'use strict'; const gulp = require('gulp') , fs = require('fs') , configs = require(__dirname+'/configs/main.js') , { themes, codeThemes } = require(__dirname+'/helpers/themes.js') , less = require('gulp-less') , concat = require('gulp-concat') , cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css') , uglify = require('gulp-uglify-es').default , del = require('del') , pug = require('pug') , gulppug = require('gulp-pug') , paths = { styles: { src: 'gulp/res/css/**/*.css', dest: 'static/css/' }, images: { src: 'gulp/res/img/*', dest: 'static/img/' }, scripts: { src: 'gulp/res/js', dest: 'static/js/' }, pug: { src: 'views/', dest: 'static/html/' } }; async function wipe() { const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db/db.js'); await Mongo.connect(); const db = Mongo.client.db('jschan'); //make these because mongo is dumb and doesnt make them automatically await db.createCollection('accounts'); await db.createCollection('bans'); await db.createCollection('boards'); await db.createCollection('captcha'); await db.createCollection('files'); await db.createCollection('modlog'); await db.createCollection('news'); await db.createCollection('posts'); await db.createCollection('poststats'); await db.createCollection('ratelimit'); await db.createCollection('webring'); const { Webring, Boards, Posts, Captchas, Ratelimits, Accounts, Files, Stats, Modlogs, Bans } = require(__dirname+'/db/'); //wipe db shit await Promise.all([ Captchas.deleteAll(), Ratelimits.deleteAll(), Accounts.deleteAll(), Posts.deleteAll(), Boards.deleteAll(), Webring.deleteAll(), Bans.deleteAll(), Files.deleteAll(), Stats.deleteAll(), Modlogs.deleteAll() ]); //add test boards Boards.insertOne({ '_id': 'test', 'owner': '', 'banners': [], 'pph': 0, 'ips': 0, 'lastPostTimestamp': null, 'sequence_value': 1, 'settings': { 'name': 'test', 'description': 'testing board', 'tags': [], 'moderators': [], ...configs.boardDefaults } }); //add indexes - should profiled and changed at some point if necessary await Stats.db.createIndex({board:1, hour:1}) await Boards.db.createIndex({ips: 1, pph:1, sequence_value:1}) await Boards.db.createIndex({'settings.tags':1}) await Boards.db.createIndex({lastPostTimestamp:1}) await Webring.db.createIndex({uniqueUsers:1, postsPerHour:1, totalPosts:1}) await Webring.db.createIndex({tags:1}) await Webring.db.createIndex({lastPostTimestamp:1}) await Bans.db.dropIndexes() await Captchas.db.dropIndexes() await Ratelimits.db.dropIndexes() await Posts.db.dropIndexes() await Modlogs.db.dropIndexes() await Modlogs.db.createIndex({ 'board': 1 }) await Files.db.createIndex({ 'count': 1 }) await Bans.db.createIndex({ 'ip': 1 , 'board': 1 }) await Bans.db.createIndex({ "expireAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 }) //custom expiry, i.e. it will expire when current date > than this date await Captchas.db.createIndex({ "expireAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 300 }) //captchas valid for 5 minutes await Ratelimits.db.createIndex({ "expireAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 60 }) //per minute captcha ratelimit await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'postId': 1,'board': 1,}) await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'board': 1, 'thread': 1, 'bumped': -1 }) await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'board': 1, 'reports.0': 1 }, { 'partialFilterExpression': { 'reports.0': { '$exists': true } } }) await Posts.db.createIndex({ 'globalreports.0': 1 }, { 'partialFilterExpression': { 'globalreports.0': { '$exists': true } } }) //default admin acc await Accounts.insertOne('admin', 'changeme', 0); await Mongo.client.close(); //delete all the static files return Promise.all([ del([ 'static/html/*' ]), del([ 'static/json/*' ]), del([ 'static/banner/*' ]), del([ 'static/captcha/*' ]), del([ 'static/img/*' ]), del([ 'static/css/*' ]) ]); } //update the css file function css() { try { fs.symlinkSync(__dirname+'/node_modules/highlight.js/styles', __dirname+'/gulp/res/css/codethemes', 'dir'); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'EEXIST') { //already exists, ignore error console.log(e); } } return gulp.src(paths.styles.src) .pipe(less()) .pipe(cleanCSS()) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.styles.dest)); } //favicon, spoiler/deleted image, default banner, spoiler/sticky/sage/cycle icons function images() { return gulp.src(paths.images.src) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.images.dest)); } function deletehtml() { return del([ 'static/html/*' ]); } function custompages() { return gulp.src([`${paths.pug.src}/custompages/*.pug`, `${paths.pug.src}/pages/404.pug`]) .pipe(gulppug({ locals: { defaultTheme: configs.boardDefaults.theme, defaultCodeTheme: configs.boardDefaults.codeTheme } })) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.pug.dest)); } function scripts() { try { const themelist = `const themes = ['${themes.join("', '")}'];const codeThemes = ['${codeThemes.join("', '")}']`; fs.writeFileSync('gulp/res/js/themelist.js', themelist); fs.writeFileSync('gulp/res/js/post.js', pug.compileFileClient(`${paths.pug.src}/includes/post.pug`, { compileDebug: false, debug: false, name: 'post' })); fs.writeFileSync('gulp/res/js/modal.js', pug.compileFileClient(`${paths.pug.src}/includes/modal.pug`, { compileDebug: false, debug: false, name: 'modal' })); fs.symlinkSync(__dirname+'/node_modules/socket.io-client/dist/socket.io.js', __dirname+'/gulp/res/js/socket.io.js', 'file'); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'EEXIST') { console.log(e); } } gulp.src([ //put scripts in order for dependencies `${paths.scripts.src}/themelist.js`, `${paths.scripts.src}/localstorage.js`, `${paths.scripts.src}/modal.js`, `${paths.scripts.src}/post.js`, `${paths.scripts.src}/settings.js`, `${paths.scripts.src}/live.js`, `${paths.scripts.src}/*.js`, `!${paths.scripts.src}/hide.js`, ]) .pipe(concat('all.js')) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.scripts.dest)); return gulp.src(`${paths.scripts.src}/*.js`) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.scripts.dest)); } const build = gulp.parallel(css, scripts, images, gulp.series(deletehtml, custompages)); const reset = gulp.series(wipe, build) const html = gulp.series(deletehtml, custompages) module.exports = { html, css, images, reset, custompages, scripts, wipe, default: build, };