email : null; let name = res.locals.board.settings.defaultName; let tripcode = null; let capcode = null; if ((hasPerms || !forceAnon) && req.body.name && req.body.name.length > 0) { // get matches with named groups for name, trip and capcode in 1 regex const matches = req.body.name.match(nameRegex); if (matches && matches.groups) { const groups = matches.groups; //name if (groups.name) { name = groups.name } //tripcode if (groups.tripcode) { tripcode = `!!${(await getTripCode(groups.tripcode))}`; } //capcode if (groups.capcode && hasPerms) { // TODO: add proper code for different capcodes capcode = groups.capcode; } } } //simple markdown and sanitize let message = req.body.message; if (message && message.length > 0) { message = simpleMarkdown(req.params.board, req.body.thread, message); message = await linkQuotes(req.params.board, message); message = sanitize(message, sanitizeOptions); } //build post data for db const data = { 'date': new Date(), name, 'board': req.params.board, tripcode, capcode, subject, 'message': message || null, 'thread': req.body.thread || null, 'password': req.body.password || null, email, 'salt': !req.body.thread ? salt : null, 'spoiler': req.body.spoiler ? true : false, 'banmessage': null, userId, ip, files, 'reports': [], 'globalreports': [], } if (!req.body.thread) { //if this is a thread, add replies, sticky, sage, lock, etc Object.assign(data, { 'replyposts': 0, 'replyfiles': 0, 'sticky': false, 'locked': false, 'saged': false }); } const postId = await Posts.insertOne(req.params.board, data, thread); //now we need to rebuild pages const parallelPromises = [] //always need to rebuild catalog parallelPromises.push(buildCatalog(res.locals.board)); if (data.thread) { //new reply, so build the thread first parallelPromises.push(buildThread(thread.postId, res.locals.board)); //refersh pages const threadPage = await Posts.getThreadPage(req.params.board, thread); if (data.email === 'sage') { //refresh the page that the thread is on parallelPromises.push(buildBoard(res.locals.board, threadPage)); } else { //if not saged, it will bump so we should refresh any pages above it as well parallelPromises.push(buildBoardMultiple(res.locals.board, 1, threadPage)); } } else { //new thread, rebuild all pages and prune old threads const prunedThreads = await Posts.pruneOldThreads(req.params.board, res.locals.board.settings.threadLimit); for (let i = 0; i < prunedThreads.length; i++) { parallelPromises.push(remove(`${uploadDirectory}html/${req.params.board}/thread/${prunedThreads[i]}.html`)); } parallelPromises.push(buildBoardMultiple(res.locals.board, 1, 10)); } await Promise.all(parallelPromises); const successRedirect = `/${req.params.board}/thread/${req.body.thread || postId}.html#${postId}`; return res.redirect(successRedirect); }