'use strict'; const Posts = require(__dirname+'/../../db/posts.js') , Mongo = require(__dirname+'/../../db/db.js') , banPoster = require(__dirname+'/ban-poster.js') , deletePosts = require(__dirname+'/delete-post.js') , spoilerPosts = require(__dirname+'/spoiler-post.js') , stickyPosts = require(__dirname+'/stickyposts.js') , sagePosts = require(__dirname+'/sageposts.js') , lockPosts = require(__dirname+'/lockposts.js') , deletePostsFiles = require(__dirname+'/deletepostsfiles.js') , reportPosts = require(__dirname+'/report-post.js') , globalReportPosts = require(__dirname+'/globalreportpost.js') , dismissReports = require(__dirname+'/dismiss-report.js') , dismissGlobalReports = require(__dirname+'/dismissglobalreport.js') , actionChecker = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/actionchecker.js') , checkPerms = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/hasperms.js') , remove = require('fs-extra').remove , uploadDirectory = require(__dirname+'/../../helpers/uploadDirectory.js'); module.exports = async (req, res, next) => { const errors = []; //make sure they checked 1-10 posts if (!req.body.checkedposts || req.body.checkedposts.length === 0 || req.body.checkedposts.length > 10) { errors.push('Must select 1-10 posts'); } //get what type of actions const { anyPasswords, anyAuthed, anyValid } = actionChecker(req); //make sure they selected at least 1 action if (!anyValid) { errors.push('No actions selected'); } //check if they have permission to perform the actions const hasPerms = checkPerms(req, res); if(!hasPerms && anyAuthed) { errors.push('No permission'); } //check that actions are valid if (req.body.password && req.body.password.length > 50) { errors.push('Password must be 50 characters or less'); } if (req.body.report_reason && req.body.report_reason.length > 50) { errors.push('Report must be 50 characters or less'); } if (req.body.ban_reason && req.body.ban_reason.length > 50) { errors.push('Ban reason must be 50 characters or less'); } if ((req.body.report || req.body.global_report) && (!req.body.report_reason || req.body.report_reason.length === 0)) { errors.push('Reports must have a reason'); } if (errors.length > 0) { return res.status(400).render('message', { 'title': 'Bad request', 'errors': errors, 'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/` }) } const posts = await Posts.getPosts(req.params.board, req.body.checkedposts, true); if (!posts || posts.length === 0) { return res.status(404).render('message', { 'title': 'Not found', 'error': 'Selected posts not found', 'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/` }) } //get the ids const postMongoIds = posts.map(post => Mongo.ObjectId(post._id)); let passwordPostMongoIds = []; let passwordPosts = []; if (!hasPerms && anyPasswords) { //just to avoid multiple filters and mapping, do it all here passwordPosts = posts.filter(post => { if (post.password != null && post.password.length > 0 && post.password == req.body.password) { passwordPostMongoIds.push(Mongo.ObjectId(post._id)) return true; } }); if (passwordPosts.length === 0) { return res.status(403).render('message', { 'title': 'Forbidden', 'error': 'Password did not match any selected posts', 'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/` }); } } else { passwordPosts = posts; passwordPostMongoIds = postMongoIds; } const messages = []; const combinedQuery = {}; const passwordCombinedQuery = {}; let aggregateNeeded = false; try { if (hasPerms) { // if getting global banned, board ban doesnt matter if (req.body.global_ban) { const { message, action, query } = await banPoster(req, res, next, null, posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } else if (req.body.ban) { const { message, action, query } = await banPoster(req, res, next, req.params.board, posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } } if (hasPerms && (req.body.delete_ip_board || req.body.delete_ip_global)) { const deletePostIps = posts.map(x => x.ip); let query = { 'ip': { '$in': deletePostIps } }; if (req.body.delete_ip_board) { query['board'] = req.params.board; } const deleteIpPosts = await Posts.db.find(query).toArray(); if (deleteIpPosts && deleteIpPosts.length > 0) { const { message } = await deletePosts(req, res, next, deleteIpPosts, req.params.board); messages.push(message); aggregateNeeded = true; } } else if (req.body.delete) { const { message } = await deletePosts(req, res, next, passwordPosts, req.params.board); messages.push(message); aggregateNeeded = true; } else { // if it was getting deleted, we cant do any of these if (req.body.delete_file) { const { message, action, query } = await deletePostsFiles(passwordPosts); if (action) { aggregateNeeded = true; passwordCombinedQuery[action] = { ...passwordCombinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } else if (req.body.spoiler) { const { message, action, query } = spoilerPosts(passwordPosts); if (action) { passwordCombinedQuery[action] = { ...passwordCombinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } if (hasPerms) { //lock, sticky, sage if (req.body.sage) { const { message, action, query } = sagePosts(posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } if (req.body.lock) { const { message, action, query } = lockPosts(posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } if (req.body.sticky) { const { message, action, query } = stickyPosts(posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } } // cannot report and dismiss at same time if (req.body.report) { const { message, action, query } = reportPosts(req, posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } else if (hasPerms && req.body.dismiss) { const { message, action, query } = dismissReports(posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } // cannot report and dismiss at same time if (req.body.global_report) { const { message, action, query } = globalReportPosts(req, posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } else if (hasPerms && req.body.global_dismiss) { const { message, action, query } = dismissGlobalReports(posts); if (action) { combinedQuery[action] = { ...combinedQuery[action], ...query} } messages.push(message); } } const dbPromises = [] if (Object.keys(combinedQuery).length > 0) { dbPromises.push( Posts.db.updateMany({ '_id': { '$in': postMongoIds } }, combinedQuery) ) } if (Object.keys(passwordCombinedQuery).length > 0) { dbPromises.push( Posts.db.updateMany({ '_id': { '$in': passwordPostMongoIds } }, passwordCombinedQuery) ) } await Promise.all(dbPromises); const threadsToUpdate = [...new Set(posts.filter(post => post.thread !== null))]; if (aggregateNeeded) { //recalculate and set correct aggregation numbers again await Promise.all(threadsToUpdate.map(async (post) => { const replyCounts = await Posts.getReplyCounts(post.board, post.thread); let replyposts = 0; let replyfiles = 0; if (replyCounts[0]) { replyposts = replyCounts[0].replyposts; replyfiles = replyCounts[0].replyfiles; } Posts.setReplyCounts(post.board, post.thread, replyposts, replyfiles); })); } //now we need to delete outdated html //TODO: not do this for reports, handle global actions & move to separate handler + optimize and test const removePromises = [] const postThreadIds = threadsToUpdate.map(x => x.thread); const oldestThread = await Posts.db.find({ 'thread': null, 'board': req.params.board, 'postId': { '$in': postThreadIds } }).sort({ 'bumped': 1 }).limit(1).toArray(); //always need to refresh catalog removePromises.push(remove(`${uploadDirectory}html/${req.params.board}/catalog.html`)); //refresh any impacted threads for (let i = 0; i < threadsToUpdate.length; i++) { removePromises.push(remove(`${uploadDirectory}html/${req.params.board}/thread/${threadsToUpdate[i].thread}.html`)); } //refersh all pages above oldest thread affected const numThreadsBefore = await Posts.getBeforeCount(req.params.board, oldestThread); const pagesToRemove = Math.ceil(numThreadsBefore/10) || 1; for (let i = 1; i <= pagesToRemove; i++) { removePromises.push(remove(`${uploadDirectory}html/${req.params.board}/${i == 1 ? 'index' : i}.html`)); } await Promise.all(removePromises); } catch (err) { return next(err); } return res.render('message', { 'title': 'Success', 'messages': messages, 'redirect': `/${req.params.board}/` }); }