HAProxy configuration and lua scripts implementing a challenge-response page where visitors solve a captcha and/or proof-of-work (cpu intensive) task. Intended to stop bots, spam, ddos, etc.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
849 B

local _M = {}
local sha = require("sha")
local secret_bucket_duration = tonumber(os.getenv("BUCKET_DURATION"))
function _M.generate_secret(context, salt, is_applet, iterations)
local start_sec = core.now()['sec']
local bucket = start_sec - (start_sec % secret_bucket_duration)
local ip = context.sf:src()
local user_agent = ""
if is_applet == true then
user_agent = context.headers['user-agent'] or {}
user_agent = user_agent[0]
--note req_fhdr not req_hdr otherwise commas in useragent become a delimiter
user_agent = context.sf:req_fhdr('user-agent')
if iterations == nil then
--hcaptcha secret is just this
return context.sc:xxh32(salt .. bucket .. ip .. user_agent)
--POW secret adds the iteration number by the user
return sha.sha1(salt .. bucket .. ip .. user_agent .. iterations)
return _M