const captchaCookieRegex = /captchaid=(.[^;]*)/ig; class CaptchaController { constructor() { this.captchaFields = []; this.refreshing = false; } init() { this.captchaFields = document.getElementsByClassName('captchafield'); this.refreshing = false; for (let captcha of this.captchaFields) { this.setupCaptchaField(captcha); } } captchaAge() { const captchaCookieMatch = document.cookie.match(captchaCookieRegex); if (!captchaCookieMatch) { return; } const cookieParams = new URLSearchParams(captchaCookieMatch[0]); const captchaIdCookie = cookieParams.get('captchaid'); if (captchaIdCookie) { const captchaExpiry = new Date(parseInt(captchaIdCookie.slice(0,8),16)*1000); return ( - captchaExpiry); } } startRefreshTimer() { clearTimeout(this.refreshTimer); //this wont throw an error if its null, so no need to check const captchaAge = this.captchaAge(); if (captchaAge != null) { console.log('Refreshing captcha in ', 300000-captchaAge) this.refreshTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.refreshCaptchas(); }, 300000-captchaAge); } } setupCaptchaField(captcha) { if (captcha.closest('form').dataset.captchaPreload == 'true') { return this.loadCaptcha(captcha); } if (captchaType === 'grid') { let hoverListener = captcha.closest('details') || captcha; //captcha.parentElement.previousSibling.previousSibling.tagName === 'SUMMARY' ? captcha.parentElement.previousSibling.previousSibling : captcha.parentElement; hoverListener.addEventListener('mouseover', () => this.loadCaptcha(captcha), { once: true }); } else { captcha.placeholder = 'focus to load captcha'; captcha.addEventListener('focus', () => this.loadCaptcha(captcha), { once: true }); } } refreshCaptchas(e) { if (this.refreshing) { return null; } this.refreshing = true; e &&'spin'); for (let captchacheck of document.querySelectorAll('input[name="captcha"]')) { captchacheck.checked = false; } document.cookie = 'captchaid=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;'; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = () => { this.startRefreshTimer(); for (let captcha of this.captchaFields) { const existingImage = captcha.previousSibling.children[0]; if (existingImage) { captcha.previousSibling.children[0].src = xhr.responseURL; } else { this.loadCaptcha(captcha, xhr.responseURL); } } this.refreshing = false; e &&'spin'); } xhr.onerror = () => { this.refreshing = false; e &&'spin'); }'GET', '/captcha', true); xhr.send(null); } removeCaptcha() { const postForm = document.getElementById('postform'); const captchaField = postForm.querySelector('.captcha'); if (captchaField) { //delete the whole row const captchaRow = captchaField.closest('.row'); captchaRow.remove(); } } addMissingCaptcha() { const postSubmitButton = document.getElementById('submitpost'); const captchaFormSectionHtml = captchaformsection({ captchaGridSize }); postSubmitButton.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', captchaFormSectionHtml); const captchaFormSection = postSubmitButton.previousSibling; const captchaField = captchaFormSection.querySelector('.captchafield'); this.loadCaptcha(captchaField); } loadCaptcha(field, imgSrc = '/captcha') { const captchaDiv = field.previousSibling; if (captchaDiv.children.length > 0) { return; } const captchaImg = document.createElement('img'); const refreshDiv = document.createElement('div'); = ''; = '0 auto'; = 'flex'; // = '100%'; refreshDiv.classList.add('captcharefresh', 'noselect'); refreshDiv.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.refreshCaptchas(e), true); refreshDiv.textContent = '↻'; if (captchaType === 'text') { field.placeholder = 'loading'; } captchaImg.src = imgSrc; captchaImg.onload = () => { if (captchaType === 'text') { field.placeholder = 'Captcha text'; } captchaDiv.appendChild(captchaImg); captchaDiv.appendChild(refreshDiv); this.startRefreshTimer(); } } } const captchaController = new CaptchaController(); window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { captchaController.init(); });