jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
2.0 KiB

'use strict';
const Posts = require(__dirname+'/../../db/posts.js')
, greentextRegex = /^>([^>].+)/gm
, pinktextRegex = /^<([^<].+)/gm
, boldRegex = /""(.+)""/gm
, titleRegex = /==(.+)==/gm
, underlineRegex = /__(.+)__/gm
, strikethroughRegex = /~~(.+)~~/gm
, italicRegex = /\*\*(.+)\*\*/gm
, linkRegex = /https?\:\/\/[^\s<>\[\]{}|\\^]+/g
, spoilerRegex = /\|\|(.+)\|\|/gm
, detectedRegex = /(\(\(\(.+\)\)\))/gm
, codeRegex = /```([\s\S]+?)```/gm;
module.exports = (text) => {
text = text.replace(pinktextRegex, (match, pinktext) => {
return `<span class='pinktext'>&lt;${pinktext}</span>`;
text = text.replace(greentextRegex, (match, greentext) => {
return `<span class='greentext'>&gt;${greentext}</span>`;
text = text.replace(linkRegex, (match) => {
return `<a referrerpolicy='strict-origin' href='${match}'>${match}</a>`;
text = text.replace(boldRegex, (match, bold) => {
return `<strong>${bold}</strong>`;
text = text.replace(boldRegex, (match, bold) => {
return `<strong>${bold}</strong>`;
text = text.replace(underlineRegex, (match, underline) => {
return `<span class='underline'>${underline}</span>`;
text = text.replace(strikethroughRegex, (match, strike) => {
return `<span class='strikethrough'>${strike}</span>`;
text = text.replace(titleRegex, (match, title) => {
return `<span class='title'>${title}</span>`;
text = text.replace(italicRegex, (match, italic) => {
return `<em>${italic}</em>`;
text = text.replace(spoilerRegex, (match, spoiler) => {
return `<span class='spoiler'>${spoiler}</span>`;
text = text.replace(codeRegex, (match, code) => {
return `<span class='code'>${code.replace(/^\s*\n/, '')}</span>`;
text = text.replace(detectedRegex, (match, detected) => {
return `<span class='detected'>${detected}</span>`;
return text;