# Contributing Thanks for considering contributing. If you haven't already, join the IRC ([irc.fatpeople.lol #fatchan](irc://irc.fatpeople.lol:+6697/fatchan)). Some links: * [Kanban board](https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan/-/boards/4780) already has issues in swim lanes. * IRC: [irc.fatpeople.lol #fatchan](irc://irc.fatpeople.lol:+6697/fatchan) ## LICENSE? See [LICENSE](https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan/-/blob/master/LICENSE) ## Making changes * Bug? Open an issue. * Request? Open an issue and ask. Saves wasting your time making changes that will be denied for being bad or unwanted. When contributing, make a merge request with a clear list of what you've done. Write clear commit messages. One line is fine for smaller changes, or multiple lines for bigger changes. Be clear and concise. $ git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit > > A paragraph describing what changed and its impact." ## Coding conventions Read the code to understand, but basically: * [standardjs](https://standardjs.com/) style for the most part, with some modifications. * TAB for indentation. * Please include comments. Thanks, Tom