jschan - Anonymous imageboard software. Classic look, modern features and feel. Works without JavaScript and supports Tor, I2P, Lokinet, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

954 lines
40 KiB

".html name": "endereço .html",
".html name must be 50 characters or less": "endereço .html tem que ter pelo menos 50 caracteres ou menos",
".html name must be unique": "endereço .html tem que ser único",
".html name must contain a-z 0-9 _ - only": "endereço .html apenas pode conter a-z 0-9 _ -",
"(You)": "(Tu)",
"(You)s": "(Tu)s",
"%s characters": {
"one": "%s caracter",
"other": "%s caracteres"
"%s day ago": {
"one": "%s dia atrás",
"other": "%s dias atrás"
"%s day from now": {
"one": "%s dia desde agora",
"other": "%s dias desde agora"
"%s files": {
"one": "%s ficheiro",
"other": "%s ficheiros"
"%s files are being served, totaling %s.": "%s Ficheiros %s.",
"%s files selected": {
"one": "%s ficheiro selecionado",
"other": "%s ficheiros selecionados"
"%s hour ago": {
"one": "%s hora atrás",
"other": "%s horas atrás"
"%s hour from now": {
"one": "%s hora desde agora",
"other": "%s horas desde agora"
"%s minute ago": {
"one": "%s minuto atrás",
"other": "%s minutos atrás"
"%s minute from now": {
"one": "%s minuto desde agora",
"other": "%s minutos desde agora"
"%s month ago": {
"one": "%s mês atrás",
"other": "%s meses atrás"
"%s month from now": {
"one": "%s mês desde agora",
"other": "%s meses desde agora"
"%s replies": {
"one": "%s reposta",
"other": "%s respostas"
"%s UIDs": {
"one": "%s IDU",
"other": "%s IDUs"
"%s week ago": {
"one": "%s semana atrás",
"other": "%s semanas atrás"
"%s week from now": {
"one": "%s semana desde agora",
"other": "%s semanas desde agora"
"%s year ago": {
"one": "%s ano atrás",
"other": "%s anos atrás"
"%s year from now": {
"one": "%s ano desde agora",
"other": "%s anos desde agora"
"⊖ Thread has reached reply limit.": "⊖ O fio chegou ao limite de respostas.",
"24 Hour Time": "24 Hour Time",
"24h time": "Hora 24h",
"2FA Code": "Código 2FA",
"404 Not Found": "404 Não encontrado",
"500 Internal Server Error": "500 Erro Interno",
"502 Bad Gateway": "502 Bad Gateway",
"503 Service Unavailable": "503 Serviço indisponível",
"504 Gateway Timeout": "504 Gateway Timeout",
"6 digits": "6 digitos",
"a-zA-Z0-9-_ only": "a-zA-Z0-9-_ apenas",
"Abandoned Board Action": "Abandoned Board Action",
"Ability to create new boards.": "Criar novas tábuas.",
"Ability to register an account.": "Registar conta.",
"Ability to see raw IPs in moderation interfaces.": "Ver IPs nus no painel de moderação.",
"Access board bans. Ability to unban, edit, or deny appeals.": "Acesso a bans. Capacidade de desbanir, editar ou negar recursos.",
"Access board logs. Ability to search/filter.": "Acesso aos logs da tábua. Abilidade de procurar ou filtrar.",
"Access board settings. Ability to change any settings. Settings page will show transfer/delete forms for those with \"Board Owner\" permission.": "Acesso às opções da tábua. Capacidade de alterar qualquer opção. Página de opções da tábua irá mostrar a opção de transferir ou apagar aqueles com a permissão \"Board Owner\".",
"Access global bans. Ability to unban, edit, or deny appeals.": "Acesso aos bans globais. Capacidade de desbanir, editar ou negar recursos.",
"Access global logs. Ability to search/filter": "Access global logs. Ability to search/filter",
"Access global settings. Ability to change any settings.": "Access global settings. Ability to change any settings.",
"Access news posting. Ability to add, edit, or delete newsposts.": "Access news posting. Ability to add, edit, or delete newsposts.",
"Access roles list. Ability to edit roles": "Acesso à lista de roles, capacidade de editar roles.",
"Access the accounts list. Ability to search/sort. Ability to edit permissions of any user.": "Acesso à lista de contas. capacidade de procurar/ordenar. Capacidade de procurar/filtrar. Também oferece a capacidade de transferir ou apagar qualquer tábua.",
"Access the global board list. Ability to search/filter. Also grants the ability to transfer or delete any board.": "Access the global board list. Ability to search/filter. Also grants the ability to transfer or delete any board.",
"Access to board assets and custompages. Ability to upload, create, edit, delete.": "Acesso aos assets e páginas da tábua. Capacidade de fazer upload, criar, editar, apagar.",
"Access to staff management, and ability to add or remove permissions from others. Can only be given by somebody else with \"Board Owner\" permission. Use with caution!": "Acesso à gestão de staff, capacidade de dar ou remover permissões a outros, apenas pode ser dada a alguém com a permissão de \"Board Owner\". Usar com cuidado!",
"Account": "Conta",
"Account permissions": "Permissões de conta",
"Accounts": "Contas",
"Actions": "Ações",
"Active sessions": "Sessões ativas",
"Active Sessions": "Sessões Ativas",
"Add": "Adicionar",
"Add Asset (Max %s)": {
"one": "Adicionar Asset (Máx %s)",
"other": "Adicionar Assets (Máx %s)"
"Add Banner (Max %s)": {
"one": "Adicionar Banner (Máx %s)",
"other": "Adicionar Banners (Máx %s)"
"Add Boards": "Adicionar Tábuas",
"Add Custom Page": "Adicionar Página",
"Add Flag (Max %s)": {
"one": "Adicionar Flag (Máx %s)",
"other": "Adicionar Flags (Máx %s)"
"Add layer": "Adicionar camada",
"Add News": "Criar Notícia",
"Add Staff": "Adicionar Staff",
"Added %s bans": {
"one": "Adicionado %s ban",
"other": "Adicionados %s bans"
"Added custom page": "Criada página",
"Added newspost": "Criada notícia",
"Added staff": "Staff adicionado",
"Admin": "Admin",
"Airbrush": "Aerógrafo",
"Allow Animated Image Files": "Allow Animated Image Files",
"Allow Audio Files": "Allow Audio Files",
"Allow Custom Overboard": "Allow Custom Overboard",
"Allow Image Files": "Allow Image Files",
"Allow Other Files": "Allow Other Files",
"Allow Video Files": "Allow Video Files",
"Allowed Code Themes": "Allowed Code Themes",
"Allowed Hosts": "Allowed Hosts",
"Allowed Themes": "Allowed Themes",
"alphanumeric only": "Alfanumérico apenas",
"Always Reveal Spoiler Markdown": "Always Reveal Spoiler Markdown",
"Always reveal text spoilers": "Mostrar sempre spoilers texto",
"Animated .gif Thumbnails": "Animated .gif Thumbnails",
"Announcement": "Announcement",
"Anon Name": "Anon Name",
"Antispam": "Antispam",
"Antispam FAQ": "Antispam FAQ",
"Any Content Same IP/ID": "Any Content Same IP/ID",
"Appeal": "Recurso",
"Appealable?": "Recurso?",
"Apply": "Aplicar",
"Arbitrary assets that can be used for other purposes e.g. custom CSS": "Assets específicos podem ser usados na tábua e.g. CSS personalizado",
"Archive": "Arquivo",
"Are you sure? Changing the canvas will clear all layers and history and disable replay recording.": "Tens a certeza? Mudar a tela irá limpar todas as camadas, histórico e desligar a gravação de repetição.",
"Are you sure? Your work will be lost.": "Tens a certeza? O teu trabalho será perdido.",
"Ascending": "Ascendente",
"Asset": {
"one": "Asset",
"other": "Assets"
"Asset already exist": {
"one": "Asset já existe",
"other": "Assets já existem"
"Asset File Size Max": "Asset File Size Max",
"Assets": "Assets",
"Assets Per Upload Max": "Assets Per Upload Max",
"Attempting to reconnect...": "A ligar...",
"Audio Thumbnails": "Audio Thumbnails",
"Bad request": "Mau pedido",
"Ban": "Ban",
"Ban Duration": "Duração Ban",
"Ban duration e.g. 7d": "Duração do ban e.g. 7d",
"Ban Poster": "Banir Utilizador",
"Ban reason": "Motivo do Ban",
"Ban Reason": "Ban Reason",
"Ban Reporters": "Banir Denunciantes",
"Banned!": "Banido ;_;",
"Banner": {
"one": "Banner",
"other": "Banners"
"Banner File Size Max": "Banner File Size Max",
"Banner Height Max": "Banner Height Max",
"Banner Width Max": "Banner Width Max",
"Banners Per Upload Max": "Banners Per Upload Max",
"Bans": "Bans",
"Bans & Appeals": "Bans & Recursos",
"Bans currently in place against your IP": "Bans colocados no teu IP",
"Blacklist": "Blacklist",
"Block Bypass": "Bypass",
"Block bypass expired or exceeded max uses": "Bypass expirou ou excedeu os usos",
"Block post": "Block post",
"Blocked Countries": "Blocked Countries",
"Blur": "Desfoque",
"Board": "Tábua",
"Board Custom CSS": "Board Custom CSS",
"Board Defaults": "Board Defaults",
"Board Description": "Board Description",
"Board List": "Tábuas",
"Board Locked": "Board Locked",
"Board Management": "Gestão tábuas",
"Board name": "Board name",
"Board Name": "Board Name",
"Board Owner": "Admin da tábua",
"Board Staff": "Staff da tábua",
"Board URI": "URI tábua",
"Board Wide": "Board Wide",
"Board-specific permissions": "Permissões de tábuas",
"Boards": "Tábuas",
"Boards you are staff on": "Tábuas em que fazes parte do staff",
"Boards you own": "Administrador das tábuas",
"Bold": "Negrito",
"Bucket": "Balde",
"Bump Limit": "Bump Limit",
"Bump Limit Max": "Bump Limit Max",
"Bump Limit Min": "Bump Limit Min",
"Bump Order": "Bump",
"Bumplocked": "SAGE",
"Bypass": "Bypass",
"Bypass all bans.": "Bypass todos os bans.",
"Bypass all post filters.": "Bypass todos os filtros.",
"Bypass Bans": "Bypass bans",
"Bypass Captcha": "Bypass Captcha",
"Bypass captcha.": "Bypass captcha.",
"Bypass DNSBL": "Bypass DNSBL",
"Bypass Filters": "Bypass Filtros",
"Bypass Ratelimits": "Bypass Ratelimits",
"Bypass ratelimits for getting new captchas, editing posts, editing board settings, etc.": "Bypass ratelimits para gerar novos captchas, editar publicações, editar opções da tábua, etc.",
"Bypass Spamcheck": "Bypass Spamcheck",
"Bypass the basic anti-flood spamcheck for too frequent similar posting.": "Bypass o spamcheck anti-flood para publicações frequentes ou semelhantes.",
"Bypasses": "Bypasses",
"Cache": "Cache",
"Cache Time": "Cache Time",
"Can only create %s pages per board": "Apenas pode criar %s páginas por tábua",
"Canvas height in pixels": "Altura da tela em píxeis",
"Canvas width in pixels": "Largura da tela em píxeis",
"Captcha": "Captcha",
"Captcha config error": "Error de configuração de captcha",
"Captcha disabled": "Captcha disabled",
"Captcha Distortion": "Captcha Distortion",
"Captcha error occurred": "Erro de captcha",
"Captcha expired": "Captcha expirou",
"Captcha for all posts": "Captcha for all posts",
"Captcha for new thread": "Captcha for new thread",
"Captcha Mode": "Captcha Mode",
"Captcha text": "Código captcha",
"Catalog": "Catálogo",
"Catalog View": "Catálogo",
"Change Board Settings": "Change Board Settings",
"Change password": "Alterar password",
"Change Password": "Alterar Password",
"Clear": "Limpar",
"Click here if you are not redirected automatically.": "Se não fores redirecionado automaticamente, podes clicar aqui.",
"Close": "Fechar",
"Code Block": "Bloco de Código",
"Code Highlight Language Detect Threshold": "Code Highlight Language Detect Threshold",
"Code Highlighting Auto-Detect Languages": "Code Highlighting Auto-Detect Languages",
"Code theme": "Tema código",
"Code Theme": "Code Theme",
"Color": "Cor",
"comma separated": "separado por vírgula",
"Completed block bypass, you may go back and make your post.": "Bypass completado, podes voltar e fazer fazer a publicação.",
"Confirm New Password": "Confirmar Nova Password",
"Confirm Password": "Confirmar Password",
"Connected for live posts": "Ligado",
"Connected for live posts (%sms)": "Ligado (%sms)",
"Connecting...": "A ligar...",
"Could not load the image.": "Não foi possível carregar a imagem.",
"Could not load the replay: ": "Não foi possível carregar a repetição: ",
"Country Code Header": "Country Code Header",
"Create": "Criar",
"Create a board": "Criar tábua",
"Create Account": "Create Account",
"Create Board": "Criar Tábua",
"Creation Date": "Criação",
"Crisp image rendering": "Crisp image rendering",
"Crisp Image Rendering": "Crisp Image Rendering",
"Current Staff": "Staff Atual",
"Currently blocked": "Bloqueados",
"Custom": "Custom",
"Custom CSS": "CSS",
"Custom CSS Filters": "Custom CSS Filters",
"Custom CSS Max Length": "Custom CSS Max Length",
"Custom Flags": "Custom Flags",
"Custom Pages": "Páginas",
"Custom Pages Max Characters": "Custom Pages Max Characters",
"Customisation": "Customisation",
"Customise": "Personalizar",
"Cyclic": "Reciclar",
"Date": "Data",
"Date Added": "Data Adicionado",
"Default": "Default",
"Default Ban Duration": "Default Ban Duration",
"Default Code Theme": "Default Code Theme",
"Default name": "Nome default",
"Default Theme": "Default Theme",
"Default Volume": "Default Volume",
"Delete": "Apagar",
"Delete Account": "Delete Account",
"Delete Assets": "Apagar Assets",
"Delete Banners": "Apagar Banners",
"Delete board": "Delete board",
"Delete Files": "Apagar Ficheiros",
"Delete Flags": "Apagar Flags",
"Delete from IP globally": "Apagar do IP Globalmente",
"Delete from IP in thread": "Apagar do IP no Fio",
"Delete from IP on board": "Apagar do IP na Tábua",
"Delete layers": "Apagar camada",
"Delete Posts": "Apagar Publicações",
"Delete Selected": "Apagar selecionados",
"Delete selected layers?": "Apagar camadas selecionadas?",
"Delete your account": "Apagar conta",
"Deny Appeal": "Negar Recurso",
"Descending": "Descendente",
"Description": "Descrição",
"Detected": "Detected",
"Dice Roll": "Dados",
"Disable anonymizer file posting": "Disable anonymizer file posting",
"Disable Anonymizer File Posting": "Disable Anonymizer File Posting",
"Disable board custom CSS": "Desativar CSS das tábuas",
"Disable Reply Subject": "Disable Reply Subject",
"Disconnected": "Desligado",
"Dismiss Global Reports": "Ignorar Deúncias Globais",
"Dismiss Reports": "Ignorar Denúncias",
"Distortion Intensity": "Distortion Intensity",
"DNSBL Addresses": "DNSBL Addresses",
"DNSBL Enabled": "DNSBL Enabled",
"dnsbl_blacklists": "dnsbl_blacklists",
"Do NOT import untrusted settings data!": "Não importes coisas em que não confies!",
"Do nothing": "Do nothing",
"Don't store raw IPs": "Don't store raw IPs",
"Double click to highlight (%s)": {
"other": "Carrega duas vezes para ver (%s)"
"Double tap to highlight (%s)": {
"other": "Carrega duas vezes para mostrar todos (%s)"
"Draw": "Desenhar",
"e.g. 1d": "e.g. 1d",
"e.g. 1h": "e.g. 1h",
"e.g. 1mo": "e.g. 1mo",
"e.g. 1w": "e.g. 1w",
"e.g. 7d": "e.g. 7d",
"Early 404": "Early 404",
"Early 404 Fraction": "Early 404 Fraction",
"Early 404 Replies": "Early 404 Replies",
"Edge Effect Strength": "Edge Effect Strength",
"Edit": "Editar",
"Edit Account": "Editar Conta",
"Edit account permissions for": "Editar permissões de conta para",
"Edit board permissions for \"%s\"": "Editar permissões de tábua para \"%s\"",
"Edit Custom Page": "Editar página",
"Edit Duration": "Alterar Duração",
"Edit News": "Editar Notícias",
"Edit newspost": "Editar notícia",
"Edit Newspost": "Editar Notícia",
"Edit Note": "Editar Nota",
"Edit Post": "Editar Publicação",
"Edit Role": "Editar Permissao",
"Edit Role \"%s\"": "Editar Role \"%s\"",
"Email": "Opção",
"Embeds Enabled": "Embeds Enabled",
"Enable": "Enable",
"Enable captcha for all posts": "Enable captcha for all posts",
"Enable captcha for new thread": "Enable captcha for new thread",
"Enable Tegaki": "Enable Tegaki",
"Enabling 2FA will invalidate all your existing sessions and you will have to login again.": "Ativar 2FA vai invalidar todas as sessões ativas e terás que fazer login novamente.",
"Enforce Unique Files": "Enforce Unique Files",
"Enforce Unique Messages": "Enforce Unique Messages",
"Eraser": "Borracha",
"Error connecting": "Erro a conectar",
"Error reconnecting": "Erro a reconectar",
"Europe": "Europe",
"Events": "Eventos",
"Exceeded max asset uploads in one request of %s": "Limite máximo de carregamentos de assets em um pedido excedido de %s",
"Exceeded max flag uploads in one request of %s": "Limite máximo de carregamentos de assets em um pedido excedido de %s",
"Existing Password": "Password Existente",
"Expire After Time": "Expire After Time",
"Expire After Uses": "Expire After Uses",
"Expires": "Expira",
"Expiry": "Expira",
"Export": "Exportar",
"Export does not include post password or (You)'s": "Exportar não inclui passwords ou (Tu)'s",
"External Archive Links": "External Archive Links",
"External Archive Links URL": "External Archive Links URL",
"Failed reconnecting": "Erro a reconectar",
"False Characters": "False Characters",
"faq": "FAQ",
"Faster": "Mais rápido",
"Fetching posts...": "A adquirir...",
"Field Length Limits": "Field Length Limits",
"Files": {
"one": "Ficheiro",
"other": "Ficheiros"
"Files & Thumbnails": "Files & Thumbnails",
"Files Per Post Max": "Files Per Post Max",
"Filter": "Filtrar",
"Filter Auto Ban Duration": "Filter Auto Ban Duration",
"Filter Bans Appealable": "Filter Bans Appealable",
"filter hit: \"%s\"": "filtro: \"%s\"",
"Filter ID": "Filtrar ID",
"Filter Mode": "Filter Mode",
"Filter Name": "Filtrar Nome",
"Filter Subject": "Filtrar Assunto",
"Filter Tripcode": "Filtrar Tripcode",
"filters": "filters",
"Filters": "Filters",
"Finish": "Terminar",
"Flag": {
"one": "Especial",
"other": "Especial"
"Flag File Size Max": "Flag File Size Max",
"Flags Per Upload Max": "Flags Per Upload Max",
"Flags that can be applied to posts if custom flags are enabled in board settings": "O especial pode ser mostrado na publicação se custom flags estiver ativado nas opções da tábua",
"Flood Protection": "Flood Protection",
"Flow": "Fluidez",
"focus to load captcha": "Seleciona para carregar captcha",
"Following": "Following",
"Font": "Font",
"Forbidden": "Forbidden",
"Force 3:1 Banner Aspect Ratio": "Force 3:1 Banner Aspect Ratio",
"Force Anon": "Force Anon",
"Force Anonymizers": "Force Anonymizers",
"Force Reply File": "Force Reply File",
"Force Reply Message": "Force Reply Message",
"Force Thread File": "Force Thread File",
"Force Thread Message": "Force Thread Message",
"Force Thread Subject": "Force Thread Subject",
"Forfeit staff positions": "Forfeit staff positions",
"Fortune": "Fortune",
"Frontend Script Defaults": "Frontend Script Defaults",
"Full control of the board, equivalent to the BO. Can delete and/or transfer the board. Can only be given by somebody else with \"Board Owner\" permission. Use with caution!": "Controlo total da tábua, equivalente a admin da tábua. Capacidade para apagar/transferir a tábua. Apenas pode ser dado a alguém com a permissão de \"Board Owner\". Usar com cuidado!",
"Full control. Use with caution!": "Controlo total. Usar com cuidado!",
"Fuzzy Hash Images": "Fuzzy Hash Images",
"Gapless": "Ininterrupta",
"General": "Geral",
"General board staff permission. Access mod index, catalog, recent posts and reports. Ability to submit mod actions. Bypass board-specific bans and post filters.": "Permissão de staff geral. Acesso ao index, catálogo, publicações recents e denúncias. Capacidade de realizar ações de moderação. Bypass de bans e filtros da tábua.",
"General global staff permission. Access to recent posts and reports. Ability to submit global actions.": "Permissão de staff global. Acesso às publicações recentes e denúncias globais. Capacidade de realizar ações de moderação globais.",
"Generate Captcha": "Generate Captcha",
"Generate Limit": "Generate Limit",
"Geo Flags": "Geo Flags",
"Geographic Flag": "Bandeira Geográfica",
"Get block bypass": "Adquirir bypass",
"Global": "Global",
"Global Announcement": "Global Announcement",
"Global Ban Poster": "Banir Globalmente Utilizador",
"Global Ban Reporters": "Banir Globalmente Denunciantes",
"Global Bans": "Bans Globais",
"Global Board Owner": "Admin de Tábuas Globais",
"Global Board Staff": "Staff de Tábuas Globais",
"global filter hit: \"%s\"": "filtro global: \"%s\"",
"Global Limits": "Global Limits",
"Global Logs": "Logs Globais",
"Global Management": "Gestão Global",
"Global post history for %s": "História de publicações recentes de %s",
"Global Report": "Denúncia Global",
"Global Settings": "Opções Globais",
"Global Staff": "Staff Global",
"global word filter auto ban": "autoban filtro de palavras global",
"Google": "Google",
"Greentext": "Citar",
"Grid Captcha Options": "Grid Captcha Options",
"Grid Size": "Grid Size",
"Grid v1": "Grid v1",
"Grid v2": "Grid v2",
"Hcaptcha": "Hcaptcha",
"Hidden images": "Imagens escondidas",
"Hidden User": "Esconder",
"Hide": "Esconder",
"Hide Banners": "Hide Banners",
"Hide deleted post content": "Esconder publicações apagadas",
"Hide Deleted Post Content": "Hide Deleted Post Content",
"Hide post stubs": "Esconder totalmente publicações",
"Hide Post Stubs": "Hide Post Stubs",
"Hide thumbnails": "Esconder thumbnails",
"Hide Thumbnails": "Hide Thumbnails",
"Hide Username": "Esconder Username",
"Hide Username In Modlog": "Esconder Username",
"Home": "Início",
"Hot Thread (%s)": "Quente (%s)",
"Hot Threads Limit": "Hot Threads Limit",
"Hot Threads Max Age": "Hot Threads Max Age",
"Hot Threads Reply Threshold": "Hot Threads Reply Threshold",
"Hover to view": "Ver",
"I'm sure": "Tenho a certeza",
"Icon Offset": "Icon Offset",
"ID": "ID",
"IDs": "IDs",
"if enabled": "opcional, se ativo",
"Image loading bars": "Barras de carregamento",
"Image Loading Bars": "Image Loading Bars",
"Image Size": "Image Size",
"Images randomly chosen and displayed at the top of most pages on the board": "Banners são mostradas aleatóriamente no topo da tábua",
"Import": "Importar",
"Import/Export Settings": "Importar/Exportar Opções",
"Inactive Account Action": "Inactive Account Action",
"Inactive Account Time": "Inactive Account Time",
"Include Default Boards": "Incluir Tábuas Default",
"Incorrect captcha answer": "Captcha errado",
"Index": "Index",
"Index View": "Index",
"Inline Monospace": "Linha Monoespacial",
"Internal server error": "Erro interno do servidor",
"Invalid dimensions.": "Dimensões inválidas.",
"Invalid file \"%s\". Max banner dimensions are %sx%s and must be a 3:1 aspect ratio.": "Ficheiro inválido \"%s\". Dimensões máximas de banner são %sx%s e têm que respeitar um rácio 3:1.",
"Invalid file \"%s\". Max banner dimensions are %sx%s.": "Ficheiro inválido \"%s\". Dimensões máximas de banner são %sx%s.",
"Invalid file type for %s. Mimetype %s not allowed.": "Tipo de ficheiro inválido para %s. Tipo %s não permitido.",
"Invalid or missing \"Referer\" header. Are you posting from the correct URL?": "Header \"Referer\" inválida. Estás a usar o URL correto?",
"IP": "IP",
"IP Header": "IP Header",
"IP/Hash": "IP/Hash",
"IP/ID": "IP/ID",
"IPV4": "IPV4",
"IPV6": "IPV6",
"Issue Date": "Data",
"Issuer": "Autor",
"Italic": "Itálico",
"Language": "Language",
"Last Active": "Ultima vez ativo",
"Last edited": "Ultima vez editado",
"Latest Activity": "Última Atividade",
"Latest News": "Últimas Notícias",
"Layer": "Camada",
"Layer limit reached.": "Limite de camadas excedido.",
"Layers": "Camadas",
"Limits": "Limits",
"Links": "Links",
"Live posts": "Publicações em direto",
"Live Posts": "Live Posts",
"Live posts off": "Direto desligado",
"loading": "a carregar",
"Loading replay…": "A carregar repetição...",
"Local First": "Locais Primeiro",
"Local Stats": "Informações",
"Local time": "Hora local",
"Local Time": "Local Time",
"Lock board": "Lock board",
"Lock Mode": "Lock Mode",
"Lock thread creation": "Lock thread creation",
"Lock Thread Creation": "Lock Thread Creation",
"Locked": "Trancado",
"Log Message": "Mensagem Log",
"Log Messages": "Log Messages",
"Log out": "Sair",
"Login": "Entrar",
"Logo URLs": "Logo URLs",
"Logs": "Logs",
"Logs for %s": "Logs para %s",
"Lokinet SNApp": "Lokinet SNApp",
"Loop audio/video": "Loop áudio/vídeo",
"Loop Audio/Video": "Loop Audio/Video",
"Make links clickable": "Links clicáveis",
"Malformed input": "Input malformado",
"Malformed IP": "IP malformado",
"Manage": "Gerir",
"Manage Custom Pages": "Gerir Páginas",
"Manage News": "Gerir Notícias",
"Max %s": {
"one": "Máx %s",
"other": "Máx %s"
"Max %s files": {
"one": "Máx %s",
"other": "Máx %s"
"Max Files": "Max Files",
"Max files per post is %s": "Máx de ficheiros é %s",
"Max files per post on this board is %s": "Máx de ficheiros nesta tábua é %s",
"Max files per request is %s": "Máx de ficheiros por pedido é %s",
"Max Homepage News Entries": "Max Homepage News Entries",
"Max Reply Message Length": "Max Reply Message Length",
"Max Thread Message Length": "Max Thread Message Length",
"Maximum Distortions": "Maximum Distortions",
"Merge layers": "Fundir camadas",
"Merge selected layers?": "Fundir camadas selecionadas?",
"Message": "Mensagem",
"Message must be %s characters or less": "Mensagem tem que ter %s caracteres ou menos",
"Meta Site Name": "Meta Site Name",
"Meta URL": "Meta URL",
"Mime type mismatch for file \"%s\"": "Tipo de ficheiro errado para \"%s\"",
"Min Reply Message Length": "Min Reply Message Length",
"Min Thread Message Length": "Min Thread Message Length",
"Minimum Distortions": "Minimum Distortions",
"Missing .html name": "Falta o endereço .html",
"Missing file extensions": "Faltam extensões de ficheiro",
"Missing message": "Falta mensagem",
"Missing staff username": "Falta username de staff",
"Missing title": "Falta título",
"Mod Catalog": "Mod Catálogo",
"Mod Index": "Mod Index",
"Mod View": "Mod Vista",
"Moderate": "Denúnciar/Moderar",
"Modlog message": "Mensagem Modlog",
"Move": "Mover",
"Move down": "Mover para baixo",
"Move up": "Mover para cima",
"Multi Input Form Anon": "Multi Input Form Anon",
"Multi Input Form Staff": "Multi Input Form Staff",
"Must provide a file": "Tem que incluir ficheiro",
"My permissions": "Minhas permissões",
"My Permissions": "Minhas Permissões",
"Name": "Nome",
"Narrow": "Curto",
"Narrow Range": "Range Curto",
"New": "Novo",
"New owner username": "New owner username",
"New Password": "Nova Password",
"New Reply": "Nova Resposta",
"New Thread": "Novo Fio",
"Newline separated": "Newline separated",
"Newline separated, max 10": "Separadas por nova linha, máx 10",
"news": "Notícias",
"News": "Notícias",
"No active layer.": "Sem camada ativa.",
"No appeal submitted": "Sem recurso enviado",
"No bans.": "Sem bans.",
"No camera? Use this secret in your authenticator app instead": "Sem câmara? Usa este segredo na tua aplicação de autenticação",
"No Captcha": "No Captcha",
"No change": "No change",
"No Filters": "Sem Filtros",
"No Logs.": "No Logs.",
"No news.": "Sem notícias.",
"No Permission": "Sem Permissões",
"No posts.": "Sem publicações.",
"No reason specified": "Sem motivo especificado",
"No reports.": "Sem denúncias.",
"No results.": "Sem resultados.",
"No video/audio files in this thread.": "Ficheiros vídeo/áudio não são permitidos neste fio.",
"No.": "/#/",
"Noise Effect Strength": "Noise Effect Strength",
"Non-appealable Ban": "Ban sem Recurso",
"Non-color IDs": "IDs sem cor",
"Non-Color IDs": "Non-Color IDs",
"None": "Nada",
"Not blocked": "Desbloqueados",
"Not Shown": "Não Visto",
"Note": "Nota",
"Note: Setting board management permissions on an account/role level will grant them globally i.e for all boards.\nTo make somebody a normal board owner/staff, transfer them the board or give them the appropriate permissions in the board staff permission editing interface.": "Nota: Setting board management permissions on an account/role level will grant them globally i.e for all boards.\nTo make somebody a normal board owner/staff, transfer them the board or give them the appropriate permissions in the board staff permission editing interface.",
"Nothing": "Nenhuma",
"Notifications": "Notificações",
"Now": "Agora",
"Off": "Off",
"OK": "OK",
"Only notify (You)s": "Apenas notificar (Tu)s",
"Only Notify (You)s": "Only Notify (You)s",
"OP Reply Count Delete Protection": "OP Reply Count Delete Protection",
"OP Thread Age Delete Protection": "OP Thread Age Delete Protection",
"Opacity": "Opacidade",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Or, apply a role": "Ou, aplicar um role",
"Order": "Ordem",
"Other Mime Types": "Other Mime Types",
"Overboard": "Tudo",
"Overboard Catalog": "Tudo",
"Overboard Catalog Thread Limit": "Overboard Catalog Thread Limit",
"Overboard Index": "Tudo",
"Overboard Index Thread Limit": "Overboard Index Thread Limit",
"Overboard Reverse Image Search": "Overboard Reverse Image Search",
"Own Boards": "Admin de Tábuas",
"Owner": "Admin",
"Page": "Página",
"Page %s": {
"other": "Página %s"
"Paint Effect Strength": "Paint Effect Strength",
"Password": "Password",
"Pause": "Pausar",
"Payload Too Large": "Carregamento Demasiado Grande",
"Pen": "Caneta",
"Pencil": "Lápis",
"Per Thread": "Per Thread",
"Permissions": "Permissões",
"Pinktext": "Rosacitar",
"Pipette": "Pipeta",
"Play": "Reproduzir",
"Playlist": "Playlist",
"Please complete a block bypass to continue": "Completa um bypass para continuar",
"Please enable JavaScript to solve the captcha.": "Necessita JavaScript.",
"Please wait before generating another 2FA QR code.": "Por favor espera antes de gerar outro código QR 2FA.",
"Popularity": "Popularidade",
"Post File Size Max": "Post File Size Max",
"Post Filters": "Filtros",
"Post history for %s": "História de publicações de %s",
"Post password": "Password publicação",
"Post Password": "Post Password",
"Post styling": "Post styling",
"Post(s)": "Publicação",
"Posting": "Posting",
"Posts": "Publicações",
"Posts must include a message or file": "Publicações têm que incluir uma mensagem ou ficheiro",
"Posts not shown": "Publicações não mostradas",
"PPD": "PPD",
"PPH": "PPH",
"PPH Trigger Action": "PPH Trigger Action",
"PPH Trigger Threshold": "PPH Trigger Threshold",
"Preserve Alpha": "Preservar Opacidade",
"Pressure": "Pressão",
"Preview Replies": "Preview Replies",
"Proxy Address": "Proxy Address",
"Prune Files Immediately": "Prune Files Immediately",
"Prune IPs Days": "Prune IPs Days",
"Prune Modlogs Days": "Prune Modlogs Days",
"Pruned IP": "IP Removido",
"Question Text": "Question Text",
"Quote Limit": "Quote Limit",
"Range": "Range",
"Ratelimited": "Ratelimited",
"Ratelimits": "Ratelimits",
"Raw IPs": "IPs Nus",
"Reason": "Motivo",
"Recent": "Recentes",
"Recent Posts": "Publicações recentes",
"Recently bumped threads from multiple boards": "Publicações recentes de multiplas tábuas",
"Recording replay": "A gravar repetição",
"Recursive post hide": "Esconder recursivo",
"Recursive Post Hiding": "Recursive Post Hiding",
"Redo": "Refazer",
"Referer Check": "Referer Check",
"Regex?": "Regex?",
"Register": "Registar",
"Register an account": "Registar conta",
"Regular User": "Utilizador Normal",
"Remove Boards": "Remover Tábuas",
"Replayable?": "Repetição?",
"Replies": {
"one": "Reposta",
"other": "Repostas"
"Reply Count": "Respostas",
"Reply Limit": "Reply Limit",
"Reply Limit Max": "Reply Limit Max",
"Reply Limit Min": "Reply Limit Min",
"Report": "Denunciar",
"Report reason": "Motivo denúncia",
"Report Reason": "Report Reason",
"Reports": "Denúncias",
"Reports against or by ip %s": "Denúncias feitas ou contra o ip %s",
"Resign": "Abandonar",
"Resign from a staff position": "Abandonar posição",
"Reverse": "ImgOps",
"Reverse Image Search": "Procura reversa de imagem",
"Reverse Image Search Links": "Reverse Image Search Links",
"Reverse Image Search Links URL": "Reverse Image Search Links URL",
"Rewind": "Retroceder",
"Right click to replace with the current color": "Utiliza o botão direito do rato para substituir a cor atual",
"Role": "Permissão",
"Roles": "Permissões",
"Root": "Root",
"rules": "Regras",
"Sage Only Email": "Sage Only Email",
"Same Content Any IP/ID": "Same Content Any IP/ID",
"Same Content Same IP/ID": "Same Content Same IP/ID",
"Save": "Guardar",
"Save As": "Guardar Como",
"Save settings": "Save settings",
"Scan the QR Code in an authenticator app, and submit the code": "Usa a câmara do dispositivo na aplicação para detetar o código QR e depois escreve-o:",
"Scroll to new posts": "Scroll para novas publicações",
"Scroll To New Posts": "Scroll To New Posts",
"Search": "Procurar",
"Secure Cookies": "Secure Cookies",
"Security": "Security",
"See Global Post History": "Ver História de Publicações Global",
"Seen?": "Visto?",
"Select/Drop/Paste files": {
"one": "Seleciona/Arrasta/Cola ficheiro",
"other": "Seleciona/Arrasta/Cola ficheiros"
"Sessions": "Sessões",
"Settings": "Opções",
"Setup 2FA": "Configuração 2FA",
"Setup 2FA (TOTP)": "Configurar 2FA (TOTP)",
"SFW": "SFW",
"Show": "Mostrar",
"Show (You)s": "Mostrar (Tu)s",
"Show Post Actions": "Denunciar/Moderar",
"Show Post In Ban": "Mostrar Publicação no Ban",
"Show relative time": "Hora relativa",
"Shown": "Shown",
"Single": "Único",
"Size": "Tamanho",
"Slower": "Mais devagar",
"Smooth scrolling": "Scroll suave",
"Smooth Scrolling": "Smooth Scrolling",
"Socket error": "Erro socket",
"Sort": "Ordenar",
"Sort By": "Ordem",
"Space File Name Replacement": "Space File Name Replacement",
"Spoiler": "Spoiler",
"Spoiler File": "Spoiler Ficheiro",
"Spoiler Files": "Spoiler Ficheiros",
"Staff": "Staff",
"Staff Boards": "Tábuas Staff",
"Stats Count Anonymizers": "Stats Count Anonymizers",
"Sticky": "Pinado",
"Sticky Preview Replies": "Sticky Preview Replies",
"Sticky priority, 0 = unsticky": "Prioridade pinado, 0 = despinar",
"Strict Filtering": "Strict Filtering",
"Strikethrough": "Riscado",
"Strikethrough Effect": "Strikethrough Effect",
"Strip Filename": "Limpar Nome",
"Style": "Style",
"Subject": "Assunto",
"Submit": "Enviar",
"Success": "Sucesso",
"Supported Languages": "Supported Languages",
"Supports post styling": "Suporta formatação",
"Switch color palette": "Trocar paleta",
"Tags": "Tags",
"Tegaki": "Tegaki",
"Tegaki Height": "Tegaki Height",
"Tegaki Size": "Tegaki",
"Tegaki Width": "Tegaki Width",
"Template Cache": "Template Cache",
"Template Generation Lock Time": "Template Generation Lock Time",
"Test first in top-right settings if you have javascript enabled": "Test first in top-right settings if you have javascript enabled",
"Text": "Text",
"Text Captcha Options": "Text Captcha Options",
"The active layer is not visible.": "A camada activa não está visível.",
"The server acting as a gateway or proxy did not get a response in time from the upstream server.": "The server acting as a gateway or proxy did not get a response in time from the upstream server.",
"The server acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the upstream server.": "The server acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the upstream server.",
"The server encountered an error and was unable to fulfill your request.": "O servidor encontrou um erro e não conseguiu completar o teu pedido.",
"The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or scheduled maintenance.": "The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or scheduled maintenance.",
"Theme": "Tema",
"There are currently %s public boards, %s in total. Sitewide, %s posts have been made in the last day, %s in the last hour, %s in total.": "Existem %s tábuas públicas, %s no total. Foram feitas %s publicações no último dia, %s na última hora, %s no total.",
"There are currently %s sites and %s boards in the known webring. Across all webring boards, %s posts have been made in the last hour, %s in total.": "There are currently %s sites and %s boards in the known webring. Across all webring boards, %s posts have been made in the last hour, %s in total.",
"Thread from": "Fio de",
"Thread Limit": "Thread Limit",
"Thread Limit Max": "Thread Limit Max",
"Thread Limit Min": "Thread Limit Min",
"Thread No.": "Fio n.º",
"Thread watcher": "Fios favoritos",
"Thread Watcher": "Favoritos",
"Thumbnail Dimensions": "Thumbnail Dimensions",
"Thumbnail File Extension": "Thumbnail File Extension",
"Tip": "Ponta",
"Title": "Título",
"Title must be 50 characters or less": "Título tem que ter 50 ou menos caracteres",
"Toggle Bumplock": "SAGE",
"Toggle Cycle": "Reciclar",
"Toggle Lock": "Trancar",
"Toggle visibility": "Alterar visibilidade",
"Tone": "Matiz",
"Too many files": "Demasiados ficheiros",
"Tor Exit Node": "Tor Exit Node",
"Tor Hidden Service": "Tor Hidden Service",
"total": "total",
"Total Assets Per Board": "Total Assets Per Board",
"Total Banners Per Board": "Total Banners Per Board",
"Total Custom Pages Per Board": "Total Custom Pages Per Board",
"Total Flags Per Board": "Total Flags Per Board",
"Total number of flags would exceed global limit of %s": "Total de ficheiros excede o limite global de %s",
"TPH Trigger Action": "TPH Trigger Action",
"TPH Trigger Threshold": "TPH Trigger Threshold",
"Transfer ownership": "Transfer ownership",
"Trigger Reset Captcha Mode": "Trigger Reset Captcha Mode",
"Trigger Reset Lock Mode": "Trigger Reset Lock Mode",
"True Characters": "True Characters",
"Two Factor Authentication Setup": "Configuração 2FA",
"Type": "Tipo",
"Unban": "Remover Ban",
"Underline": "Sublinhado",
"Undo": "Desfazer",
"Unique File Enforcement": "Unique File Enforcement",
"Unique Message Enforcement": "Unique Message Enforcement",
"Unknown": "Desconhecido",
"Unknown Types Pass Validation": "Unknown Types Pass Validation",
"Unlimit media height": "Não limitar tamanho ficheiros abertos",
"Unlimit Media Height": "Unlimit Media Height",
"Unlink Files": "Remover Ficheiros",
"Unlist from webring": "Unlist from webring",
"Unlist locally": "Unlist locally",
"Unlisted From Webring": "Unlisted From Webring",
"Unlisted Locally": "Unlisted Locally",
"Unlock board": "Unlock board",
"Unlocked": "Unlocked",
"Unregistered User": "Não Registado",
"Update": "Atualizar",
"Updated": "Atualizado",
"Upgrade Ban": "Alterar Range",
"Uploaded %s new assets.": {
"one": "Carregado %s asset novo.",
"other": "Carregados %s assets novos."
"Uploaded %s new banners.": {
"one": "Carregado %s banner novo.",
"other": "Carregados %s banners novos."
"Uploaded %s new flags.": {
"one": "Carregado %s especial novo.",
"other": "Carregados %s especiais novos."
"URI e.g. /uri/": "URI e.g. /uri/",
"URI or tags": "URI ou tags",
"Use bold": "Utilizar Negrito",
"Use code blocks": "Utilizar blocos de código",
"Use detected": "Use detected",
"Use dice rolls": "Utilizar dados",
"Use ffmpeg For .gif Thumbnails": "Use ffmpeg For .gif Thumbnails",
"Use fortunes": "Utilizar sortes",
"Use greentext": "Utilizar citar",
"Use inline monospace": "Utilizar linha monoespacial",
"Use italics": "Utilizar itálico",
"Use pinktext": "Utilizar rosacitar",
"Use Relative Time": "Use Relative Time",
"Use Socks Proxy": "Use Socks Proxy",
"Use spoilers": "Utiliziar spoilers",
"Use strikethrough": "Utilziar riscado",
"Use titles": "Utilziar títulos",
"Use underline": "Utilizar sublinhado",
"User does not exist": "Utilizador não existe",
"User File Spoilering": "User File Spoilering",
"User File Unlinking": "User File Unlinking",
"User is already board owner": "Utilizador já é admin da tábua",
"User is already staff": "Utilziador já é staff",
"User Post Deletion": "User Post Deletion",
"Username": "Username",
"Username must be 50 characters or less": "Username tem que ter 50 ou menos caracteres",
"Users": "Utilizadores",
"Validate Mime Types": "Validate Mime Types",
"Value": "Valor",
"Video Thumbnail Percentage": "Video Thumbnail Percentage",
"Video/Audio volume": "Volume vídeo/áudio",
"View": "Ver",
"View Raw IPs": "Ver IPs Nus",
"Watch": "+Favorito",
"Watchlist": "Favoritos",
"Wave Effect Strength": "Wave Effect Strength",
"Webring": "Webring",
"Webring Stats": "Informações Webring",
"Welcome": "Sobre",
"Welcome, %s": "Bem-vindo, %s",
"Wide": "Longo",
"Wide Range": "Range Longo",
"word filter auto ban": "autoban filtro de palavras",
"You": "Tu",
"You moderate": "Que moderas",
"You own": "Que administras",
"You will be redirected shortly.": "Vais ser redirecionado em breve",
"Your post was blocked by a word filter": "A tua publicaão foi bloqueada por um filtro de palavras",
"Your request was blocked because your IP address is listed on a blacklist.": "O teu pedido foi bloqueado porque o teu IP está numa blacklist.",
"Your upload was too large": "O teu carregamento é demasiado grande",
"Zoom": "Zoom"