jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
3.6 KiB

const gridv1 = require('./grid.js')
, gridv2 = require('./grid2.js')
, falses = ['○','□','♘','♢','▽','△','♖','✧','♔','♘','♕','♗','♙','♧']
, trues = ['●','■','♞','♦','▼','▲','♜','✦','♚','♞','♛','♝','♟','♣'];
const cases = [
{ name: '3n grid captcha', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 3, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 0, edge: 0, noise: 0 }, numDistorts: { min: 0, max: 1 }, distortion: 0 },
{ name: '4n grid captcha', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 4, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 0, edge: 0, noise: 0 }, numDistorts: { min: 0, max: 1 }, distortion: 0 },
{ name: '6n grid captcha', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 6, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 0, edge: 0, noise: 0 }, numDistorts: { min: 0, max: 1 }, distortion: 0 },
{ name: '4n grid captcha with distortion', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 4, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 0, edge: 0, noise: 0 }, numDistorts: { min: 1, max: 10 }, distortion: 10 },
{ name: '4n grid captcha with edge', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 4, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 0, edge: 10, noise: 0 }, numDistorts: { min: 0, max: 1 }, distortion: 0 },
{ name: '4n grid captcha with noise', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 4, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 0, edge: 0, noise: 10 }, numDistorts: { min: 0, max: 1 }, distortion: 0 },
{ name: '4n grid captcha with y offset', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 4, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 15, edge: 0, noise: 0 }, numDistorts: { min: 0, max: 1 }, distortion: 0 },
{ name: '4n grid captcha with all effects', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 4, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 0, edge: 0, noise: 0 }, numDistorts: { min: 0, max: 1 }, distortion: 0 },
{ name: '4n grid captcha with all effects and distortion', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 4, imageSize: 120, iconYOffset: 150, edge: 10, noise: 10 }, numDistorts: { min: 1, max: 10 }, distortion: 10 },
{ name: '250px 6n grid captcha with all effects and distortion', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 6, imageSize: 250, iconYOffset: 150, edge: 10, noise: 10 }, numDistorts: { min: 1, max: 10 }, distortion: 10 },
{ name: '123px 4n grid captcha with all effects and distortion', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 4, imageSize: 123, iconYOffset: 150, edge: 10, noise: 10 }, numDistorts: { min: 1, max: 10 }, distortion: 10 },
{ name: '90px 3n grid captcha with all effects and distortion', font: 'default', grid: { falses, trues, question: 'whatever', size: 3, imageSize: 90, iconYOffset: 150, edge: 10, noise: 10 }, numDistorts: { min: 1, max: 10 }, distortion: 10 },
describe('generate gridv1 captcha', () => {
for(let captchaOptions of cases) {
test(captchaOptions.name, async () => {
const { captcha } = await gridv1(captchaOptions);
expect(await new Promise((res, rej) => {
captcha.write('/tmp/captcha.jpg', (err) => {
if (err) {
return rej(err);
describe('generate gridv2 captcha', () => {
for(let captchaOptions of cases) {
test(captchaOptions.name, async () => {
const { captcha } = await gridv2(captchaOptions);
expect(await new Promise((res, rej) => {
captcha.write('/tmp/captcha.jpg', (err) => {
if (err) {
return rej(err);