jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

249 lines
6.7 KiB

'use strict';
const { Posts, Modlogs } = require(__dirname+'/../../db/')
, { Permissions } = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/permission/permissions.js')
, { createHash } = require('crypto')
, Mongo = require(__dirname+'/../../db/db.js')
, { prepareMarkdown } = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/markdown/markdown.js')
, messageHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/message.js')
, nameHandler = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/name.js')
, getFilterStrings = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/getfilterstrings.js')
, filterActions = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/post/filteractions.js')
, ModlogActions = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/input/modlogactions.js')
, config = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/config.js')
, buildQueue = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/build/queue.js')
, dynamicResponse = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/dynamic.js')
, Socketio = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/misc/socketio.js')
, { buildThread } = require(__dirname+'/../../lib/build/tasks.js');
module.exports = async (req, res) => {
todo: handle some more situations
- last activity date
- correct bump date when editing thread or last post in a thread
const { __ } = res.locals;
const { filterBanAppealable, previewReplies, strictFiltering } = config.get;
const { board, post } = res.locals;
if (!res.locals.permissions.get(Permissions.BYPASS_FILTERS)) {
//only global filters are checked, because anybody who could edit bypasses board filters
const { filters, filterMode, filterBanDuration } = config.get;
if (filters.length > 0 && filterMode > 0) {
let hitGlobalFilter = false;
const { strictCombinedString } = getFilterStrings(req, res, strictFiltering);
hitGlobalFilter = filters.find(filter => { return strictCombinedString.includes(filter.toLowerCase()); });
//block/ban edit
if (hitGlobalFilter) {
return filterActions(req, res, hitGlobalFilter, null, 0, filterMode,
0, filterBanDuration, filterBanAppealable, null);
//message hash
let messageHash = null;
if (req.body.message && req.body.message.length > 0) {
const noQuoteMessage = req.body.message.replace(/>>\d+/g, '').replace(/>>>\/\w+(\/\d*)?/gm, '').trim();
messageHash = createHash('sha256').update(noQuoteMessage).digest('base64');
//new name, trip and cap
const { name, tripcode, capcode } = await nameHandler(
res.locals.user ? res.locals.user.username : null,
//new message and quotes
const nomarkup = prepareMarkdown(req.body.message, false);
const { message, quotes, crossquotes } = await messageHandler(nomarkup, req.body.board, post.thread, res.locals.permissions);
//intersection/difference of quotes sets for linking and unlinking
const oldQuoteIds = post.quotes.map(q => q._id.toString());
const oldQuotesSet = new Set(oldQuoteIds);
const newQuoteIds = quotes.map(q => q._id.toString());
const newQuotesSet = new Set(newQuoteIds);
const addedQuotesSet = new Set(newQuoteIds.filter(qid => !oldQuotesSet.has(qid)).map(Mongo.ObjectId));
const removedQuotesSet = new Set(oldQuoteIds.filter(qid => !newQuotesSet.has(qid)).map(Mongo.ObjectId));
//linking new added quotes
if (addedQuotesSet.size > 0) {
await Posts.db.updateMany({
'_id': {
'$in': [...addedQuotesSet]
}, {
'$push': {
'backlinks': { _id: post._id, postId: post.postId }
//unlinking removed quotes
if (removedQuotesSet.size > 0) {
await Posts.db.updateMany({
'_id': {
'$in': [...removedQuotesSet]
}, {
'$pull': {
'backlinks': {
'postId': post.postId
//update the post
await Posts.db.updateOne({
board: req.body.board,
postId: post.postId
}, {
'$set': {
edited: {
username: req.body.hide_name ? null : req.session.user,
date: new Date(),
'messagehash': messageHash || null,
email: req.body.email,
subject: req.body.subject,
//emit the edit over websocket so post gets updated live
Socketio.emitRoom(`${board._id}-${post.thread || post.postId}`, 'markPost', {
postId: post.postId,
type: 'edit',
email: req.body.email,
subject: req.body.subject,
//existing post props
_id: post._id,
u: post.u,
date: post.date,
country: post.country,
board: post.board,
nomarkup: post.nomarkup,
thread: post.thread,
spoiler: post.spoiler,
banmessage: post.banmessage,
userId: post.userId,
files: post.files,
quotes: post.quotes,
backlinks: post.backlinks,
replyposts: post.replyposts,
replyfiles: post.replyfiles,
sticky: post.sticky,
locked: post.locked,
bumplocked: post.bumplocked,
cyclic: post.cyclic,
edited: {
username: req.body.hide_name ? null : req.session.user,
date: new Date(),
//add the edit to the modlog
await Modlogs.insertOne({
board: board._id,
showLinks: true,
postLinks: [{
postId: post.postId,
thread: post.thread,
actions: [ModlogActions.EDIT],
date: new Date(),
showUser: req.body.hide_name ? false : true,
message: req.body.log_message || null,
user: req.session.user,
ip: {
cloak: res.locals.ip.cloak,
raw: res.locals.ip.raw,
const buildOptions = {
'threadId': post.thread || post.postId,
'board': res.locals.board
//build thread immediately for redirect
await buildThread(buildOptions);
dynamicResponse(req, res, 200, 'message', {
'title': __('Success'),
'message': __('Post edited successfully'),
'redirect': req.body.referer,
//rebuild the modlogs
'task': 'buildModLog',
'options': {
'board': board,
'task': 'buildModLogList',
'options': {
'board': board,
//check if post is visible in preview posts
let postInPreviewPosts = false;
if (post.thread) {
const threadPreviewPosts = await Posts.db.find({
'thread': post.thread,
'board': board._id
'projection': {
'postId': 1, //only get postId
'postId': -1
postInPreviewPosts = threadPreviewPosts.some(p => p.postId <= post.postId);
if (post.thread === null || postInPreviewPosts) {
const threadPage = await Posts.getThreadPage(board._id, post.thread || post.postId);
//rebuild index page if its a thread or visible in preview posts
'task': 'buildBoard',
'options': {
'board': res.locals.board,
'page': threadPage
if (post.thread === null) {
//rebuild catalog if its a thread to correct catalog tile
'task': 'buildCatalog',
'options': {
'board': res.locals.board,