'use strict'; const { debugLogs } = require(__dirname+'/../../configs/secrets.js') , config = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/config.js') , Redis = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/redis/redis.js') , { Boards, Accounts } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/') , timeUtils = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/converter/timeutils.js'); module.exports = { func: async () => { if (config.get.inactiveAccountAction === 0) { return; } const inactiveAccounts = await Accounts.getInactive(config.get.inactiveAccountTime); if (inactiveAccounts.length === 0) { return; } const cacheDeleteSet = new Set() , boardBulkWrites = [] , inactiveWithBoards = inactiveAccounts.filter(acc => { //only deal with boards if they have any (acc deletes still processed later) return acc.ownedBoards.length > 0 || acc.staffBoards.length > 0; }); let boardsPromise = null , accountsPromise = null; //create promise for boards (remove staff.${username}) inactiveWithBoards.forEach(acc => { //remove account from staff and owner of all their boards const accountBoards = [...acc.ownedBoards, ...acc.staffBoards]; accountBoards.forEach(b => cacheDeleteSet.add(b)); boardBulkWrites.push({ updateOne: { filter: { '_id': { '$in': accountBoards, //better to do per board for staff unsets? or per-account... } }, update: { $unset: { [`staff.${acc._id}`]: '', }, } } }); acc.ownedBoards.forEach(ob => { boardBulkWrites.push({ updateOne: { filter: { '_id': ob, }, update: { '$set': { 'owner': null, }, } } }); }); }); if (boardBulkWrites.length > 0) { boardsPromise = Boards.db.bulkWrite(boardBulkWrites); } //create promise for accounts (clearing staff positions or deleting fuly) if (config.get.inactiveAccountAction === 2) { debugLogs && console.log(`Deleting ${inactiveAccounts.length} inactive accounts`); const inactiveUsernames = inactiveAccounts.map(acc => acc._id); accountsPromise = Accounts.deleteMany(inactiveUsernames); } else{ debugLogs && console.log(`Removing staff positions from ${inactiveWithBoards.length} inactive accounts`); const inactiveUsernames = inactiveWithBoards.map(acc => acc._id); accountsPromise = Accounts.clearStaffAndOwnedBoards(inactiveUsernames); } //execute promises await Promise.all([ accountsPromise, boardsPromise, ]); //clear caches cacheDeleteSet.forEach(b => Redis.del(`board:${b}`)); //users: cache already handled by Accounts.deleteMany or Accounts.clearStaffAndOwnedBoards }, interval: timeUtils.DAY, immediate: false, condition: 'inactiveAccountAction' };