window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { const quotes = document.getElementsByClassName('quote'); let hoverLoading = {}; let hovering = false; let lastHover; const toggleDottedUnderlines = (hoveredPost, id) => { let uniqueQuotes = new Set(); hoveredPost.querySelectorAll('.post-message .quote').forEach(q => uniqueQuotes.add(q.href)); if (uniqueQuotes.size > 1) { const matchingQuotes = hoveredPost.querySelectorAll(`.post-message .quote[href$="${id}"]`); for (let i = 0; i < matchingQuotes.length; i++) { const mq = matchingQuotes[i]; = == '' ? '1px dashed' : ''; = == '' ? 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hoveredPost.classList.add('hoverhighlighted') : hoveredPost.classList.remove('hoverhighlighted'); } if (postJson) { //need this event so handlers like post hiding still apply to hover introduced posts const newPostEvent = new CustomEvent('addPost', { detail: { json: postJson, post: hoveredPost, postId: postJson.postId, hover: true } }); window.dispatchEvent(newPostEvent); } toggleDottedUnderlines(hoveredPost, thisId); } for (let i = 0; i < quotes.length; i++) { quotes[i].addEventListener('mouseover', toggleHighlightPost, false); quotes[i].addEventListener('mouseout', toggleHighlightPost, false); } window.addEventListener('addPost', function(e) { if (e.detail.hover) { return; //dont need to handle hovered posts for this } const post =; const newquotes = document.getElementsByClassName('quote'); //to get backlinks from replying posts. just an easy way. could make more efficient and only do necessary ones later. for (let i = 0; i < newquotes.length; i++) { newquotes[i].removeEventListener('mouseover', toggleHighlightPost); newquotes[i].removeEventListener('mouseout', toggleHighlightPost); newquotes[i].addEventListener('mouseover', toggleHighlightPost, false); newquotes[i].addEventListener('mouseout', toggleHighlightPost, false); } }); window.addEventListener('updatePostMessage', function(e) { const newquotes ='quote'); for (let i = 0; i < newquotes.length; i++) { newquotes[i].addEventListener('mouseover', toggleHighlightPost, false); newquotes[i].addEventListener('mouseout', toggleHighlightPost, false); } }); }); window.addEventListener('settingsReady', function(e) { hoverCacheList = document.getElementById('hovercachelist-setting'); hoverCacheList.value = Object.keys(localStorage).filter(k => k.startsWith('hovercache')); const hoverCacheListClearButton = document.getElementById('hovercachelist-clear'); const clearHoverCacheList = () => { deleteStartsWith('hovercache'); hoverCacheList.value = ''; console.log('cleared cache'); } hoverCacheListClearButton.addEventListener('click', clearHoverCacheList, false); });