jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

461 lines
8.7 KiB

'use strict';
const Mongo = require(__dirname+'/db.js')
, Boards = require(__dirname+'/boards.js')
, Stats = require(__dirname+'/stats.js')
, msTime = require(__dirname+'/../helpers/mstime.js')
, db = Mongo.client.db('jschan').collection('posts')
module.exports = {
getThreadPage: async (board, thread) => {
const threadsBefore = await db.countDocuments({
'board': board,
'thread': null,
'bumped': {
'$gte': thread.bumped
return Math.ceil(threadsBefore/10) || 1; //1 because 0 threads before is page 1
getGlobalRecent: (limit=10) => {
//global recent posts for recent section of global manage page
return db.find({}).sort({
'_id': -1
getRecent: async (board, page, limit=10) => {
// get all thread posts (posts with null thread id)
const threads = await db.find({
'thread': null,
'board': board
'projection': {
'salt': 0,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
'sticky': -1,
'bumped': -1,
// add last 5 posts in reverse order to preview
await Promise.all(threads.map(async thread => {
const replies = await db.find({
'thread': thread.postId,
'board': board
'projection': {
'salt': 0,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
'postId': -1
//reverse order for board page
thread.replies = replies.reverse();
//if enough replies, show omitted count
if (thread.replyposts > 5) {
//dont show ALL backlinks on OP for previews on index page
const firstPreviewId = thread.replies[0].postId;
const latestPreviewBacklink = thread.backlinks.find(bl => { return bl.postId >= firstPreviewId });
if (latestPreviewBacklink != null) {
const latestPreviewIndex = thread.backlinks.map(bl => bl.postId).indexOf(latestPreviewBacklink.postId);
thread.previewbacklinks = thread.backlinks.slice(latestPreviewIndex);
} else {
thread.previewbacklinks = [];
//cout omitted image and posts
const numPreviewFiles = replies.reduce((acc, post) => { return acc + post.files.length }, 0);
thread.omittedfiles = thread.replyfiles - numPreviewFiles;
thread.omittedposts = thread.replyposts - replies.length;
return threads;
getReplyCounts: (board, thread) => {
return db.aggregate([
'$match': {
'thread': thread,
'board': board,
}, {
'$group': {
'_id': null,
'replyposts': {
'$sum': 1
'replyfiles': {
'$sum': {
'$size': '$files'
setReplyCounts: (board, thread, replyposts, replyfiles) => {
return db.updateOne({
'postId': thread,
'board': board
}, {
'$set': {
'replyposts': replyposts,
'replyfiles': replyfiles,
getPages: (board) => {
return db.countDocuments({
'board': board,
'thread': null
getThread: async (board, id) => {
// get thread post and potential replies concurrently
const [thread, replies] = await Promise.all([
'postId': id,
'board': board,
'thread': null,
}, {
'projection': {
'salt': 0,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
module.exports.getThreadPosts(board, id)
// attach the replies to the thread post
if (thread && replies) {
thread.replies = replies;
return thread;
getThreadPosts: (board, id) => {
// all posts within a thread
return db.find({
'thread': id,
'board': board
}, {
'projection': {
'salt': 0 ,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
'postId': 1
getMultipleThreadPosts: (board, ids) => {
//all posts from multiple threads in a single board
return db.find({
'board': board,
'thread': {
'$in': ids
}, {
'projection': {
'salt': 0 ,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
getCatalog: (board) => {
// get all threads for catalog
return db.find({
'thread': null,
'board': board
}, {
'projection': {
'salt': 0,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
'sticky': -1,
'bumped': -1,
getPost: (board, id, admin) => {
// get a post
if (admin) {
return db.findOne({
'postId': id,
'board': board
return db.findOne({
'postId': id,
'board': board
}, {
'projection': {
'salt': 0,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
allBoardPosts: (board) => {
return db.find({
'board': board
//takes array "ids" of post ids
getPosts: (board, ids, admin) => {
if (admin) {
return db.find({
'postId': {
'$in': ids
'board': board
return db.find({
'postId': {
'$in': ids
'board': board
}, {
'projection': {
'salt': 0,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
// get only thread and post id for use in quotes
getPostsForQuotes: (queryOrs) => {
return db.find({
'$or': queryOrs
}, {
'projection': {
'postId': 1,
'board': 1,
'thread': 1,
}).limit(15).toArray(); //limit 15 quotes for now.
//takes array "ids" of mongo ids to get posts from any board
globalGetPosts: (ids) => {
return db.find({
'_id': {
'$in': ids
insertOne: async (board, data, thread) => {
if (data.thread !== null) {
const filter = {
'postId': data.thread,
'board': board._id
//update thread reply and reply file count
const query = {
'$inc': {
'replyposts': 1,
'replyfiles': data.files.length
//if post email is not sage, and thread not bumplocked, set bump date
if (data.email !== 'sage' && !thread.bumplocked) {
query['$set'] = {
'bumped': Date.now()
//update the thread
await db.updateOne(filter, query);
} else {
//this is a new thread so just set the bump date
data.bumped = Date.now();
//get the postId and add it to the post
const postId = await Boards.getNextId(board._id);
data.postId = postId;
//insert the post itself
const postMongoId = await db.insertOne(data).then(result => result.insertedId); //_id of post
await Stats.updateOne(board._id, data.ip, data.thread == null);
//add backlinks to the posts this post quotes
if (data.thread && data.quotes.length > 0) {
await db.updateMany({
'_id': {
'$in': data.quotes.map(q => q._id)
}, {
'$push': {
'backlinks': { _id: postMongoId, postId: postId }
return postId;
getReports: (board) => {
return db.find({
'reports.0': {
'$exists': true
'board': board
}, {
'projection': {
'salt': 0,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'globalreports': 0,
getGlobalReports: () => {
return db.find({
'globalreports.0': {
'$exists': true
}, {
'projection': {
'salt': 0,
'password': 0,
'ip': 0,
'reports': 0,
deleteOne: (board, options) => {
return db.deleteOne(options);
pruneThreads: async (board) => {
//get threads that have been bumped off last page
const oldThreads = await db.find({
'thread': null,
'board': board._id
'sticky': -1,
'bumped': -1
let early404Threads = [];
if (board.settings.early404 === true) {
early404Threads = await db.find({
'thread': null,
'board': board._id,
'replyposts': {
'$lt': 5
return oldThreads.concat(early404Threads);
deleteMany: (ids) => {
return db.deleteMany({
'_id': {
'$in': ids
deleteAll: (board) => {
return db.deleteMany();
move: (ids, dest) => {
return db.updateMany({
'_id': {
'$in': ids
}, {
'$set': {
'thread': dest
'$unset': {
'replyposts': '',
'replyfiles': '',
'sticky': '',
'locked': '',
'bumplocked': '',
'cyclic': '',
'salt': ''
threadExists: (board, thread) => {
return db.findOne({
'postId': thread,
'board': board,
'thread': null,
}, {
'projection': {
'_id': 1
exists: async (req, res, next) => {
const thread = await module.exports.threadExists(req.params.board, req.params.id);
if (!thread) {
return res.status(404).render('404');
res.locals.thread = thread; // can acces this in views or next route handlers