extends ../layout.pug include ../mixins/boardtable.pug block head title #{meta.siteName} block content h1.board-title #{meta.siteName} .table-container.flex-center.mv-10.text-center table tr th.alt Welcome tr td pre.no-m-p | The site administrator should edit views/pages/home.pug, then run "pm2 reload all" and "gulp html" to customise this page. if recentNews && recentNews.length > 0 .table-container.flex-center.mv-10 table.newstable tr th(colspan=3) Latest News each post in recentNews tr td a.left(href=`/news.html#${post._id}`) #{post.title} td p.no-m-p #{`${post.message.raw.substring(0,50)}${post.message.raw.length > 50 ? '...' : ''}`} td - const newsDate = new Date(post.date); time.right.reltime(datetime=newsDate.toISOString()) #{newsDate.toLocaleString(undefined, {hourCycle:'h23'})} if hotThreads && hotThreads.length > 0 .table-container.flex-center.mv-10 table#hotposts tr(colspan=3) each post, i in hotThreads tr td.text-center span.help(title='Hot Thread') 🔥 | #{post.replyposts + post.replyfiles} td - const threadLink = `/${post.board}/thread/${post.postId}.html#${post.postId}`; a.quote(href=threadLink) if post.subject | #{post.subject.substring(0,30)}#{post.subject.length > 30 ? '...' : ''} if post.nomarkup | - if post.nomarkup | #{post.nomarkup.substring(0,40)}#{post.nomarkup.length > 40 ? '...' : ''} if !post.nomarkup && !post.subject | >>>/#{post.board}/#{post.postId} td - const bumpDate = new Date(post.bumped); time.right.reltime(datetime=bumpDate.toISOString()) #{bumpDate.toLocaleString(undefined, {hourCycle:'h23'})} if boards && boards.length > 0 +boardtable(true, false) each board in boards tr td if board.settings.sfw === true span.left span.help(title='SFW') 💼 | a(href=`/${board._id}/index.html`) /#{board._id}/ - #{board.settings.name} td #{board.settings.description} td #{board.pph} td #{board.ppd} td #{board.ips} td #{board.sequence_value-1} if localStats.total-localStats.unlisted > boards.length tr td(colspan=6) a.bold(href='/boards.html') More Boards .table-container.flex-center.mv-10.text-center table(style='max-width:450px') tr th Local Stats tr td pre.no-m-p | There are currently #[span.bold #{localStats.total-localStats.unlisted}] public boards, #[span.bold #{localStats.total}] in total. Sitewide, #[span.bold #{localStats.ppd}] post#{localStats.ppd === 1 ? ' has' : 's have'} been made in the last day, #[span.bold #{localStats.pph}] in the last hour, #[span.bold #{localStats.posts}] in total. | #[span.bold #{fileStats.count}] file#{fileStats.count === 1 ? ' is' : 's are'} being served, totaling #[span.bold #{fileStats.totalSizeString}]. if enableWebring === true && webringStats != null .table-container.flex-center.mv-10.text-center table(style='max-width:450px') tr th Webring Stats tr td pre.no-m-p | There are currently #[span.bold #{webringStats.sites}] sites and #[span.bold #{webringStats.total}] boards in the known webring. Across all webring boards, #[span.bold #{webringStats.pph}] post#{webringStats.pph === 1 ? ' has' : 's have'} been made in the last hour, #[span.bold #{webringStats.posts}] in total.