/* globals __ isRecent isGlobalRecent isThread post extraLocals isModView io setLocalStorage */ let liveEnabled = localStorage.getItem('live') == 'true'; let scrollEnabled = localStorage.getItem('scroll') == 'true'; let socket; let socketPingInterval; let forceUpdate; let newPost; window.addEventListener('settingsReady', function() { //after domcontentloaded let supportsWebSockets = 'WebSocket' in window || 'MozWebSocket' in window; const livecolor = document.getElementById('livecolor'); const liveElem = document.getElementById('livetext'); const livetext = (isThread || isRecent) && liveElem ? liveElem.childNodes[1] : null; let room = liveElem && liveElem.dataset.room; const viewRawIp = liveElem && liveElem.dataset.viewRawIp === 'true'; const updateButton = document.getElementById('updatepostsbutton'); const updateLive = (message, color) => { livecolor.style.backgroundColor = color; livetext.nodeValue = `${message}`; }; let lastPostIds = {}; let liveTimeout; let retrySocketTimeout; const postContainers = document.getElementsByClassName('post-container'); for (let i = 0; i < postContainers.length; i++) { const postContainer = postContainers[i]; const { board, postId } = postContainer.dataset; lastPostIds[board] = Math.max((lastPostIds[board] || 0), postId); } //add text before post-info to show posts deleted, moved, etc const markPost = (data) => { console.log('got mark post message', data); const anchor = document.getElementById(data.postId); const postContainer = anchor.nextSibling; let dataMark; let applyToReplies = false; let disableReplies = false; switch (data.type) { case 'delete': dataMark = __('Deleted'); applyToReplies = true; disableReplies = true; break; case 'move': dataMark = __('Moved'); applyToReplies = true; disableReplies = true; break; case 'edit': //opting for no data mark, already has the usual "edited x ago" break; default: return; } if (dataMark) { //mark with a red text postContainer.classList.add('marked'); postContainer.setAttribute('data-mark', dataMark); } if (postContainer.classList.contains('op') && applyToReplies === true) { //moved or delete OPs then apply to whole thread const postContainers = document.getElementsByClassName('post-container'); Array.from(postContainers).forEach(e => { e.classList.add('marked'); e.setAttribute('data-mark', dataMark); }); } if (disableReplies === true) { //remove new reply buttons and postform document.getElementById('postform').remove(); const postButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('post-button'); Array.from(postButtons).forEach(e => e.remove()); //and disconnect socket if (socket.connected === true) { //&& disconnectSocket? socket.disconnect(); } } if (data.type === 'edit') { const insertPoint = postContainer.nextSibling; // console.log(anchor, postContainer, insertPoint); anchor.remove(); postContainer.remove(); newPost(data, { nonotify: true, //should we notify of edits in open threads, maybe just for OP? idk insertPoint: insertPoint, insertPosition: 'beforeBegin', }); } }; newPost = (data, options = {}) => { //insert at end of thread, but insert at top for globalmanage //console.log('got new post', data); const postData = data; lastPostIds[postData.board] = Math.max(lastPostIds[postData.board], postData.postId); //create a new post const postHtml = post({ viewRawIp, post: postData, modview: isModView, manage: (isRecent && !isGlobalRecent), globalmanage: isGlobalRecent, upLevel: isThread, ...extraLocals, }); let insertPoint; if (options.insertPoint) { insertPoint = options.insertPoint; } else if (isRecent) { const firstHr = document.querySelector('hr'); const newHr = document.createElement('hr'); const threadWrapper = document.createElement('div'); threadWrapper.classList.add('thread'); insertPoint = threadWrapper; firstHr.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', newHr); newHr.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', threadWrapper); } else { insertPoint = document.querySelector('.thread'); } insertPoint.insertAdjacentHTML(options.insertPosition || 'beforeend', postHtml); if (isRecent) { //cap the recent pages to 20 posts so they dont grow to infinity Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('thread')) .slice(20) .forEach(el => { el.previousSibling.remove(); el.remove(); }); } //add backlink to quoted posts for (let j = 0; j < postData.quotes.length; j++) { const quoteData = postData.quotes[j]; const quotedPost = document.querySelector(`.post-container[data-post-id="${quoteData.postId}"][data-board="${postData.board}"]`); if (quotedPost) { //check if exists, it wont necessarily, e.g. global/manage recent pages let replies = quotedPost.querySelector('.replies'); if (!replies) { const quotedPostData = quotedPost.querySelector('.post-data'); const newRepliesDiv = document.createElement('div'); newRepliesDiv.textContent = 'Replies: '; newRepliesDiv.classList.add('replies', 'mt-5', 'ml-5'); quotedPostData.appendChild(newRepliesDiv); replies = newRepliesDiv; } if (new RegExp(`>>${postData.postId}(\\s|$)`).test(replies.innerText)) { //reply link already exists (probably from a late catch up) continue; } const newReply = document.createElement('a'); const space = document.createTextNode(' '); newReply.href = `/${postData.board}/${(isModView || isRecent) ? 'manage/' : ''}thread/${postData.thread || postData.postId}.html#${postData.postId}`; newReply.textContent = `>>${postData.postId}`; newReply.classList.add('quote'); replies.appendChild(newReply); replies.appendChild(space); } } const newPostAnchor = document.getElementById(postData.postId); const newPostElement = newPostAnchor.nextSibling; if (scrollEnabled) { if (isGlobalRecent) { window.scrollTo(0, 0); //recent pages are reverse sort, so just go to top } else { newPostAnchor.scrollIntoView(); //scroll to post if enabled; } } const newPostEvent = new CustomEvent('addPost', { detail: { nonotify: options.nonotify, post: newPostElement, postId: postData.postId, json: postData } }); //dispatch the event so quote click handlers, image expand, etc can be added in separate scripts by listening to the event setTimeout(() => { window.dispatchEvent(newPostEvent); }, 50); }; let jsonParts = window.location.pathname.replace(/\.html$/, '.json').split('/'); let jsonPath; if (isModView) { jsonParts.splice(2,1); //remove manage from json url } jsonPath = jsonParts.join('/'); const fetchNewPosts = async () => { console.log('fetching posts from api'); updateLive(__('Fetching posts...'), 'yellow'); let json; let newPosts = []; try { json = await fetch(jsonPath).then(res => res.json()); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } const postsList = (json && json.replies) ? json.replies : json; if (postsList && Array.isArray(postsList) && postsList.length > 0) { newPosts = postsList.filter(r => { return r.postId > (lastPostIds[r.board] || 0); }); //filter to only newer posts if (newPosts.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < newPosts.length; i++) { newPost(newPosts[i]); } } } updateLive(__('Updated'), 'green'); return newPosts.length; }; let interval = 5000; let intervalStart; forceUpdate = async () => { updateButton.disabled = true; clearTimeout(liveTimeout); if ((await fetchNewPosts()) > 0) { interval = 5000; } else { interval = Math.min(interval*2, 90000); } setTimeout(() => { updateButton.disabled = false; }, 10000); if (liveEnabled) { intervalStart = Date.now(); liveTimeout = setTimeout(forceUpdate, interval); } }; setInterval(() => { if (liveEnabled && intervalStart) { const remaining = Math.abs((interval - (Date.now() - intervalStart))/1000); updateButton.value = `Update (${remaining.toFixed(0)}s)`; } }, 1000); const enableLive = () => { if (supportsWebSockets) { updateButton.style.display = 'none'; if (!room) { const roomParts = window.location.pathname.replace(/\.html$/, '').split('/'); room = `${roomParts[1]}-${roomParts[roomParts.length-1]}`; } socket = io({ transports: ['websocket'], reconnectionAttempts: 3, reconnectionDelay: 3000, reconnectionDelayMax: 15000, }); const socketPing = () => { const pingStart = Date.now(); socket.volatile.emit('ping', () => { const latency = Date.now() - pingStart; updateLive(__('Connected for live posts (%sms)', latency), '#0de600'); }); }; const fallbackToPolling = () => { console.log('falling back to polling'); socket.close(); supportsWebSockets = false; enableLive(); clearTimeout(retrySocketTimeout); retrySocketTimeout = setTimeout(() => { supportsWebSockets = true; enableLive(); }, 6000); }; socket.on('connect', async () => { console.log('socket connected'); await fetchNewPosts(); socket.emit('room', room); clearInterval(socketPingInterval); socketPingInterval = setInterval(socketPing, 20000); }); socket.on('message', (message) => { console.log(message, room); if (message === 'joined') { updateLive(__('Connected for live posts'), '#0de600'); socketPing(); } }); socket.on('reconnect_attempt', () => { updateLive(__('Attempting to reconnect...'), 'yellow'); }); socket.on('disconnect', () => { console.log('lost connection to room'); updateLive(__('Disconnected'), 'red'); }); socket.on('reconnect', () => { console.log('reconnected to room'); fetchNewPosts(); }); socket.on('error', (e) => { updateLive(__('Socket error'), 'orange'); console.error(e); }); socket.on('connect_error', (e) => { updateLive(__('Error connecting'), 'orange'); console.error(e); fallbackToPolling(); }); socket.on('reconnect_error', (e) => { updateLive(__('Error reconnecting'), 'orange'); console.error(e); }); socket.on('reconnect_failed', (e) => { updateLive(__('Failed reconnecting'), 'orange'); console.error(e); fallbackToPolling(); }); socket.on('newPost', newPost); socket.on('markPost', markPost); } else { //websocket not supported, update with polling to api updateButton.removeAttribute('style'); forceUpdate(); } }; const disableLive = () => { updateButton.value = 'Update'; updateButton.removeAttribute('style'); clearTimeout(liveTimeout); if (socket && supportsWebSockets) { socket.disconnect(); } updateLive(__('Live posts off'), 'darkgray'); }; const liveSetting = document.getElementById('live-setting'); const toggleLive = () => { liveEnabled = !liveEnabled; liveEnabled ? enableLive() : disableLive(); console.log('toggling live posts', liveEnabled); setLocalStorage('live', liveEnabled); }; liveSetting.checked = liveEnabled; liveSetting.addEventListener('change', toggleLive, false); const scrollSetting = document.getElementById('scroll-setting'); const toggleScroll = () => { scrollEnabled = !scrollEnabled; console.log('toggling post scrolling', scrollEnabled); setLocalStorage('scroll', scrollEnabled); }; scrollSetting.checked = scrollEnabled; scrollSetting.addEventListener('change', toggleScroll, false); if ((isThread || isRecent) && updateButton) { updateButton.addEventListener('click', forceUpdate); liveEnabled ? enableLive() : disableLive(); } });